I’m gearing up for my second round starting in June and feel like I need to make a few big decisions very soon about what will happen.
My first cycle I got 2 out of 6 eggs to blastocyst stage. One fresh transfer (failed) and second frozen transfer (missed miscarriage at 6.5 weeks).
My Dr. has suggested to keep the next round almost the same but to add in something to help me hopefully get a few more eggs than last time. She has suggested that I could have the EMMA test but was not sure if I actually needed it. She’s put me on canesflor pessaries anyway to help. Has anyone had this test and was it helpful? I wish they would say you need this rather than getting me to make the decision.
And then as the post title says.. has anyone had success with a fresh transfer with stage 4 Endo. My body was extremely inflamed and I had quite a lot of pain during the stimulation process - and so I wasn’t surprised that it failed as my body was in such a state. The dr has said it’s up to me if I freeze all instead. They have said it could be the endo that perhaps produced something in my body that the egg didn’t like but there’s no way of knowing of course. I just wondered if it had worked for anyone? As obviously everything will be prolonged if I decide to freeze all.
Im just really feeling like I can’t make decisions at the moment. I’ve been trying to find advice online but keep getting mixed outcomes and changing my mind a lot. The test is about £900 so if I really don’t need it then I’d rather not have to get into more debt.
Sorry for such a long post! Also just to add, I’ve had all endo removed apart from on the uterus tethered to bowel - but they said this shouldn’t affect anything. I also have a 4 year old that I conceived before I knew I had awful Endo. I also only have one working tube left.
Sending everyone support on their journeys. Xx