Hi, I have read so many similar posts to this and my heart goes out to all of us that are still treading this seemingly never ending road. We have been trying for a baby for over five years, I am in my forties my husband is 38. My periods have been regular 28 days ovulation 12/14 until recently. I have had one AMH test a year ago that was just above normal for my age. I have mild hypothyroidism but have got it under 1 for two years now, general health fine until recently. Bought ‘that book’ read it religiously and followed plans, as did husband. So what is this recent downhill health concern: pain and lots of it, in my lower back, low pelvis, sides. Took a very deep breath and went to female GP who found blood in my urine and wanted scans asap for all reproductive parts and kidneys. Went on Saturday but today my worried head has now moved into scared and it’s not like me to panic. The nurses would not tell me anything at the scan clinic but quietly said they needed time to analyse the images, again I asked if there was anything to be concerned with but again they repeated the above. I am at the hospital this week for all the fertility tests, AMH, FSH and oestradiol and more bloods for general health and thyroid. I have never felt so exhausted and terrified. It’s like beyond praying for a pregnancy now and just wanting to be safe! It’s starting to worry me that all the supplements have made me very poorly.
Health is failing, have i overdosed o... - Fertility Network UK
Health is failing, have i overdosed on supplements?

So sorry to read this, this must be a worrying and stressful time for you.
As far as I am aware the supplements in the book are safe, though some of them such as DHEA and melatonin are only recommended for specific cases.
It sounds like you have done the right thing going to get checked out, you are in the best possible hands now. Have they said when you will get your results? X
Thank you so much for replying, I think in the next fortnight my fertility status will be revealed and I am already sinking into the grief realm. I have been so angry with the world over the past few days, cursing the lack of dignity and education on family planning in schools! We are told not to get pregnant or STD’s over and over but we are not told the story of our bodies and their journey and when it’s the end. I feel sad and lost and angry at my own ignorance. What a scrabble at the end for some of us and what a huge windfall for the supplement companies.
Hi troupe, I just wanted to say I’m really sorry to hear you’re going through this really worrying time on top of the stress of fertility tests as well. I know how difficult the wait for results can be, to find out what is wrong with you. I’m not medical in any way but I can’t imagine any of the supplement you take for fertility could cause this. The symptoms sound quite typical of a UTI but I would have imagined they would have given you antibiotics straight away for that. I hope you don’t have too long to wait to hear back from your scans - the waiting is really the hardest bit - and that they can get things sorted for you quickly. All the best xx
Thank you for replying, it’s so nice to talk about this at last. I was put on three days of antibiotics to make sure it’s not UTI, never react well to these but my GP thinks it either kidneys or gynaecological. I have stopped all supplements apart from pre conception Vits.
So sorry to hear this, as PinkPanther said, you’ve done the right thing by going to your GP. If it is linked to supplements, hopefully they can make the link so you can removed what you don’t need from your daily regime.
A couple of months ago I started taking a pre-conception multi vitamin which was quite a bit more expensive and stronger than most. Luckily, I was only taking it for a short time but when I did go to my GP for an unrelated blood test, they flagged that my liver profile was higher than it should be. I have had lots of bloods in the past so the only connection I could make was with the vitamins I had been taking! I’ve cut them out and have just been sticking to vitamin D, Folic Acid and a vitamin B complex because I have always been a bit low in B12.
I also bought that book but to be honest felt so overwhelmed by the number of things listed that I decided to leave it. I know what it’s like though! Just the other day my acupuncturist recommend ubiniquol which I’ve not spent £50 on and I’m kind of scared to start taking it!
I really hope you get to the bottom of it and more importantly that you are ok. xx
Thank you so much for your kind words. This journey to have a baby has been so hard and so lonely. I have no family and my dearest friends live hundreds of miles away. I had a miscarriage this time last year and going to the scans (again alone, thanks covid) surfaced all the terror and pain. I am hoping for feedback by the end of this week.
I'm so sorry to hear that <3 it sounds like you have been through a lot. It can feel like a lonely journey even when you do have friends and family close by so I can only imagine how it's been for that not to be the case.
Stay strong, you've got this and as Anilana said you are taking the right steps to get to the bottom of what's going on. I hope you find answers soon. Try to do the things that you make you happy and lean on the community here for support. xx
Dear Troupe, please please do not worry! Sounds like you are on right track-investigations! If you worry about taking supplements, why not have a break until you have the consultation on findings? I can empathies with you on fertility, I am too, on the journey for years. We are here for each other in happiness and sad times......
I should say you are been brave! still on this journey and keeping faith! Next week is not far away.....try to go out, get some fresh air....call your family...even they are miles away, they are still call away...I have my family miles away too...Sending lots of love & blessings. Take care Xxx