Hi ladies
I wanted to see if anyone has been in a similar position.
I have a small endometrioma on one ovary measuring approx 1 cm. This was first observed two years ago with my first fertility clinic. They were not concerned about it and actively told me not to remove it because of the risks of reducing my egg reserve. My egg reserve is already low.
My new clinic share the view of leaving it well alone. They also say its small and not worth the risk of removing it.
I have no symptoms of endometriosis. I have light periods, no pain, and if it weren't for the fact they had seen this on a scan I would never have known. I had heavier painful periods as a teenager which I now wonder about.
Our diagnosis was initially unexplained but I wonder now whether endometriosis is the cause of my fertility issues.
I wondered if anyone has experienced similar and what you did. I won't be removing it based on the advice of two independent clinics and my already low AMH. I am not willing to reduce my reserve even more (so if any of your input could bear this in mind before you post please). But is there anything else I can do?
I feel like I barely understand the implications.
Should I be taking anything for inflammation when I am doing IVF?
I know about reducing dairy and Soy although my doctor says in moderation is fine. I generally eat well but I do have treats as doing IVF long haul you have to!
Any other advice is appreciated xx