Hi all, after another devastating failed cycle, my approach to these things (after a good old cry) is to brush myself off and say, right, let’s try again.
I’ve done 2 fresh cycles and 1 FET back to back but no success so far.
I wanted to ask people’s experience of endometrial tests (EMMA, ERA, AIice, whatever they’re called!)
I’m in the rather strange position of being geographically semi-isolated… we’re using a major London clinic but having local scans and prescription of meds. So that has meant I’ve had very conflicting advice at times (from different sets of doctors/nurses). To add to that, I work in healthcare and have had conversations with a third fertility specialist/colleague who isn’t (yet) directly involved in my care.
My local team are of the view that it’s just a numbers game and we just have to keep going until we get the embryo that sticks. They state that we’ve had implantation occur twice so that’s great news. I’m 39 so I guess it’s to be expected that embryo quality be a bit average
My colleague (not involved in my care) thinks we should be pausing things and doing investigations to find out why we’ve not had success yet - is there an endometrial receptivity issue?
It’s hard to know what to do. I just want to carry on, I don’t want to wait, I don’t want to delay the end point. But, if there’s a fundamental issue that we should be dealing with I guess it makes sense to step back and take time out to sort it.
Any opinions gratefully received!