First time poster but daily reader here.
I was wondering if anyone had thoughts or advice about getting signed off from work by docs during the ivf process?
In my first attempt in Feb this year, which resulted in a BFN, I took 3 weeks off work. One week was annual leave and the other two were fertility leave. (My work allows 2 weeks off in a 12 month period which I know not everyone has and I was so grateful for it.)
However, I'm now approaching the start of attempt 2 (end of May). This time I thought I'd take minimal time off work, partly because I've used it all up, but partly because I felt that perhaps trying to carry on as normal and stick to a routine might also be helpful. My workload has been manageable recently and I have a supportive manager who knows what's going on, so I felt all would be ok.
But today I recieved a negative work email and it has sent me spiralling and tipped me over the edge. I couldn't hold back tears so I had to leave the office and take the afternoon off sick. I know I am overeacting to this one particular email and I usually have thicker skin but I feel as though it's brought on a mini breakdown. (I'm currently writing this with the worst tension headache and red puffy eyes from all the tears.) I think it's a compound of work frustrations but I know that the infertility/ivf journey and anxiety that goes with it is playing a huge part too.
I'm not in a good place and now worried that continuing to work through the next attempt might not be wise so I wanted to see if anyone had advice around getting signed off. I do feel guilty and cheeky as I have already used up my 'allowance' but I also have gone above and beyond for over 5 years in my job and at the end of the day, having a baby is far more important!!
Thanks in advance to all you ivf warriors who have already provided so much advice and comfort to me on this journey.