Egg collection : *Sensitive & Possible... - Fertility Network UK

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Egg collection

Teebo88 profile image
48 Replies

*Sensitive & Possible tw*

Hi all,

Bit of a long post here so bare with me.

I had IVF in March - unfortunately suffered a miscarriage.

With the egg collection, they gave me 100something of fentanol, IV liquid paracetamol along with gas & air. However i suffer badly with endometriosis and they had to cut through my endo scar tissue to get to my left ovary, which was excruciating. I can't describe the pain.

We are looking to go through IVF again however are calling clinics to see if they would sedate me or give me something stronger than what I was originally given. (my husband doesn't want me to go through that again he was in theatre with me and said it was barbaric & that it was heart breaking to see me screaming an in so much pain)

Can i ask has anyone been sedated for egg collection? If so where? We are in South Yorkshire but are happy to travel - within reason.

I just can't put myself through the pain again. Unless hubby hits me with a baseball bat 1st 😂

Thank you in advance

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Teebo88 profile image
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48 Replies
Joeysjourney profile image

Oh gosh, you poor thing, that sounds awful!

I've been sedated for both my collections. It's like a twilight where I'm barely conscious but they can ask me things. I do remember a lot of the collections though including them counting the eggs like football scores lol, but I don't really remember a lot of pain except when he punched through a blood clot around my ovary. But even that was OK and the memory is hazy.

Sedation is optional in my clinic but my consultant insisted I have it due to that blood clot as he knew it would be painful. I have to say, I definitely wouldnt want to do it without it and would happily pay for it regardless of blood clots as I'm sure you would too X

Teebo88 profile image
Teebo88 in reply to Joeysjourney

Hi Joeyshourney, thank you for your quick reply. The clinics around my area who ive spoken to have all said that they dont sedate and are all moving to the "lighter" way of collecting eggs, which doesn't help me in any way shape or form.

May i ask which clinic you used please?


Joeysjourney profile image
Joeysjourney in reply to Teebo88

I'm Belfast x

Klndmr profile image

Omg thats awful! I've had 3 EC and I was sedated in all 3 and I dont remember a thing. Every time ive woken up already in the recovery room. I've actually wouldn't have it any other way.

Can you not request sedation as an extra? I definitely agree with your husband and I find I barbaric.

Teebo88 profile image
Teebo88 in reply to Klndmr

Hi Klndmr, thank you for your reply.

It was Care fertility that we have contacted and the only clinic that sedate are in Chester (which isnt that far) however they are not taking on any new patients because they have such a backlog of people wanting to be sedated for the same reason as me. 😒

The nurse we spoke to said that eventually everyone will be going to the lighter way of EC.

Am tempted to just bite on a wooden spoon and get it done.

Klndmr profile image
Klndmr in reply to Teebo88

I've got a friend from Doncaster not sure what clinic she went to but both times she had no sedation too. Second time was in August and she couldn't bare the pain so they didnt flush few of the last remaining follicles, so she probably lost a few embryos.

Personally I think clinics shouldn't be allowed to do such procedure without sedation, it's so cruel 🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨

Teebo88 profile image
Teebo88 in reply to Klndmr

Its so bad, it should definitely be an option given to people. I hope with the eggs she got collected they work for her xxx

Klndmr profile image
Klndmr in reply to Teebo88

Its absolutely must be given as an option. Ive heard of other places offering sedation only two days a week as they've got anesthesiologist going in only twice a week.

Maybe that's something that must be raised as an issue and dealt with. Xxx

Gerti2020 profile image
Gerti2020 in reply to Teebo88

strange as I am with care fertility and they sedate!, hope you find somewhere x

Teebo88 profile image
Teebo88 in reply to Gerti2020

I was sedated but only very lightly and unfortunately it didn't cover any of the pain

Gerti2020 profile image
Gerti2020 in reply to Teebo88

it sounds just awful, you did amazingly to put up with it x

Poppygarden profile image

oh bless you. That sounds horrible and very traumatic for you both. I’ve only had 1 egg collection but I was firmly asleep. I’m currently with an NHS hospital and my hospital doesn’t offer egg collection without sedation. Hope you find somewhere that will sedate you soon. Wishing you all the very best x

Habibi87 profile image

Absolutely barbaric. I had excellent sedation for both egg collections and hysteroscopy. My clinic is in London and I can dm you the name, but it might be too far. I think not giving sedation is just a way to cut costs significantly….

Teebo88 profile image
Teebo88 in reply to Habibi87

Hi habibi87, thank you for your reply.

It feels like that its cost cutting all the time.

I feel its very unfair to not offer sedation especially when they saw how much it affected me.

I feel stuck now, do I just give up my hopes an dreams of ever being a mum because they wont sedate me or do i just grit my teeth put my big girl pants on an bite down on a wooden spoon?

Habibi87 profile image
Habibi87 in reply to Teebo88

I don’t think you should give up being a mum, but you also shouldn’t have to go through this without sedation. Have you tried writing to the HFEA about what happened (or raise a formal complaint) and checking with them about other clinics ? Xx

Teebo88 profile image
Teebo88 in reply to Habibi87

When i questioned my consultant she said the reasons being was that the lab is next door to the theatre where the EC is done (through like a kitchen serving hatch)

They don't have anethatists at the fertility unit.

So if i was to be put to sleep i would have to be in the theatre unit which is the main hospital - not connected to the assisted conception unit. They would then have to transfer my eggs to the lab... And in that transfer it could damage or kill them.... So bcus of that they dont offer it!!

So on that basis i dnt actually think i could complain?

Habibi87 profile image
Habibi87 in reply to Teebo88

I was just looking at your clinic website and they definitely mention both sedation and the anaesthetist for egg collection (very misleading). I think you can definitely get in touch with HFEA for advice x

butterfliez profile image

oh gosh this sounds horrendous & must have been excruciating I am shocked that they went through with this ,

as an endo sufferer myself I’ve had issues with cysts , scar tissue etc & very difficult transfers in which sedation was always used. In both my egg collections I was sedated & was asleep. This was nhs though so at a hospital where sedation is always used for egg collection.

I hope you get some recommendations close to you . x

Lipe79 profile image

Oh my goodness that’s torture! Only had one egg collection and I was sedated and it felt like a general anaesthetic but much nicer. My clinic is in south east London. X

Teebo88 profile image
Teebo88 in reply to Lipe79

Hi, i think the drugs they gave me would have normally sedated someone, but for me it just wasn't enough. Ive asked if they could give me more or just knock me out completely but they wont😔

Oh gosh that sounds awful and I’m sorry you went through so much pain. Can you go with another clinic that will sedate you? My first IVF was early 2000’s in Sheffield and I remember being awake and in discomfort during egg collection, I had my second ivf a few years ago and was surprised to be fully sedated and don’t remember any of it - that was in Leeds. I would look at going with another clinic you shouldn’t have to be through that and it’s really shocking that you did xx

Teebo88 profile image
Teebo88 in reply to

We are looking at alternative clinics cur rently trying to find someone who will sedate or even put me to sleep. I think jessops gave me meds to sedate me but there just wasnt enough to combat the pain

in reply to Teebo88

I think you will find somewhere. There are clinics that will sedate you. Good luck for your next round x

Boo718 profile image

hello how are you? It’s maybe not an option for you but I had egg collection in Spain and was out cold for it. Slight dull ache after and that was it. Not sure about any uk stuff xxx

Kazbzzz profile image

hey! Would going abroad be an option for you? We had treatment in north Cyprus and they put you to sleep out there x

StarsAllAround profile image

Hi Teebo88 that sounds barbaric! I have had 3 egg collections in 2 different clinics and have been sedated for all with a milder anaesthetic where your not completely knocked out but you sleep, dream and don't feel anything. Each time there was an anaesthetic there to monitor me so if I became too awake they would give more anaesthetic. I was lead to believe that as egg collection is a proper operation it is the norm to sedate people for it. Did your clinic give you a reason that couldn't sedate you? Also PM you with name of my second clinic, they were really good did one private and one NHS cycle with them x

mrsturnertobe profile image

You poor thing, I’m so sorry you had to go through that, it sounds traumatising!

Definitely get sedated if you can. I wouldn’t have done it without sedation. Last thing I remember was the cannula and waking up woozy.

I’m in Brighton so a bit too far from Yorkshire but there must be loads of clinics closer that will do sedation. Good luck! Xx

hey! You’ve heard it before, but also wanted to comment. I also had the twilight sedation and it was fantastic! Felt fantastic afterwards. Can’t imagine what you went through without it!

I hope you get the sweet sweet drugs this time and I hope egg collection goes well!

Missfh profile image
Missfh in reply to Rollercoastersmiles

Ha, I agree, the egg collection sedation was the thing I most looked forward to each round 🤣

I wasn't even really aware there was an option not to be sedated, the 3 clinics I've used have all just sedated me without any discussion.

haylady profile image

in Scotland they sedate you so you are fast asleep and completely unaware of anything going on. I don’t think I could do it otherwise.

My_ivf_story_uk profile image

sedation and general anaesthetic are 2 different things. Care normally do light sedation which is fentanyl and midazolam but in lower strengths. I had light sedated for my first with Care but I felt everything and it was very painful. I asked for a GA the 2nd time but they said it could only be done in their London clinic as they have theatre there. So I just went ahead with a higher strength, I still felt it but it wasn’t as bad. I know lots of people have heavier sedation or GA when they have painful conditions so it is possible but you may need to keep searching and be willing to travel.

Hopeful_dream profile image

That sounds horrific :( I had conscious sedation for both of my egg collections in London. I was completely out for both and woke up in the recovery room a bit woozy but with no memory of the procedure. I had this twice last year and it was the standard process at the time so unless things have changed I would definitely contact other branches. I am based in Scotland but travelled (a lot!) to London for treatment. xx

Daffodils140 profile image

I was fully sedated for my egg collection, I’ll DM you my clinic details, I’m in Surrey but they have clinics around the UK. Xx

Daffodils140 profile image

sorry, I mean I was completely zonked out, it was a general anaesthetic

Lyndsbaby profile image

I've been under general anaesthetic for all 5 of my collections - so totally out whilst they are doing it - that's in Glasgow xx

Westcoastwestie profile image

I wasn’t even aware they would do this without sedation. I’m so sorry they’ve done this. I don’t know why it’s so hard to be taken seriously about pain with some of these procedures.

I was with Barts in London and I don’t think they do them without sedation. Woke up in recovery and my husband was with me minutes later. All I remember is falling asleep to the radio they had playing.

Teebo88 profile image
Teebo88 in reply to Westcoastwestie

I was sedated but it was only mild... And didn't touch the pain.

Something needs to be done though and we need to be given the option

Westcoastwestie profile image
Westcoastwestie in reply to Teebo88

I was so gone it was like I’d had a nap. it’s the same as the HyCoSy I was in so much pain I passed out. The lady operating the X-ray machine said she thought it was wrong they didn’t do more for pain relief. She said she saw women in pain/ pass out more than she didn’t.

Teebo88 profile image
Teebo88 in reply to Westcoastwestie

That's scary

Lamagarden profile image

I’ve always been sedated. Gosh, how awful for u. Hope u get it sorted x

Teebo88 profile image
Teebo88 in reply to Lamagarden

I was sedated, but only lightly and it didn't cover any of the pain

Lamagarden profile image
Lamagarden in reply to Teebo88

I was completely out and don’t remember a thing. On one of the occasions, I must have had a ‘heavy’ dose of drugs and slept for about 8 hours afterwards. On other occasions I felt not so tired/out of it afterwards. I’ve never felt or been aware of anything during the procedure.

Teebo88 profile image
Teebo88 in reply to Lamagarden

Thats what i am wanting.... X

Jen85 profile image


Ouch how awful! I was sedated for mine as standard at our clinic. They were excellent and i dont remember a thing 😊 we are bit far down south for you though

Teebo88 profile image
Teebo88 in reply to Jen85

I was sedated but only lightly which didn't cover any of the pain that i felt

MomaJoni profile image

Oh wow, the thought of going through egg collection without sedation literally gave me shivers. I am in Coventry and it's the NHS' standard practice to fully sedate for egg collection xx

Teebo88 profile image
Teebo88 in reply to MomaJoni

I was sedated, but only light sedation which didn't cover any of the pain

LaraCRGH profile image

I was sedated for all 6 egg collections, at a clinic in London - CRGH

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