Just looking for some advice - had my third egg collection today and I took my ovitrelle trigger shot at the exact time I was told and was told the time my egg collection should be - however I was taken down over half an hour late - and got less eggs than I was expecting - could some of them have been released on their own accord? In that half hour I felt cramping like I do at ovulation. They were also continuously asking me about my drug regime and triple checking my trigger was not buserelin and asking if I was sure. Got to be honest I lay on the bed and cried myself into sedation
Taken to egg collection late - Fertility Network UK
Taken to egg collection late

How many did they get hun xx
8, I am doing pgt so need as many as possible. This cycle was meant to get me more eggs. First and second cycle I got 13 and 14 eggs. But ended up only freezing 2 and 3 because of the drop off. Each time only 1 was free of the condition. One resulted in bfn and the other was a chemical
Was this NHS ? How many follicles were being counted at your last scan?
I would think they schedule the procedure in a way that they give themselves a margin.
I was taken in late by about 50 mins at my last retrieval and didn't make a difference, I don't think so at least. I was very worried and agitated and they were all so casual and relaxed.
I know it's disappointing to get from 13 to 8 but is still a good number for ivf, especially if you are under a certain age. I hope everything goes smoothly from now and on.
Good luck!
Thank you for replying! Yes this was nhs. Trigger was 36 h before my supposed time of collection. Yes my husband has said good number - I guess doing pgd for a condition which is 50% chance is just a kick in the guts! They were pretty chilled until I got into the theatre where they were trying to do everything at once!!! The whole regime this time felt off! Now is the waiting game to hear numbers mature, fertilised, frozen and free from my condition!!
I was never given an exact time for collection, just to be at the clinic by a certain time and I waited around a lot. On the first one in particular it was NHS and I was in a queue and seemingly random order, then they couldn't get the cannula in my hand (of all things), the catheter broke and then it was a difficult collection so overall it was quite delayed starting and then took ages. That one we got 9 eggs and from all the follicles. Next one was private and more organized and quick and we got 5. So I don't think delays on the day (especially half an hour) make a difference to the number of eggs. Did they say on your earlier scans that there were more mature follicles and that's why they were asking about the trigger? If it helps, I was originally predicted masses of eggs and the clinics and I were disappointed with the numbers I got, but I have a 7 week old from the second round so the lower numbers didn't matter in the end.
That sounds super stressful!!they had said about 15 follicles but I guess you can never tell. Congrats on your little one that gives me some hope!! X
Yes, second time around was much more chilled but I was sedated on that one and not the first so maybe that's why I think the number of eggs retrieved is so variable between cycles and there are so many success stories on here with low or lower than expected egg numbers, but I understand the added pressure because of the genetic issue. I really hope you get some good news in the coming days and after on the testing ☘️
My consultant told me as long as it’s within 38h after trigger it’s fine; my first round I went in at 37h (as they were running an hour late) and got more eggs than I was expecting from follicle no. (expecting 5, got 8). It is more likely just one of those frustrating things. Good luck! Xx
For my retrieval 4 years ago I was taken in about 45 mins 'late' and I remember being really anxious about it too! It made no difference and was fine. All my fingers crossed for your 8 ✨✨✨! Xx
My understanding is there is a window rather than an exact time. Hopefully half an hour won’t have made a differeNce. Good luck with you 8… it’s a great number xxx
I think I went in around 30 minutes late for my egg collection. I was told that I didn't need to do a lat flow as I'd had Covid recently but then when I arrived they were running around trying to find a lat flow for me to take! Eventually they gave up as they needed to get the procedure going. I had five follicles (low AMH) and they collected an egg from each, four of which were mature. So going on that, I don't think it really impacted what they managed to collect. The egg that couldn't be used was too mature and was from a follicle that from day five was waaaaaay ahead of the rest. Hope this provides some reassurance. Eight is a great number, fingers crossed! xx
Sorry to hear you were so upset ❤️ we got 6 eggs (transfer before we got 19!) But they were much better quality and I'm now pregnant with that cycle. Huge good luck xxx sometimes less is better xxx
Hi, i had got only 7 eggs retrieval and they didn't gave any exact time for retrieval, from 7 three got fertilized, now i am 16 weeks preg