Hi all,
I had my egg collection yesterday, and 18 eggs were collected. I've just heard that only 3 fertilised (most likely 2 as one has a fractured zona and is leaking out). Most of the eggs were empty or fractured.
As context, I had 30 decent follicles showing on my 9 day scan with 3 or 4 smaller ones. As I was at risk of OHSS my trigger was changed from Gonasi to Busterline, which I believe is much less effective. The embryologist hinted that being over stimulated may have been a factor in the poor fertilisation as egg quality was poor, with lots of eggs fractured or empty. I was on max dose Merifert of 450. I stimmed for 9 days (having two days of Merifert left untaken, due to follicles showing on 9 day scan).
I did have a successful round in 2020 were 20 eggs were collected, 16 were mature, 14 fertilised and 3 blastocysts resulted. That round I was on 225 Merifert, increasing to 300.
I have been taking a huge number of supplements as recommended in It Starts with the Egg, including 400mg of ubiquinol a day. Also 4,000iu of vitamin D (due to a genetic variant and my levels still being a bit low even at that level of supplementation).
My questions are:
Has anybody else had such a much reduced fertilisation rate between cycles? Was any reason for this suggested?
Could the supplements be having an adverse effect?
Could this just be a bad fertilisation round? The embryologist suggested that each round varies.
Could the overstimulation be a factor in reducing egg quality? My consultant indicated this wouldn't be a factor and it was better to up the stims due to my age.
Could the change in trigger be a factor?
I'm not feeling too hopeful as on my successful cycle although 14 were fertilised only 3 made it to day 5/6. So if I only have 2 left in the game on day 1 things aren't looking great.
If anybody has any thoughts or experiences that would be appreciated.
I hope everyone is so doing ok and that luck is coming your way xx