Just researching the two options and trying to work out which is better / more suitable.
We've had two failed rounds of IVF, both were fresh cycles, 2 eggs fertilised for each. First cycle we had one to transfer, second cycle adjusted medication none to transfer. Transfer for both were at day 5. No hormone tests done, no other tests on sperm done (other than they're normal).
Did those of you whom had a frozen transfer find it easier and less stressful than fresh? I'm thinking trauma to the body after egg collection and all the stims drugs still going round the system.
Did you find batch collection difficult? My clinic is talking about 3 rounds, but hasn't gone through timings / months etc just yet as we're deciding. How many rounds did you manage?
What day did you have your embryos frozen, day 3 of 5 or is that up to the clinic?
As both my fresh cycles were day 5 would a day 3 be better? Or does day 5 "take out" the ones which wouldn't work?
We're looking at another clinic, for a second opinion so if there's any research / studies you know of that may help me read up, let me know.