Hey lovelies,
So any advice would really help me. I’ve had such a long ride to get to this point. My partner and I were approved NHS ivf funding in March 2021 (male factor Azoospermia) and it was a long waiting list (9 month wait). We, get to December and my partners sperm retrieval surgery is unsuccessful so we have to go down the donor route. This delays treatment as now we have to look for our donor. We move in to 2022 and our clinic tells us they’re shutting down due to a lack of staff and more importantly they’re down to 1-2 embryologists in the whole hospital. So after an additional 6 month wait this year we have finally been transferred to another clinic that will be fast tracking us to start treatment ASAP. All in all it’s been about a year and a half just waiting and my mental health has been on an awful roller coaster. My partner and I went to our 1st consultation at the new clinic 10 days ago, they have all our notes from the previous clinic and they said yep we’re ready to go and start next month. They said a nurse would phone to go over my treatment plan. I’m so anxious it’s been nearly 2 weeks and no one has phoned me. I’ve been calling and leaving messages to ask if I could have an update and as you can imagine with the NHS it’s just been super slow. I don’t know what to expect now 😔I’ve got it in my head that we’re not ever going to start this process. Surely someone should contact you to let you know what protocol you’re having and I would think I’d have to let them know when day 1 of my next period is etc. I’m feeling so helpless I’m just having to wait now until someone dares to care and replies to me with a phone call or email. Can anyone advise what protocol is commonly used and how soon I’d start taking medication or injections? Thanks xx