Morning wonderful ladies.
So as many of you know our 12 week scan didn't go well last wednesday & unfortunately baby had stopped growing at 9 weeks. I had surgery on Friday to take over from my body, as nothing was happening naturally.
So we have 2x frosties and we've made the decision to try again asap. We managed to get a cancellation at the clinic yesterday. Our doctor said we have just been really unlucky & our body's do work together as we've had our son (whos 5) & 2x failed pregnancies. We feel there is no reason to wait and as I'm now most fertile for 3 months . The only reason to wait was if im not mentally ready. I feel ready, which is hard for people to understand. But I have to be positive, because the alternative is too awful to comprehend. Also it means if we're again not successful we can start to draw a line under this part of our lives. It doesn't look like we can afford to go again for a fresh cycle as 2x fresh & 1x frozen will have almost cleared us out financially.
So we can start The dreaded Buserylin again on 1st Feb, and see if we're luckily this time.
Sorry for going on. I needed to get it all down, there is more in my head but don't want to write an essay for you all 😂
Lots of love & luck to you all. Becky xxx