I have been spotting on my pesarie applicator for the last three days in the evening pink. I’ve had one instance of slight pink on a liner and no more on wiping. It’s mostly only on the applicators. Has anyone had this? I’ve had two betas done due to this 23dpo/18dp5dt - 8099 25dpo/20dp5ft - 14475. I’m not due for a scan till 7 weeks 4 days but wondering if I should try and get one earlier for some reassurance. Any help would be appreciated xx
Spotting on progesterone applicator. ... - Fertility Network UK
Spotting on progesterone applicator. 6 weeks pg. anyone had this?

Pessaries can irritate the cervix and applicators can scratch the vaginal wall. You could try inserting the pessaries all the way in with a finger instead as they will sit slightly lower and with less trauma to the vagina. But, you should also speak to your clinic for advice ASAP and if the bleeding increases call your local EPU. Spotting in early pregnancy is common and often nothing to worry about so try not to get too worried. I spotted a few days after BFP, which inserting pessaries with a finger stopped, and at 8 weeks that stopped after 24h with no obvious cause and no negative outcome Xx
I had brown spotting with my pessary as well, I called my doctor and she upped my progesterone and told me it's probably due to irratation from inserting the pessary vaginally for 2 weeks and I can switch to anal and I did and the spotting stopped
I also had this and it was suggested to me that it could be the pessaries. But I was also scanned by the EPU for reassurance so it’s worth asking if you can have a scan to check things are ok - the chances are they are (spotting at this stage is not uncommon) but it’s good to have the reassurance xx
Hi, I’m also having spotting on my pessary applicator and on my liner. Has been a mix of brown and some pink. My clinic have not offered any blood tests so debating whether to do another pregnancy test. My scan is on the 2nd. I have read it could be an irritated cervix from the pessaries, this could be the case for you? Fingers crossed for both of us, I understand your anxiety as I’m there with you xx