I am 32 years old, I have lupus nephritis and recently discovered that I have low AMH
- First test I did with a healthcare company who provides general health checks was 0.195pmol/l
- Second test I did with my fertility clinic came back at 2.6 pmol/l
I had 6 follicles the last time I was scanned.
I suffer from proteinuria because of my lupus so I can’t get pregnant until this improves, when it does I then I need to change medication and be off my current medication for 3 months so I am going down the route of freezing embryos until such time (as per my Nephrology Dr I hopefully should be ready by middle of 2024!)
When speaking to my fertility consultant she made me feel like I could have no eggs by next year so I have been very stressed as I know women with low AMH tend to retrieve less eggs. I also have the added complication of my lupus as it means I have to wait to try any embryos I manage to freeze which puts additional pressure on how many I get! I also don’t want to physically stress my body out with back to back cycles.
Would like to hear of other people’s experience of dealing with time pressure and if anyone also has lupus it would be great to hear about it, I don’t know any other people with lupus, let alone those with lupus also having ivf!
Have a great day and thanks for reading 😊