Hello! I'm new here!
I'm 28 year old mummy to a beautiful nearly 3 year old boy. I found out I had pcos at 23 after having no period for 15 months (this is very normal for me). I was convinced when trying for a baby that it wouldn't happen easily and 6 weeks later I was pregnant!!
A few years forward and we decided it would be nice to give our boy a sibling. We have been unsuccessful for the last 14 months and my partners sample has come back with some issues, teratozoospermia, low morphology.
We are awaiting our next Docters appointment, in the meantime I've been having many thoughts.. where do we go from here and what are our options, and are we selfish for wanting more! I find it extremely difficult to talk to any of our family/friends about this as the response is often 'well you've got one' the sadness I feel and disappointment is not any less because of that.
So I have hunted out this online forum in hope of a place to speak with people going through a similar situation, that can sympathise with the sadness we feel.