Morning everyone
I posted last Friday with my low beta result of 42 and then again the following morning with my fairly strong 11dp5dt pregnancy test.
Unfortunately the cheap tests I use (which have always only shown a light positive) are now showing nothing. My hcg levels are dropping and this will be confirmed tomorrow at my beta.
We are so broken. I remember reading an article saying how uncommon recurrent miscarriage is and yet this forum and my current situation (this will be my 3rd in just over a year) shows me it really is very common.
I know people are only trying to be helpful and kind when they say think positive but I'm really struggling to work out how you manage to stay positive after all that?
I now feel I have no faith in ivf at all. I don't read positive outcomes and think that could be me one day. I read them and think that'll never be me because I just keep loosing babies and I don't know why.
The hospital also apparently won't class anything under 6 weeks that can't be seen on an ultrasound as a miscarriage either which honestly I'm so shocked by.
I dunno what to do. My partner suffers from depression and for his sake I try to stay strong and I remind him that we can get pregnant and I have faith it'll work for us one day. It's lies, I have no faith. I just don't want to upset him by being so negative.
Can anyone recommend anywhere I could have some private testing done and what sort of testing I might be looking to have?
Thank you x