Any happy stories about successful IV... - Fertility Network UK

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Any happy stories about successful IVF cycles in which you had no hope?

Tara123456 profile image
19 Replies

We have been trying long enough that I can't even imagine getting pregnant anymore. My partner's sperm has low count (2m/ml), low motility, high DNA fragmentation... We're getting ready for a second cycle of IVF and all I feel is dread. The dread is partly about having to go through all that again, but partly because I feel it's not going to work. Is it worth going ahead anyway, even if I'm not feeling hopeful at all? Was anyone here successful even when feeling totally pessimistic from the start? Thanks.

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Tara123456 profile image
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19 Replies

Oh my goodness yes!!!

On my first cycle I had no eggs retrieved and was devastated.

I didn't even want to do a second round as I had no faith in my clinic after the first round (wasn't their fault but couldn't help but put the blame on someone).

I only did the secound round because we had already paid for it and I could see my partner really wanted us to try again so I agreed..

I had already looked into other clinics for the third round

I had 3 eggs retrieved, 2 fertilised and 1 made it to day 3 transfer

Currently 6 weeks pregnant and still don't believe it 🤣

I can't stress enough how much I didn't believe it would work. On the first round I followed a super strict diet and was very careful with what I put in my body

On the successful round I literally ate junk food all the time, had couple glasses of wine here and there which I do not recommend by the way! Just showing you how little I believed it would work but it did!

Stay strong and have faith. If its going to work it will regardless of how you're feeling or what you do

Best of luck ❤️

Tara123456 profile image
Tara123456 in reply to

Thanks, for your story, Lilly. It gives me back some hope. I have absolutely no trust in mi clinic either, haha. It seems like a factory to me in which you're just another number.

I send you my very best wishes for your pregnancy and for your baby :) Congratulations! And thanks again. ❤️

Llizzie profile image

Hi Tara, my situation is a little different as our first round worked somehow but my husband’s numbers were so low when we first tested we were told our success rates were low. He had a count of 3m, motility of 12%, morphology if 1% and DNA frag of 52%. We managed to somehow budge the count and motility through diet and lifestyle changes but the morphology wouldn’t budge and I felt pretty depressed looking at his numbers. I just had such low expectations but I promised him we’d try before moving to donor or adoption. I got a good number of eggs, but only one blastocyst - miraculously he’s kicking away inside me and I’m due in February. It’s such a cliche but it takes one - one decent egg to meet one decent sperm.

It’s such a huge roll of the dice to have IVF and I take my hat off to you for being brave enough to do it again. It’s fine to have little hope, I got so irritated by people telling me it was exciting that I was having IVF, I felt the absolute opposite. Your feelings are valid, and I don’t believe positivity can manifest a baby (otherwise we wouldn’t need treatment). I had some counselling in the run up that really helped me work through the “what ifs”. But most important is to be kind and forgiving to yourself about how you feel. IVF is hard and you are going through something extremely tough. Be proud of yourself for being so courageous to do it all again, and best of luck xxx

Tara123456 profile image
Tara123456 in reply to Llizzie

Thanks so much, Llizzie. I'm so happy that it worked for you!

We've tried diet and lifestyle changes and the numbers haven't improved at all for him...

Thanks for reassuring me that it's fine to go into this with little hope. Very helpful. xxx

kiwibaby profile image

It’s definitely worth it. My husband also has a low sperm count and I have PCOS. It took us 3 rounds of IVF and six transfers but I’m now almost 35 weeks pregnant with twins. It was absolute hell going through it all over a couple of years but now it seems worth it. In terms of supplements I would highly recommend you both take myo-inositol and your husband a mens multivitamin. It takes 3 months for sperm to be made. You just need to find a strong embryo. You got this.

Tara123456 profile image
Tara123456 in reply to kiwibaby

Thanks, kiwibaby! Congrats on being pregnant with twins! Yes, we're both taking supplements. Thank you :) Fingers crossed :)

Countrychic profile image

We had a terrible first round, my response was really poor. We had three eggs retrieved and none made it to blastocyst. It was game over by day three. We thought we would transfer one at day three, arrived at the hospital and they advised against it because it wasn’t developing properly.

After that first round, I was devastated and thought I would never have a baby. We even had a discussion about donor eggs with our consultant. She said she was ‘quietly optimistic’ and convinced me to do another round. We now have an almost one year old and I am pregnant with baby two. I never thought I would be lucky enough to have our first.

I have three other friends who all got their miracle babies following fertility treatment. One couple had issues with sperm like your husband and also she had her own diagnosed fertility issues. They now have three gorgeous boys.

Have hope, I think believing it will happen is important. My friend bought be affirmation cards for fertility and the time it worked, I had stopped stressing so much and just believed it would work eventually. With my second pregnancy, we were just not using contraception rather than actively trying so again didn’t have the pressure of trying to conceive. I absolutely know it is easier said that done though.

Best of luck and take time for you. This journey is so hard and it is important to be good to yourself and each other 🥰 xxx

Tara123456 profile image
Tara123456 in reply to Countrychic

Thanks so much, Countrychic. Two babies! Amazing. And thanks for telling me about your 3 other friends. It helps :) xxx

Lacryacky profile image

I don’t have a success story but I relate so much to what you wrote. I’m so scared, afraid to go in another IVF cycle, Iow Amh, doesn’t seem to respond well to stims, I put weight on me over the year, we had a cancel cycle in April, the second one no eggs retrieved. I don’t have to much trust for the next one which is due to start begging of January. The doc even said to consider ED.

Tara123456 profile image
Tara123456 in reply to Lacryacky

I'm sorry you feel that way, Lacryacky. It's totally understandable. Keeping my fingers crossed for you.

May37 profile image

When I did my second round I rushed it and I felt I knew straight away it didn't work. I would say trust your instincts and if not sure then delay

I totally get this. Felt the exact same way as you after our first round of IVF. My partner has azoospermia and the Doctor said carry on as normal first round which was a bad recommendation. 2nd round I said No! Unless he changed. No drinking, caffeine, hot showers HE had to do the changes NOT me. He talked me into it and got on board 😍 2 miracles later. Just remember it takes 2 to make the changes, dont feel it is all on you. I wish you all the best, if you feel you're not ready there is no harm in delaying treatment.

Tara123456 profile image
Tara123456 in reply to


Seren0119 profile image

There is always hope - my first cycle, I had nothing to transfer. I was broken. Second cycle, miscarriage. Suicidal. Third cycle, chemical. Beyond broken. Now I am finally pregnant and due next month. Don’t give up x

Tara123456 profile image
Tara123456 in reply to Seren0119

Wow. I'm not sure I have that kind of strength. But I'll try :) Thanks for sharing. x

Shamiso18 profile image

Yes its worth it. Please dont give up . Did 5 cycles in 3yrs and only had success recently after the 6th cycle. Also changed clinics after 3rd cycle. Here they can do day 3 embryo transfers as well as transfer two embryos at the the same time. I only had 4 eggs retrieved and two made it which were transfered and are doing well. Also look into ICSI if low sperm count. And may need radical change of diet, this is from my own experince. Good luck Tara

Tara123456 profile image
Tara123456 in reply to Shamiso18

Thanks! Congratulations! :) Very happy for you. Yes, we did ICSI and followed a perfect diet. Thanks!

miracleneeded profile image

Hey click on my profile and read my most recent post! Never give up hope!!

Tara123456 profile image
Tara123456 in reply to miracleneeded

Wow! Twins! Thanks! Very inspiring. And huge congratulations. :)

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