We are very new to this. Currently on day 4 of stims & clinic wants us to decide if we're doing a single cycle or 3 cycle package. We are getting pgs testing done after egg collection next week, freezing any embryos and then we're hoping to transfer in June after a month off all medication.
We thought we would do the 3 cycle package by trying to see how many embryos we could freeze this cycle and after testing we'd transfer one and so on until all of the frozen embryos (dream scenario being we have two or more of course) were used before attempting the second IVF cycle. However the clinic says we have to do back to back IVF cycles and only allowed to transfer one at the end of those 3 cycles! I don't understand why we'd go through 3 cycles and potentially batch dozens of eggs (we don't need that many)when we don't know how many the first cycle produces and wanted to see if that works first. Am I missing something? How do these packages work?