Inhixa pregnant 5 weeks 4 days and bl... - Fertility Network UK

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Inhixa pregnant 5 weeks 4 days and bleeding

Hopeful2021 profile image
20 Replies

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First time posting on here.. looking for some sort of miracle …. 4 ivf cycles, 5 th transfer 24/11/21 BFP… so so strong in fact ( where the control line is faint)… yesterday 19 days post transfer I had a sudden painless gush of fresh red bleeding which soaked through all my clothes (sorry TMI) which hasn’t stopped…. Few small clots.

Tested again this morning still positive (been 12 hours since the bleed started)

I am ok inhixa daily and lubion and pessaries twice a day,..

Anyone been on inhixa ans had this ??? Is it over and I just need to air for hcg to drop and the lines to become fainter…. 😞

Feel so alone and sad.

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Hopeful2021 profile image
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20 Replies
Hopeful2021 profile image

Just wanted to add I have a balanced translocation meaning my embryos got sent for PGD testing and this embryo was hatching and essentially genetically normal ….

Prior being diagnosed with a balanced tranloscation. Had a miscarriage at 5 weeks 3 days as well (in total 2 miscarriages in 2020)

JA-fnuk profile image
JA-fnukPartnerNurseFertility Network UK

Hi Hopeful2021Hope every thing settles - you sometimes can have some bleeding especially if using pessaries

Thinking of you


Hopeful2021 profile image
Hopeful2021 in reply to JA-fnuk

Thanks for your reply…. Hard to believe this much bleeding is from pessary irritation - had browny discharge with this early on post transfer but that fully settled. It’s just the unknown of having positive pregnancy test but still bleeding so much that leaves me so anxious and sad. Thank you for taking the time to reply :)

Jezzabelle profile image

I would speak to your IVF clinic. It’s likely you need to stop the blood thinners to allow the bleeding to subside. X

Hopeful2021 profile image
Hopeful2021 in reply to Jezzabelle

Thank you- I have left a voicemail to ask the nurses to ask my consultant if I should stop my inhixa - the nurses didn’t tell me to stop yesterday when I called them about the bleed but this was my thought all night so hopefully they will get back to me… thank you for your reply x

Hi I had a two massive bleeds on Thursday (it too soaked through my clothes) after being diagnosed with a subchorionic hematoma last Monday.

I was 6 + 3 days pregnant when I had the bleed.

Are you still bleeding heavily or was it more of a gush then stopped?

I was sure I was miscarrying due to the amount of blood I passed so I went straight to A&E. To my shock babys heartbeat was still there! They said it was the hematoma that I bled out as when I got scanned the hematoma was 1/4 of the size it was on Monday.

I would definitely go get a early scan just to put your mind at ease. I called my IVF clinic when I started bleeding and they told me to go to A&E.

Wish you all the best ❤️

Hopeful2021 profile image
Hopeful2021 in reply to

Oh thank you for your reply! I was so tempted to go a and e all night! I’m still bleeding but not as heavy but still got occasional clots. I’m onto 5 weeks 4 days so I don’t think they would scan me would they? I always thought subchorionic haematoma was from 10 weeks only…. I may give epau a call…

So glad your baby is ok- i have been a mess all night thinking it’s all over because of the bright red bleeding and it being constant… did a and e scan u?

in reply to Hopeful2021

After my second gush the bleeding started slowing down and turned brown but I bled for a couple days. Was also bleeding from Monday but nowhere near as bad.

Yes I would give EPU a call, on Monday when I went to A&E they didn't scan me there but sent me to the EPU as the bleeding wasn't too heavy.

On Thursday when I had the big gushes of blood A&E put a canula in me ready to give me fluids and scanned me due to the amount of blood I lost. They used a external ultrasound as they don't have internal there and just about found the heartbeat so not sure if the external would see anything for you.

5+4 days is probably to early to see the heartbeat but the internal scan would be able to see that gestational sac and yolk sac is still there.

The good news is that the bleeding is stopping so I would hold on to some hope until you know for sure. I know it's absolutely terrifying.

Definitely give EPU a call just so you're not sitting there worrying all day ❤

I really hope it turns out OK 🤞🏻🙏🏻

Hopeful2021 profile image
Hopeful2021 in reply to

Oh I’m so glad your ok! Honestly the emotions with this bleeding and the feeling of doom is insane! So glad you got the reassurance u needed! Fingers crossed no more heavy bleeding for you!

Have you got any pregnancy symptoms? I really don’t slightly sore boobs but that’s the progesterone and even that is slight and comes and goes …. So hard to tell

Yes going to contact epau but thought they would only accept gp referrals …

Thanks again lovely ❤️

in reply to Hopeful2021

I know it's absolutely terrifying! Bless you for dealing with this all night! I had a panic attack and had go go to A&E just so I knew what was happening.

I've had pretty bad morning sickness from exactly 6 weeks, sore boobs but not constantly. Yesterday I panicked as my boobs didn't hurt all day and I wasn't sick at all. This morning the sickness came back with a vengeance.

I know everyone is different with symptoms. My friend had twins and she didn't have morning sickness at all! Her boobs only started hurting when she was about 20 weeks so don't read into symptoms too much as hard as it is!

You're very welcome! Keep me updated ❤

Hopeful2021 profile image
Hopeful2021 in reply to

Ahh the rollercoaster of symptoms is mad! My encounter with epau is below in a reply to kibo… don’t know what to do wether to just buy hcg kit, it’s heart breaking bleeding and seeing a positive 😞

KiboXX profile image

Oh lovely, I’m so sorry you’re having such a stressful time! As others have mentioned, it does sound like you might have a subchorionic haematoma. I had one with my current pregnancy, huge bleed at 9 weeks that soaked through my clothes. The fact yours is as painless definitely sounds like it could be a SCH. Best thing to do is call the Early Pregnancy Unit at your hospital for advice xxx

Hopeful2021 profile image
Hopeful2021 in reply to KiboXX

Hi thank you for your reply! So hard to know isn’t it… so glad your bleed wasn’t anything serious! I just feel i must be too early for SCH?! I am still intermittently bleeding fresh red. I called epau - I have to say for a department that is dealing with anxious ladies they aren’t very empathetic! They said scan pointless as won’t see anything and I asked for serial bloods at least and she said would only show my body producing hcg she said they wouldn’t do this for me- I said well if it declines in 2-3 days at least I know I’m miscarrying as my pregnancy test will be positive god knows how long. All she said was the scanning department will contact me for a scan once I’m 6 weeks 🥺 feel a bit disheartened - at least the hcg direction over next could of days would have given me some indication of what to expect… so hard :(

KiboXX profile image
KiboXX in reply to Hopeful2021

Really sorry the EPU haven’t been more understanding ☹️ I think SCH can happen at anytime early on and as Millbanks said, they are more common in IVF pregnancies. After my big bleed, I had bright red blood when I wiped for a couple of days which eventually turned to brown spotting. Luckily mine was resolved after that but I know some ladies have had several bleeding episodes before it resolves itself.

I have had a miscarriage before around the time you are now, it was on my first IVF cycle and I had a lot of pain with the bleeding. It started slow and gradually got heavier and heavier over the course of a few days. The fact you had a big gush and no pain does make it sound more like an SCH so I really hope that’s the case for you. I know it’s so worrying though xxx

Hopeful2021 profile image
Hopeful2021 in reply to KiboXX

Thank you kibo xx means a lot x

in reply to Hopeful2021

Wow I'm so sorry you had to deal with such an insensitive person! I've seen people have scans at 5 weeks but maybe every place is different. Still she could of been more sympathetic to the situation!

Yes what KiboXX and Millbanks said about there being no pain is a good sign!

I can't believe what your clinic said about your meds! How no one told you yesterday is shocking. Hopefully now that you've stopped them the bleeding will calm down ❤

GBB87 profile image
GBB87 in reply to Hopeful2021

Hi Hopeful, we’re on a similar boat right now. On Saturday my wife had a sudden down flow of red blood at 5 weeks 3 days. She continued to have reddish, pinkish, and brownish spotting when she wiped, with very very little on her underwear all of Saturday and Sunday. Since that one down flow it has gradually lessened but hasn’t totally gone away. Yesterday she still had some spotting when she wiped but almost none that went down to her underwear. Same today. So not sure if this is a little different than your situation.

Anyway, We finally were able to speak to our doctor yesterday and I’ll share what he told us and you can see if it’s helpful to you. First he said that spotting and even light bleeding is quite common in early pregnancy. He said he always prefers to have no bleeding but that it happens. Secondly he said that he wants to do a scan on Wednesday (at exactly 6 weeks) but he advised that even though he would be able to confirm that the gestational and yolk sacks are both still there or not, he could not however guarantee we would be able to hear a heartbeat to fully confirm all was ok. So he said if we didn’t hear a heartbeat he’d want us to come in again on Friday where he thinks he should definitely be able to at that point.

I hope this info is somewhat helpful and I hope your bleed (and ours) turn our to be nothing at all. Good luck to you.

Hopeful2021 profile image
Hopeful2021 in reply to GBB87

Hi GBB87 thank you for replying! How scary for your wife and so nice your consultant can give you that reassurance scan- how did it go today? I hope it went well!!! It’s more reassuring your wife’s bleeding tailed off…

I have had constant fresh red gushes (sorry for the too

Much info!). Still happening today… but painless but it’s such an emotional rollercoaster it’s draining me!

Xx thinking of u and ur wife xx

Millbanks profile image

I had a SCH too - they are so terrifying but often the cause of bleeding - even in the early weeks. They are much more common in IVF pregnancies - fingers crossed it's just that.

Like KiboXX says, the fact that you have no pain is a good sign.

I was told to stop the blood thinners and aspirin as they increase the blood flow.


Hopeful2021 profile image

Hi Millbanks! Thanks for your reply! How many weeks were you when you had your bleed? My ivf clinic just called and u had to ask if I should stop the inhixa and the nurse had to check then said oh didn’t the nurse tell you to do that yesterday :( I said no! No one has told me anything about my meds. But yes they have now said stop the inhixa for 48 hours.

It’s just the not knowing that drives my anxiety through the roof 😞

I have to stay positive I guess… thank you for taking the time to reply :) xxx

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