Hi everyone, can I ask what the HCG level should be for 8dpt?
HCG levels: Hi everyone, can I ask what... - Fertility Network UK
HCG levels

Mine was 159 but I had twins x
HCG varies massively from person to person and pregnancy to pregnancy so there isn’t a normal number. I’m on my second IVF pregnancy and my betas were hugely different. With my daughter it was 956 and with my current pregnancy (now 26 weeks) it was 86! Both singletons and both taken 11dp5dt.
The most important thing is the number is doubling every 2-3 days xx
There is no should. Mine started off at 32 at 9dp5dt. I was warned it was too low. It was slow to double but I’m 35 weeks pregnant x
Hi Lizzie, thank you for your reply. That’s really given me hope! Congrats on your pregnancy, I wish you every happiness xx
Hi Kibo, thanks for your reply. Wow, that’s really interesting! So I suppose it would be best to wait another few days. I’m really hoping it rises. Congrats on your pregnancies xx
Mine was 75 at 8dp.
Mine was about 730 on day 10 but I’m having twins. HCG fluctuates so much per pregnancy so it’s better to check your levels every 48 hours to see if they’re doubling. Best of luck xxx
Mine was 160 at 8dp5dt. That was after a very early BFP and on the high side with a singleton. It could be less if implantation was a later. I think technically anything over 5 is viable but it can vary so much so agree with others that what you want is the rough doubling over 2-3 days.
That was a great result! Very reassuring for you! I wish mine was that high. I’ve another test on Monday so really hoping it doubles. Congrats on your pregnancy 🙂
Thank you, you too. It was reassuring as I'd had two early losses but then this one went up fast and high and I started down the can it be too high, what does this mean (twins?), a huge baby, genetic issues??? route. From what I could tell after googling for hours, the variation is massive even between the same women on subsequent pregnancies, can be single or twins, no bearing on baby's size or an indicator of problems, and all that really mattered was an average trend upwards. Best of luck for Monday x
Do you know what you’re having MrsOrangeJuice? After being on my second one and having hugely different betas I’ve got a bit of a theory that gender makes a difference!x
Day 8 it should be pretty small for most people. Under 100.
Hcg levels vary so much from pregncy to anotherIn my first pregnancy I tested 13dp3dt and it was 168
In this current pregnancy I tested 9dp3dt and it was 100
Then 11dp3dt it was 275
I even suspected twins but it's only a healthy baby boy
What's important that it doubles every 72 hours
Yeah, I can see that they really do vary now. Wow, congratulations on your babies. Did you do ivf for both? Can I ask, did you check your white blood cells? Level? I’m curious because mine is raised now and of course I’m starting to panic about that too 🥺
I did ivf (icsi) for both and it took me a lot of transfers total 6I can't even reach a blast (5th day transfers) so I am always doing 3rd day transfers
In my country (I am not from the UK) they didn't check my white blood cells.
They only check hcg and then after 72 hours they check hcg again
And a 6 weeks ultrasound to see the sack
I know how you are feeling and the first trimester is worrisom but I hope you pull through and have a healthy baby at the end
Mine was 71 on 8dp5dt on my first pregnancy, and 154 9dp5dt on my second pregnancy (clinic tested a day later second time round for some reason). I think the most important thing is doubling every 72 hours. It can be an anxious wait. Wishing you all the best x
Hi Rhwy, thank you for sharing. I’m hoping it implanted a day or two later so it will rise by Monday. Every step is so hard, you think when you see the second line you would be so happy but it’s onto the next worry!! Have you had your little miracle yet? xx
Yes, unfortunately once you have moved past one worry another crops up, and it’s like that on repeat until the little one is in your arms. I always wonder what it must be like to fall pregnant and only get excited for the baby to be joining you without any anxiety! My little girl is 20 months and I’m 13 weeks with my second little miracle It’s a bit easier second time round anxiety wise as you’ve got a bit of faith your body can do it, but it’s still not an easy time. Really hope Monday brings good news for you
Mine was 52 at 9dpt. So it would have been even lower on day 8. It almost tripled 2 days later, and we got to hear the heartbeat at 7 weeks. Currently 10 weeks so obviously not out of the woods yet, but just an example that even numbers on the low side can progress well. Good luck xxx
Thank you so much for your reply and sharing your levels. I’m really hoping this is gonna be my story too. Congratulations on your pregnancy. Are you still nervous or have you accepted that you are pregnant? xx
Still quite nervous I'm afraid 😅 i was fine for about a week after the early scan, but then the worries started again... The wait for 12 weeks scan is just too long! Infertility really ends having an impact even when you do get pregnant 😫 I'll keep my fingers crossed for you and hope to hear good news next week!