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**sensitive question for ladies who have had a successful pregnancy over the last year***

Masief profile image
33 Replies

***sensitive question for ladies who have had a successful pregnancy over the last year***

Looking for advice, my husband and I have been fortunate enough to isolate since the beginning of the pandemic. We've had IVF and then suffered miscarriages in between. Since early this year we've started socialising again, and it's been amazing. After a year, I'm ready for transfer again and we're both stressed about isolating again. Have any ladies on this group been successful and continued normal life without isolating? Did anyone get covid and it cause issues? We're wondering whether we need to be as regimental about isolating to keep us sane incase I fall pregnant. Especially as we're vaxxed and caught covid in April. Would really appreciate some guidance!

Thanks in advance!

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Masief profile image
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33 Replies
Westcoastwestie profile image


I started stims in October then egg collection in November. They did a covid test before I went in for collection but that was it. No advice to isolate or take time off work. I’m a teacher and travel on the tube so while I had a mask and was careful it was what it was. They didn’t transfer in November as planned because I needed a break from the meds. I got covid just after that and I think it was because I was so run down.

Returned to the clinic in January to make the plan for FET and started treatment in feb, transferred in March. All the way through we asked if I should isolate etc but they were not worried about that- jabbed and having recently had it I think the risk was low.

The only suggestion was if I got it again it could delay things. So we tested regularly and took a measured approach- how much do I want to do/ see this vs what’s the chance of catching covid and delaying treatment.

I’m currently 15wks with twins. So while I’m not on the other side the treatment worked and we were able to have some normality. (As much as anything is normal when you have IVF)

Masief profile image
Masief in reply toWestcoastwestie

Thanks so much for such a detailed response! It really helps knowing that you're living a somewhat normal life and you've been doing well. Because we were so careful last year, finding an in between is difficult. I don't need to travel and it's more social engagement for my husband we're trying to navigate. Bit this gives is confidence, especially as we had it in April!

kelsbels88 profile image


I had covid before being vaccinated then had 2 vaccines fell pregnant with ivf in oct last yr and we haven’t isolated at all just carried on with everything. I work in a school so am around others all the time. I had my 3rd booster whilst pregnant and we are now a few weeks from meeting our little one.

Do what you think is best for you guys lots of luck xx

Masief profile image
Masief in reply tokelsbels88

Oh wow, thanks for replying and huge congratulations to you. Such an exciting time xxx

Missl73 profile image

I’m currently 12 weeks pregnant with an IVF pregnancy. I was careful around egg collection because I didn’t want to go through stims only to not have my eggs collected because of covid (but by careful I just mean I wore an FFP3 mask in the shops and busy places but still socialised outdoors). Other than that though we continued to live a normal life. I caught covid when I was 7 weeks pregnant and while it wasn’t exactly pleasant baby is absolutely fine xx

Masief profile image
Masief in reply toMissl73

That really helps, especially that you are OK after catching it. I'm sure my having caught it recently will help if I catch it (if I'm successful). Congratulations on your pregnancy xxx

Babyrainbow profile image

My husband and I had 2 vaccines last year and my husband had covid in Jan this year. I did my booster to prevent a later occurrence before IVF. We went for our IVF in April with an ET on May 11. No issues or isolation was planned as i did my IVF in Prague and had to travel back to Netherlands. Currently 6 weeks pregnant. I have been careful when traveling or shopping with a mask, but otherwise trying to be normal as much as possible.

Masief profile image
Masief in reply toBabyrainbow

Yeah travelling abroad is the scary part. Amazing news on your pregnancy xxx

XOXO13 profile image

I had my twins in February and caught Covid when I was 29 weeks pregnant. When I fell pregnant, there were still some isolation rules about but as I progressed through pregnancy, those were wavered. I was nervous about Covid so I was careful, and ironically I caught it in the tiniest of villages over Christmas when I’ve avoided it living in London for two years! So all you can do is be as careful as you can, but don’t give up your social life totally! I would ask my friends and family to take Covid tests before I saw them and generally avoided crowded places for a long while but otherwise I went about my normal life.

Having Covid also didn’t impact my twins development.

Hope that helps xx

Masief profile image
Masief in reply toXOXO13

Wow after being so careful too! It's great to hear that the babies weren't impacted once you caught it. Congratulations on your rainbows xxx

Junk41 profile image

Have had three shots, got covid in Feb and again in March (Omicron). Transferred 3 weeks later (FET). No issues. Pregnant.

They only seem to worry about covid for collection time and some clinics will not go through with it so I would advice to isolate round that time but other times let your hair down a little, it all helps with minimising stress.

Wishing you all the best x

Masief profile image
Masief in reply toJunk41

Ah thanks so much. I've got a few little ones in the freezer I'm only doing natural FET. But I think we'll have fun outside as much as we can, be careful inside and give my husband space to see some of our friends in local pubs. I have immune issues so potentially having had covid might help, who knows. Congratulations on your pregnancy xxx

Sunnydays1111 profile image


I’m completely unvaccinated. I have a 6 year old from a fet who attends school and I’m 21 weeks after a fet again.

I haven’t changed life at all, when you have children already who mix with so many other children and staff it seems silly to then stay at home and not socialise myself.

I’m careful, I don’t get to close to people, I wash my hands at every opportunity but other than that I’m honestly living life as normal.

Masief profile image
Masief in reply toSunnydays1111

Yeah I totally understand that! I've got friend's with kids and my nephew too. They are little germ holders as they play and mix so much. Really helps putting it into perspective. Conon your pregnancy xxx

LizzieBW profile image

Hi Masief,

My little boy is +3 months now from a fresh transfer last year. I chose to have all of my covid vaccines in pregnancy when I was feeling ready/safe enough to do so and I isolated for the peak of the pandemic and then when things started becoming slightly more relaxed like restaurants reopening with masks I ventured out slowly, to food shops and then for meals with friends I knew were being sensible (although I knew this was no guarantee) and finally I started having social time indoors with a few select friends and family, without masks and just asked people to keep their distance. This was all ongoing whilst I received treatment and also whilst I was pregnant for the first time ever after over 6 years of no success. I was definitely really nervous about catching anything whilst treatment could be affected but I honestly just took it all at my own pace and comfort levels and accepted I wasn't in control of everything.

Ironically I think my Husband just tested positive tonight so first time our household has had it and of course worried my little boy will get it now. It's a constant background worry for us lot when things are so much more precious eh? so do what feels right for you and don't be afraid to change your mind and change it back again, to suit how you're feeling through your journey.

Good luck! Xx

Masief profile image
Masief in reply toLizzieBW

Oh wow, thanks for such great advice. It's been like this since 2019, always worrying being in treatment. Cancelling plans, infertility is tough and with covid and miscarriages to boot. The one thing to bring peace is seeing others, and I'm OK as I'm focused on pregnancy, I'm quite happy at home. But my poor husband needs social stimulation. I also think it's good for us to be as normal and stress free as we can. Like you say I've changed my mind as when it feels right. I hope your family will be OK through covid. Xxx

J3nna profile image

Im currently 34 weeks pregnant after a FET in October. Caught covid in January for the 2nd time and was actually not too poorly, but very worried at the time. Had all vaccines and booster. All going well. Good luck with your next cycle xx

Masief profile image
Masief in reply toJ3nna

Congratulations, very exciting times for you! So good to know covid isn't hindering pregnancy xxx

Vic2108 profile image

I’ve just had a little boy after a FET in August last year. I had my booster after Christmas- no issues at all. I also had covid before Christmas and again the day before my elective c section - hospital put my section back by 5 days and I had to be in a room of my own whilst I was in, but other than that no issues 😊

Masief profile image
Masief in reply toVic2108

Oh wow, you've had it twice. Congratulations on your baby. It means your baby has very strong covid antibodies too xxx

It’s really a personal decision. I got pregnant in August last year when there was still isolation but restrictions were lifting. I did a lot of research on this and generally anyone who was vaccinated was protected massively from the risk of still birth caused by covid. The most dangerous time for catching covid was the third trimester. I was quite worried about catching it. I had my booster in the December and then my partner caught it… just ending isolation in time for Xmas. I’ve never caught covid. Don’t know if I got super pregnancy immune or whether the vaccines did me well or whether I’m just a lucky immune person anyway. I’ve avoided people when I know they have covid but I haven’t gone out of my way to isolate at all. In fact I’ve been very lax wearing a mask. Hope that helps but it’s honestly your decision

Masief profile image
Masief in reply toPositivechangeplease

Honestly reading all these experiences has really eased my mind. It's a tricky path to navigate, going into isolation and avoiding being inside is triggering for my husband. It's a long-term reality we all have to live with. I think having been vaxxed and caught it, and being 2 years in since the pandemic started means all of us have a stronger defence against covid. I'm going to be as careful as possible, but not to the point it makes our lives miserable. We were at a friend's place for a bbq yesterday and then sat inside with a door open once it was cold. Probably won't do that as much getting closer to transfer. Congratulations on your baby xxx

Positivechangeplease profile image
Positivechangeplease in reply toMasief

Yes most people I know only isolated more when they were in the final trimester as the most worrying part. The other thing is the thought is that 90% of the population have had covid now so the chances of catching it again now are much slimmer as the immunity is high. Thank you and good luck for your transfer 🤞🍀🍀🍀

Jana483 profile image

Currently 36 weeks pregnant and I didn't isolate and didn't get covid either.I was careful when going out and meeting people but didn't isolate.

Masief profile image
Masief in reply toJana483

Congratulations on your pregnancy. Thanks for replying xxx

pink_lemon profile image

I did isolate (worked from home and only went to do essential shopping) until birth. I was too worried of premature birth of my double rainbow baby. Throughout pregnancy, when reading on a local fb pregnancy support group, most pregnant ladies were just fine, or felt quite sick with covid but did not do them any harm. I remember reading of two cases that hsd pemature delivery. One at 36 or so weeks, she ended up in ICU, from memory was tripple vaxxed. The other one at 27 weeks. She said she was caughing very very bad and went into labour that early unfortunately.

Your immune system changes throughout pregnancy and you never know how your body is going to take it. But most people I knew of were fine.

Masief profile image
Masief in reply topink_lemon

Congratulations on your pregnancy. It's useful to know what the risks of covid are too. My husband is a lecturer so in September he'll need to indoors with others regardless. So we'll just take everything as it comes. Hoping for a nice summer xxx

Bozo_the_pumpkin profile image

We did not isolate… just washed hands, wore masks and avoided crowds places. I got Covid at 8 weeks and got through it fine with no harm to baby and with mild symptoms. My partner got Covid later but I was unaffected.

I work at a university and also attend a course part time so am in touch with many different people

Masief profile image
Masief in reply toBozo_the_pumpkin

Ah thanks, congratulations on your baby! My husband also works at a University and will be teaching in September so this is helpful xxx

Pupster83 profile image

I think everyone feels very differently about how careful you need to be in regards to covid, especially now. We had a transfer in Oct, once had 3 vaccines and I’m currently 35 weeks pregnant. We were very careful to start and I met friends outside for walks but as things have opened up I would say we have cautiously gone back to fairly normal socialising. I caught covid off my mum in March after we’d all been being really careful and I was out on clexane injections for 10 days to prevent blood clots and felt pretty rubbish for 4/5 days. Coughing caused a fibroid to rupture so I had some bleeding and was told to rest for a week after I was negative and the cough annoyingly didn’t go away for almost 8 weeks so I was given an inhaler in the end to try and clear it, but all in all it wasn’t nearly as bad as I had imagined it might be. In the last week I have picked up a cold bug, from my mum again, and have had another nasty cough but it’s just one of those things. What I would say is that I think bugs take longer to clear because you can’t take anything for them. I’ve also tested positive for gestational diabetes so anything that was considered safe is now pretty much off limits as it contains sugar so just having to wait on cough clearing on its own. My husband has golf today and one of the four ball’s partners has covid this week but the person playing is negative and he was worrying whether he should go as I am due to be induced in 2 weeks. He’s been looking forward to playing the course for months and might not get another chance anytime soon so we’ve decided he should go, keep a distance from the person while playing and if they are staying for food after he’ll just come home to avoid closer contact. There is always going to be some level of risk, I think you just have to decide what you are comfortable with.

ZessB profile image

If you had Covid in April, I would not isolate unnecessarily personally. I caught Covid whilst pregnant and both baby and I are okay. I gave birth in March this year and caught the Omicron in April. I probably passed it on to my baby, who knows? On both occasions it was nothing more than mild flu symptoms. I think you should be absolutely fine to lead a normal life now! Good luck x

HollyT7 profile image

we didn't isolate, still went to shops when needed, didn't go to a pub or anything where it would be mega busy. We caught covid when I was around 16 weeks I think and was given (more!) injections from the hospital maternity team and all has been well so far, baby seems to be doing just fine 🤞🏼 xxx

Masief profile image

Congratulations on your pregnancy, thanks for sharing. I think our local pubs is where my husband wants to still be able to hang out in if our friends out. The local ones aren't mega busy and are full of a predicatble crowd. I won't be in there but if he needs to go as weather is so unpredictable here, then he'll go. We'll avoid massively crowded places!

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