Which treatment for missed MC to go f... - Fertility Network UK

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Which treatment for missed MC to go for?

Preety1983 profile image
34 Replies

hi all

At 8 wks + 2 days I have today been diagnosed with missed mc. Heartbeat was found at wk 6, measuring 4.5. No heart beat today measuring 3.7.

After 3 chemical mcs I am shocked it is now a missed one.

I have to pain or bleeding yet and boobs bit sore still. Some minor cramps

Any advice on which method of treatment to go for will be appreciated?

Natural is my thought but worried may have to wait a long time. Any similar experiences please share!

Cannot believe is happening again!!!

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Preety1983 profile image
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34 Replies

I am so sorry for your loss Pretty, sending you huge hugs. For me I always went with surgical management as I just wanted it over physically so I could start to recover mentally. I was also always initially told to wait 2 weeks to see if things happened naturally and I couldn't cope with the wait - I just needed it over. I know other people feel very strongly they want to go through the miscarriage naturally but that was never something that was important to me. Whatever you decide I hope you heal quickly and have support around you, take time to grieve xx

Missl73 profile image
Missl73 in reply to

I’m so sorry for your loss. I felt the same way as Daisy and went for surgical. The other thing for me is I wanted to have the tissue tested because I wanted to find out why I miscarried which is more easily done with surgical management. Even though my procedure was done on the NHS I was able to pay privately (it was about £200 from memory) to have the tissue tested and I learnt she had a Trisomy 16 which was incompatible with life and it helped me to know that xx

Preety1983 profile image
Preety1983 in reply to Missl73

Why would nhs not do this test?

Missl73 profile image
Missl73 in reply to Preety1983

Cost unfortunately. The NHS only do further tests if you have 3 or more miscarriages as chances are it is just a one-off random chromosomal mutation and it won’t happen again. But for me, because I was having IVF and we were spending so much on fertility treatments I wanted to know.

Preety1983 profile image
Preety1983 in reply to

Thank you very much for sharing your experience. I am finding it very hard to make a decision unfortunately but reading the comments surgical does appear to be a sensible option.

Purple276 profile image

I am so sorry to hear this Preety. My heart breaks for you. It's totally a personal decision but I sadly had a MMC at 7.5 weeks last year. I opted for medical management as had already waited almost 2 weeks from scan to the second EPU appointment when they would allow me to chose medical or surgery. Sadly I ended up in A&E as had a complication so think if experienced again I would go surgical to avoid the horrendous physical pain and waiting in A&E. Many people have medical and it works fine so no reason to think this wouldn't be the case for you. Hope your body will hopefully catch up and sending you hugs and best wishes and take care of yourself xx

Preety1983 profile image
Preety1983 in reply to Purple276

Thank you very much for sharing your experience. Still no bleed or cramps which is very shocking.

On the other hand it is good I know about this mc earlier rather than a 12 wk scan which I would have been excited to attend ;(

Tarasunny profile image

So sorry you are going through this. I've had both medical and surgical management. I had MVA which is vacuum aspiration done under local after failed medical management after my 2nd miscarriage. I would 100% recommend surgical management it was over much quicker and much less bleeding and barely any pain.

Seren0119 profile image
Seren0119 in reply to Tarasunny

I agree with this - it is a personal choice but surgical management was the best for me; no pain; over quickly and helped me move forwards as much as I could. I am so sorry; I promise you will heal from this ❤️

Preety1983 profile image
Preety1983 in reply to Seren0119

Thank you very much for sharing your experience. I am finding it very hard to make a decision unfortunately but reading the comments surgical does appear to be a sensible option.

Seren0119 profile image
Seren0119 in reply to Preety1983

It is extremely hard - be gentle with yourself. I found the whole process very very traumatic, but surgical at least gave me control of the situation. In some ways, I wanted it to happen naturally because I wanted to feel the physical pain because the emotional pain was too much to comprehend, but then I decided I needed the simplest and most pain free option as I had been through enough. Also, I couldn’t cope just waiting, I wanted to move on and start grieving. Will be thinking of you x

Fairytale22 profile image

so sorry that you are going through this x

Nattsplatt profile image

I’m so sorry you are going through this. I would agree with previous comments. I had a missed miscarriage at 10.5 weeks in June and opted for surgical removal so that I knew it was over and I could start to rebuild and move on. I had heard too many stories of medical management not fully working and surgery having to happen later.

The surgery, although not pleasant, was straight forward and there was hardly any pain involved.

Good luck with your decision, it is a horrible one to have to make xx

Preety1983 profile image
Preety1983 in reply to Nattsplatt

Thank you very much for sharing your experience. I am finding it very hard to make a decision unfortunately but reading the comments surgical does appear to be a sensible option.

DreamingOfTwo79 profile image

I am very sorry for your loss, Preety, I hope you have strong support around you. I suffered four miscarriages, the last of which was a silent/missed one. With my first three I lost the pregnancy within 48 hours after the initial bleeding, it all happened really quickly before I was even seen by the Early Pregnancy Assessment Unit at my local hospital. With my last one, they detected no heartbeat at my 8 weeks reassurance scan and the baby was measuring small. I initially opted for natural management as with the previous ones, however it took until 12 weeks when my body finally released the pregnancy on its own. Not wanting to scare you, please, but what I hadn't appreciated was that the uterine tissue keeps growing in expectation of supporting a developing baby even if your baby passed weeks ago, so the blood and tissue loss at 12 weeks was traumatic. Unfortunately, follow up scans showed I still had retained some placental tissue so the EPAU suggested medical or surgical management. I was very apprehensive to go for the surgical option so went with the tablets initially, however these did not work for me so in the end I had to have surgery four weeks after I had lost the majority of the tissue. In hindsight I would opt for surgical management straight away, the procedure was painless and the physical recovery fairly swift. They also offered to send the tissue off for testing which I found helpful as it provided some answers. I am very sorry you are going through this, I am thinking of you!

Preety1983 profile image
Preety1983 in reply to DreamingOfTwo79

Thank you very much for sharing your experience. After 3 chemicals am shocked to experience a missed mc - were your previous ones chemicals?

Did you find out reasons for your mcs?

DreamingOfTwo79 profile image
DreamingOfTwo79 in reply to Preety1983

My first one I lost at 10 weeks, I hadn't been to any scans yet and experienced a sharp pain one evening shortly after which heavy bleeding set in. With my second one I saw a heartbeat and everything measured perfectly, however I started bleeding again without any prior indication like cramping and lost the baby at 11 weeks. I had a sizeable implantation bleed (subchorionic haematoma) with that pregnancy so one assumption was that this caused the loss but no one can confirm for certain. My third loss was an empty gestational sac at my 8 weeks scan after I had started bleeding, this typically indicates chromosomal abnormalities in the embryo. And my fourth loss was due to trisomy 16, it was the only time I had the tissue tested. My consultant believes that the first two miscarriages could have been caused by chronic endometritis but as no tests were done at the time it is impossible to say. The recurrent miscarriage clinic tested for blood clotting disorders and checked for anomalies of the tubes and womb but nothing was detected. I am currently waiting if we get any Day 5 blastocysts from our two embryo banking cycles, if so, I will be having the EMMA and ALICE test to investigate chronic endometritis ahead of any potential transfers.

I know this is such a difficult time for you to go through, you will find the most suitable way for you to manage this experience, there is no right or wrong way. I'm thinking of you!

Elmo13 profile image

Hi Preety. I am so so sorry for your loss. I had a missed miscarriage recently at around 8wks. I too wasn’t wasn’t sure which way to go but the amazing ladies on this site helped reassure me so I opted for surgical management.

I just wanted to get it done so I could start healing physically and mentally especially after reading some of the medical experiences. I’m so glad I did. I was terrified but it was fine and quick in the end. I went to the hospital in the morning and was out in the afternoon. That was almost 2 wks ago. And now I’m back to work acting as though nothing ever happened as nobody knew a thing- which is weird and tough at times.

Whichever decision you go with, I hope it all goes well. And I’m really sorry that you’re even having to go through this.

Sending love. Xxxxx

Preety1983 profile image
Preety1983 in reply to Elmo13

hi did you have to wait for 2 wks before opting for surgical?

Elmo13 profile image
Elmo13 in reply to Preety1983

I didn’t have to wait. I was 8 wks + 5 when they told me there was no heart beat and was referred quickly to my local EPU. They had to do their own scan as they didn’t accept scans from the private clinic and I was given an appointment a week later. They said to let them know if I started to bleed before then but I didn’t. So all in all I waited just over a week.

The decision was difficult as I was scared of getting surgical complications but for me it was the right one even though I was terrified. I don’t think I could cope mentally with the medical management. Up until I had the procedure, I was still experiencing major issues from my OHSS and still getting pregnancy symptoms like nausea etc so I needed to draw a line under things and start recovering. Also, I needed to get back to work as I’m self employed and had taken loads of time off due to the transfer initially and then the unexpected OHSS complications, and this just seemed like the fastest way for me to do that.

Wishing you well with whichever way you decide to go. Don’t lose hope. Xx

I did medical management with misoprostol tablets for my MMC and also for another miscarriage. I found it comforting to be at home and it was bearable. You can still get the tissue tested if that's something you want to do, it just means collecting the tissue you pass and taking it back to the EPU. Sending love and strength to you. I also wanted to avoid surgery as this can cause adhesions which give risk of future miscarriages

Preety1983 profile image
Preety1983 in reply to hoping_for_our_time


I have been given a container to collect the foetus - how heart breaking ;(

anjia profile image

Hi. I'm so sorry for your loss. I had a missed miscarriage two years ago at nine weeks (baby measured around 6weeks). I also opted for surgical management as like the women here I wanted it to be over swiftly. My body at the time wasn't showing any signs of letting go of the pregnancy, and the thought that I could be waiting weeks for the event to happen naturally felt a little unbearable.

The pamphlets I was given also mentioned that the my almost baby and the rest of my pregnancy remains would be cremated alongside similar . For some reason this really comforted me during the decision making process. I found the idea of my almost baby being cremated with all the other almost babies very moving.

Whichever decision you make, try to give yourself plenty of time to heal and process afterwards. Rest. Talk to your partner (if you have one). Reach out to people who can hold space for you. Cry. Shout. Rage against the injustice of it. You've got this. Lots of love and support


Preety1983 profile image
Preety1983 in reply to anjia

hello thanks

No cremation option was given to us

ButtercupGarden profile image

I'm so sorry Preety. It's such an awful shock, nothing can prepare you for hearing those words. I opted for natural (no heartbeat at 7 week scan, confirmed at 8 week scan) and it happened quickly once I came off the meds, maybe 4 days later? Physically it wasn't too bad, 2 days of real bleeding and most of it passed over one night. I was glad I went for natural but everyone's experience is different. Whatever you go for, I hope you've got support around you. Take some time off if you can and be kind to yourself. Sending hugs.

Preety1983 profile image
Preety1983 in reply to ButtercupGarden


I am currently off sick but really worried when I need to go back to work

Have not told work yet that i have miscarried

my body is still showing no signs of letting go of the pregnancy ;(

GB844 profile image

I’m so sorry to hear you’re going through this. I also had a missed miscarriage at around 8+4 weeks and was really unsure what route to take. I had to wait 5 days from the day of the scan until being seen at EPU. By that point I had started spotting and decided to go for medical management as I wanted things to pass quickly rather than wait for nature to take its course.

For me, after taking the first pill (the progesterone blocker) I started having cramps and heavy bleeding and so when I took the other pill that induces the contractions the next day, there wasn’t really any pain as everything was completed from the previous pill (if that makes sense). So for me, it was a quick process which is what I wanted.

I wasn’t averse to surgical intervention but I am a real worrier and wanted to try the least invasive option first.

It’s a very personal decision and i know people who have been treated each way and I would say that whichever you choose it’s important you’re happy with the decision and have the right support around you.

Take care xxxx

Preety1983 profile image
Preety1983 in reply to GB844


It is so hard to make a final decision;(

KediT profile image

This is heart breaking glad you are already getting different views on this because I don’t have an advise for you but couldn’t just pass your post. Im so sorry for your loss sending you love & light. You will pull through.

Preety1983 profile image
Preety1983 in reply to KediT

thanks it means a lot xxx

gerifit profile image

So so sorry to hear this, it’s so heartbreaking. It’s such a personal decision, but for me I didn’t think I could emotionally deal with the whole process of it happening naturally so I went down the surgical route (ERPC).

Sending loads of love and strength. Xxxx

Koala365 profile image

I am so sorry for your loss. Nothing compares to the shock of hearing those words "there's no heartbeat". I had a MMC found at an 8 week private scan I had booked as I was so excited to see my baby. This scan told me there was no heartbeat and my baby was measuring 7 weeks and 5 days not the 8 weeks 2 days we had expected. I then went to my GP the next day who referred me immediately same day to the EGu at my local hospital who told me I had to have 2 NHS scans as they won't count private scans. 2 in case the first sonographer gets it wrong, which was reassuring that there was that safety net. I had the first scan that day and opted to have the next one a week later so I could be certain that the baby hadn't grown as I felt if a week later I was still measuring 7 weeks and 5 days I could be sure no mistake had been made. At the second scan I was given the options of natural, medical or surgical. I initially opted for medical but although after taking the tablets on the Tuesday I bled, the bleeding stopped by Thursdsy and wasn't accompanied by cramping or clots or anything. I called EGU and they got me in for another scan on the Friday and confirmed the baby was still there completely and nothing had changed so the medical route not having worked they booked me in for surgical management on the Monday. The nurse said that given all the time which had now passed since the baby had stopped growing, in her experience, this wasn't going to happen naturally so surgical was the best option. If it happened to me again, especially having read the graphic details of natural or medical management miscarriages including people who were admitted to hospital with haemorrhage etc as posted on the Tommy Baby Loss Support page and other places, I would absolutely go straight to surgical management. I am actually very thankful that the medical management didn't work. I had no side effects as far as I am aware from the surgical management.

Preety1983 profile image
Preety1983 in reply to Koala365


The words sorry i cannot hear the heart beats keep ringing in my ears. It is horrendous

Thanks for your comments

TurquoiseWater profile image

sorry to hear this😢 I also had to make the same decision in the summer. We decided to go down the natural route as we had planned to go on holiday the following day and we both needed the break. I had had a missed miscarriage before so sort of knew what to expect. After stopping the progesterone, I started to bleed about a week after. We were in our own apartment in Spain at the time it happened so I was comfortable but it was very painful for about an hour so whilst I miscarried. It was very different to my first miscarriage. But it was comforting having that time alone with my husband whilst we both processed what had happened.

Make the choice that you feel is right for you. Sending you big hugs xx

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