Any success stories with ivf own egg... - Fertility Network UK

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Any success stories with ivf own eggs aged 42

Ruby1980 profile image
40 Replies

Hi all,

we have just had our failed transfer. This was our last frozen embryo. This embryo has been frozen since November 2017. I do have a son aged 3 and half from this same frozen embryo cycle .

I am in limbo really at the moment. I really wanted to have a sibling for my son and our chances of success with this cycle were pretty good . The embryo implanted but didn't succeed and ended in a chemical pregnancy.

I feel lost and our initial thought was well that's it for us and we tried and we have a beautiful baby boy which I am so grateful for.however, now today I am feeling that I would love to try again, however I am 42 and I know our chance of success is pretty low. :-(

am I mad for thinking of going again? Big different in egge quality of 5 years ago aged 37 to now aged 42!

any success stories out there? I need a but of hope feeling so heartbroken.

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Ruby1980 profile image
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40 Replies
Orangeflowers profile image

Hey I was pregnant at 41 and gave birth at 42 with own eggs. 43 now and trying for a sibling. If You're going to go for it, now is best. I think your chance would be reasonable. Good luck 🤞 xx

Ruby1980 profile image
Ruby1980 in reply to Orangeflowers

Oh wow congratulations. Thanks for replying this gives me some hope. I just feel so hopeless and the thoughts of having to go through it all again with small chances has me so scared.

I am the same age as you - 6 weeks pregnant - no guarantee I will go full term. But my eggs.....x

Ruby1980 profile image
Ruby1980 in reply to

Congratulations! Wishing you the best of luck with your pregnancy. Xxx

Bingbunny80 profile image

I used my own eggs at 41 & had my beautiful baby boy a month before turning 42. I was successful on my first attempt too which I wasn't expecting. I know the odds are definitely against us in our early 40's BUT it's not impossible & some of us have luck on our side. Wishing you a very happy future whatever you decide. xx

Ruby1980 profile image
Ruby1980 in reply to Bingbunny80

Oh congratulations BingBunny, that is so great to hear. I really want to try, I need to get over my fear of failure I think. Its so good to hear such lovely success stories so thank you and enjoy your lovely boy. X

Kitkat10 profile image

I was successful with OE and had a perfect baby boy at 41 years old but now I’d like a sibling for him and I’m almost 42 so having the same dilemma as you x

Ruby1980 profile image
Ruby1980 in reply to Kitkat10

It's so difficult isn't it. Congratulations on your little boy. I feel like it's now or never if I want to go again, I don't want to feel like I didn't try my very best for a sibling in years to come. My husband isn't too keen at going through the whole process again from scratch. He thinks we have been through enough and have our beautiful son. Its just niggling me that guilt that I know I could try harder and do it now if ever. Such a tough decision. What are you feeling? Will you go again?

Kitkat10 profile image
Kitkat10 in reply to Ruby1980

Hi Ruby, I feel like I should try one last OE round before I can leave it behind and then move on to DE. I’m finding it hard to give up on my OE but then I think what’s the point of trying only one round as it’s v unlikely to work. Plus I used donor sperm to conceive my little boy and I only have 4 straws left so I feel like I shouldn’t waste it on my eggs with lower chances. I had a baseline scan and AMH retested in the hope that it had decreased significantly in 2 years and decision made but the results were similar to those before, so I was tempted again with my OE.

I’ve been round and round in circles 🙈

Ruby1980 profile image
Ruby1980 in reply to Kitkat10

Oh wow. Exact same situ as me! We had to use donor sperm too, as OH has azoospeemia. The only problem is that we never froze any more of it at the time as we said we would just go with our 5 embies at the time and that would be it. So I doubt there would be any of same donor left. My OH said that he would only go again if same donor was available (highly unlikely!) And our chances were somwhat good. We have a follow up failed result appointment with our consultant next week.But I am feeling that even if there is no donor left, we could use a diff donor and my OE.

I just don't know. My gut and my heart says to just go for it. My OH not really on the same page. However, it's quite raw at minute I think for him. He was sure it worked because of our positive test, so he is crushed.

It's such a hard place to be in, isn't it?

That is fantastic for you though that you had good similar results for your OE results this time as last. X

Muppetgirl profile image

I was 44 with my own eggs. Had a less than 5 percent chance. We did two rounds - first ended in chemical and 2nd is now watching Fireman Sam whilst snuggled next to me. I never got more than 5 eggs and none made it to freezing. My little obviously knew where he wanted to be! If you have energy and money then give it a go. Wishing you easy decision making.

Ruby1980 profile image
Ruby1980 in reply to Muppetgirl

Aw that's lovely . I was the same as you, my first cycle in 2017 only gave 3 eggs, 2 for fresh transfer and non to freeze, bfn. Second cycle in 2017 resulted in 5 eggs, all reached days blasts, 2 embryos fresh transfer, 3 to freeze. Result CP. I had my son in FET from those 2 frozen embies. And our lSt frozen empire resulted in CP this week. So really out of my 5 embryos I had my beautiful boy at that was at age 37. So really I think my eggs this time round would be of much worse quality. It's so hard to make this decision. I look at my son though and I feel guilty . Xxx

Sair-88 profile image

I’m 43 in September and 39 weeks pregnant with own eggs. Never ever had enough to freeze so always fresh transfer. I never thought it was going to work! Stay positive x

Ruby1980 profile image
Ruby1980 in reply to Sair-88

Thank you for your reply. This gives me such hope. Congratulations and best of luck with the rest of your pregnancy. Xx

Lamagarden profile image
Lamagarden in reply to Sair-88

Hi Sair-88, congratulations on your pregnancy, it’s really inspiring to hear! I’m 41 so am very interested in the stories from ladies on here over 40. May I ask how many rounds you had? X

Sair-88 profile image
Sair-88 in reply to Lamagarden

I had 3 rounds - none of which I had eggs to freeze.

Lamagarden profile image
Lamagarden in reply to Sair-88

Thank you for sharing 😊

Koala365 profile image

My granny gave birth to my mum aged 44. She got pregnant naturally with her during World War II too. So in my view 42 is not too late and if you want it and can afford it and will regret it if you don't then I would go for it!

Ruby1980 profile image
Ruby1980 in reply to Koala365

Oh wow. It goes to show that anything is possible. You are right. I should just try to push my fears to one side and go with my gut. X

Bluebirds7 profile image

I got pregnant at 42 with own eggs via IVF, gave birth just after turning 43. Good luck xx

Ruby1980 profile image

Oh congratulations. Its wonderful news. If you dont mind me asking did it take you long? Did you respond ok to meds? I. Wondering how much harder it might be on my body this time around, and going to work and the whole logistics of it all too. I'm a teacher and we did our last FET during summer holidays so I didn't have to worry about the stress of work. Now heading into a new school year and find it all daunting too. Probably a silly concern,

Bluebirds7 profile image
Bluebirds7 in reply to Ruby1980

I was very lucky and got pregnant on my first IVF round, but I had been getting pregnant naturally before this but having miscarriages. I had human growth hormone as one of the drugs during IVF and do wonder if this helped out my old eggs. I was also in a good state hormone wise and my AMH was really good for my age. So I had a low dose of drugs to start my round as they classed me as a high risk for over stimulation which they then upped to a moderate dose half way through the round. After getting pregnant I did suffer a bit from over stimulation I was very aware of where my ovaries were which was fairly painful but obviously I didn't care as I was pregnant.

Ruby1980 profile image
Ruby1980 in reply to Bluebirds7

I've never heard of human growth hormone. Is this to help with egg quality? Congratulations on your pregnancy x

Bluebirds7 profile image
Bluebirds7 in reply to Ruby1980

Yes it helps with egg quality.

Gemstone78 profile image

I got pregnant with my own egg at 43… fresh day 3 transfer only egg I got and was given at 2/3% chance of success … I’m being induced in 9th august

Ruby1980 profile image
Ruby1980 in reply to Gemstone78

Congratulations. So great to hear such a lovely story. Best of luck xxx

JoyfulStar profile image

I conceived my 6 month old baby girl with my own eggs a few weeks before my 44th birthday so from my point of view it is not too late!

All the best hun. I will be rooting for you 🙏🏾

Ruby1980 profile image
Ruby1980 in reply to JoyfulStar

Aw congratulations this gives me so much hope. Thank you x

Marisa32 profile image

It's definitely possible just requires multiple cycles. I got pregnant naturally at 42 after trying for a sibling for over 11 cycles. My AMH was non-existent, so IVF wasn't an option for me.

PrayingforMyBaby profile image
PrayingforMyBaby in reply to Marisa32

Hi Marisa 32, you inspire me alot.I have my ivf and dine 4x tranafer all gaile😭😭😭😭😭..i cried ao much me and mu husband was r we ally brocken hearted. Then i read your post here..It really inspire am not lucky at ivf..we have a pavkage like 3 good with egg numbers but in the end they disnt implant at all. I still gave big hopes.

I really Hope i can have the same experience aa you are🥰.

Thanks for sharing.

Ruby1980 profile image

Thanks for your reply. Congratulations that's so wonderful x

Alva1980 profile image

Hi Ruby, not sure if you are still looking for replies. Your story reminded me of my own. I had my daughter via IVF when I was 38 (she was born after I had just turned 39). We had 5 blastocysts at that stage. First was a miscarriage, second was my daughter and I really thought one of the remaining three would be her sibling. When we transferred the first, it was a chemical pregnancy and the other two didn't stick at all. So I started IVF again at the age of 41, had only one day 3 embryo, which resulted in a miscarriage. Second try (age 42), we had two morulae (they were top quality day 3 embryos but then started growing too slowly) and I didn't get pregnant and we are now thinking about IVF #3 but I'm also unsure what to do and chances are very low. Did you try another IVF in the end?

Ruby1980 profile image
Ruby1980 in reply to Alva1980

Hi Alva, thanks for your reply. Im sorry your story is very similar to mine. Its such a difficult journey.

Yes i have started a fresh round and I am on day 4 of stims. I have a scan Thursday to see how I am responing to meds. This really is our last shot and im just praying that we get even one good mature egg! I have a good amh level for my age, however, Doc says chances are very low as at my age up to 70% of eggs are not of good quality. But I live in hope, and all I can do is try.....

Wishing you all the best if you decide to go down this journey again too. Xxx

Alva1980 profile image
Alva1980 in reply to Ruby1980

Hi Ruby,

wishing you all the best for this cycle. Hope the scan on Thursday will show a good amount of follicles!! I actually think it's good to try (because then you know that you did everything you could) and to set limits as well.

I also have a good AMH (for my age) but still didn't respond well to the meds. We will go for one last try and then stop. Also thinking about adoption now.

It's good to read that little miracles happen (even at our age) and I wish you all the very very best for this cycle. xxx

Marisa32 profile image

Sorry about your transfer. I managed to get pregnant at 42 after failed IVFs. I also wanted a sibling for my 3 year old. I was willing to go for donnor egggs but got pregnant naturally right before the transfer. It's not easy but at 42, it still can happen. Good luck!

Ruby1980 profile image
Ruby1980 in reply to Marisa32

Omg Marisa this is an amazing story. Congratulations xxx

Alva1980 profile image
Alva1980 in reply to Marisa32

Really wonderful to read your story, Marisa. Amazing that it happened naturally in the end. All the best for you.

Gerbear22 profile image

Hi there.I am 40 with low ovarian reserve and endometriosis.I only had 2 follicles which produced 2 mature eggs. Both were top grade at day 3 and we were advised after egg collection to go for a day 3 transfer which we did.I am currently 7 weeks pregnant with our rainbow baby🌈 !Wishing you the very best of luck with this cycle.x

Ruby1980 profile image
Ruby1980 in reply to Gerbear22

Aw congratulations Gerbear. Thank you for sharing that, That is so wonderful to hear. Wishing you the very best for the rest of your pregnancy xxx

Catmoma profile image

Hello. I'm 42 and considering IVF after another miscarriage. I hear success rates are low and I'm in the US where treatments are crazy expensive... Did you go for more IVF rounds and did it go well?

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