Hi ladies, Can anyone here reassure me or share their experience. I'm 4weeks +3 days or 12sp5dt. I've had strong positive tests since 6dp & clearblue rose to 2-3weeks at 4weeks +1day. But i started cramping - like shooting pains in my lower abdomen/uterus area yesterday afternoon and they haven't give away though the night. π Meant to be going in for my first BETA today but very concerned this is the start of a miscarriage..? π
Cramping for nearly 24hrs @4 weeks+3 - Fertility Network UK
Cramping for nearly 24hrs @4 weeks+3
Hi Pinky, I had period like cramping start during my two week wait and it continued for most of my first trimester. I'm now 22 weeks and everything is fine. Fingers crossed its the same for you x
The pain you describe sounds different to period-like cramping which is what you would feel if your uterus was contracting I think?
I had bleeding and cramping for a day at 7 weeks and all was fine. There are a lot of random things happening in your body just now and many of them are completely nothing to worry about.
It's still very early, I'm not sure if this is reassuring or not but apart from changing progesterone dose I don't think there's anything we can really do at this stage (or really any time in first trimester) to change the outcome. If it was me I'd wait it out and not rush to spend hours in the epu, see if symptoms subside. If no bleeding that's also a good sign.
Best wishes Xx
Hi pinky. By now you will have had the Beta hCG done, so hope all is well. Keep your eye out for any infection, so drink plenty of water. Good luck! Diane
a thank you Diane, BETA was good - 790 - but yesterday the pain was so intense i went to out of hours doc... they found blood and proteins in my urine so they prescribed me UTI antibiotics. The pain seemed to disappear this morning which panicked me and made me think maybe it was a miscarriage causing the cramps- but then they came back a little. My clinic has told me to start the antibiotics while they wait for the urine culture results. And on Monday i'll be 5 weeks so they've said to go to EPU if pain still present to check the location of sac in case pain is being caused by ectopic....
So terrified this initial BETA isn't gonna stick around so have another blood test tomorrow to see if it's doubled π€ Feel very unpregnant and unsymptomatic today which is worrying me π
They said because i'm not bleeding it's a good sign but i figured i'm unlikely to bleed on the amount of progesterone i'm on anyway right?