so on my scans since I’ve started meds they saw some cysts and following that they were identified as endometrioma. I had actually been told downregulation might calm down my endometriosis, but now the doctor says the stim meds can make them grow. Feeling really down as Gad endometriosis removed last year, and had hoped that might be it. I know it always grows back but thought I might have gotten more than a year out of it🥲
IVF meds causing endometrioma growth? - Fertility Network UK
IVF meds causing endometrioma growth?

Hi yes there is a risk that endometrioma's can grow during treatment, and in general they usually grow back but it should not be that much growth to hinder anything hopefully. I have had 2 ivf cycles where endo cysts were present, they caused no major issues during treatment , I am now on my 3rd cycle and yet again another endo cyst , but they are saying along as it does not grow beyond 5 cm it should be fine. It is awful how quick this disease can grow back after undergoing an operation to remove them. back a few years ago I had a lap to remove a large cyst, within 6 weeks another endo cyst had grown, it can feel so deflating. I hope the pain is not too bad for you during treatment and wish you all the best x
yeah, I know that after my exploratory laparoscopy I wasn’t that keen on removal, but I got removal done so that it would give me best chance of conceiving naturally. Clearly that didn’t work! Is there any chance my endometriomas might get reabsorbed after treatment? I don’t want to have to get surgery again I can’t believe the waiting list for IVF is so long that my endo grew back before I got treatment!
you may not have to get them removed again, as long as your pain management is ok & they don’t get too large it should be fine for a while . They actually say it’s best not to remove endometrioma’s if they are a small before ivf treatment because the op can affect ovarian reserve or something like tht…. See how you get on with ivf & hope the endo growth stays low. I know everything takes so long with the waiting lists it’s very frustrating especially when we have this. X
Did you have excision removal? Stims can definitely make endo worse. Maybe you can freeze your embryos and then think about using suppression medications or further surgery before transfer? It seems to be what a lot of ladies have to do. It is a little more time, but might be worth it xx