27 donor eggs no blastocysts :( - Fertility Network UK

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27 donor eggs no blastocysts :(

Chasing123 profile image
16 Replies

And here I was thinking moving to donor eggs would give me better odds. I really really really thought that round number 11 (first with donor eggs) was going to be the one. I think I’m just a bit surprised that we didn’t even get to transfer after getting my hopes up. Gosh this doesn’t get any easier! I know there are so many stories of success with donor eggs I’m just feeling a bit broken and mentally exhausted after 4 years of this :(

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Chasing123 profile image
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16 Replies
katiehopeful81 profile image

Hi, I’m so sorry. It’s such a tough blow. Were the eggs mature? Very disappointing to not get any blastocysts. Have you spoken to the clinic? Sending hugs x

LouCollier profile image

So sorry to hear this. This journey is so hard.

Can I ask are you using donor sperm of your partners. If its your partners have you had the sperm tested for DNA fragmentation?

Purpledoggy profile image

You clinic should be able to advise on what likely went wrong, but the stage at which things went wrong may give some clues. If the eggs fertilised fine and made it to day 3 then had problems it is may be a sperm quality issue, whereas problems earlier on are more likely due to egg quality. If the eggs did not fertilise well then it may be a sperm motility issue in which case ICSI may help. Hope the clinic give you some helpful answers xx

Lana2009 profile image

Oh I’m so sorry to hear that! That’s devastating. I think purple doggy’s comment above is insightful. I’m sure you’re wondering all of this. Hopefully the clinic will have some answers. I’m the meantime be kind to yourself. Allow yourself to feel everything! Angry, sad, frustrated… have a cup of something hot and soothing and sit with how you feel. You are entitled to feel however you do. Sending you a big hug! Xx

Boo718 profile image

I’m so sorry your going through this. It’s devastating. We had a similar issue with double donor. We pgd tested the 5 embryos and they were all abnormal. We couldn’t believe it. I remember thinking that we could get naf all doing it ourselves for free. You have to keep your head up and keep going, one day that family we have all been fighting for for so long will happen. Huge hugs to you both xxx

Chasing123 profile image
Chasing123 in reply to Boo718

Thanks for your support! Gosh that must have been so frustrating for you! This journey really does toughen us up!

ChloeDE profile image

So sorry to hear this. Has your clinic given you any feedback on what went wrong? Do they offer a guarantee for a minimum number of blastocysts?From our first donor, we got two blastocysts. We transferred both and one stuck but miscarried. We then did another round with a different donor and got three blastocysts. We have twins from that and one frozen. Don't give up. You will get there. X

Chasing123 profile image
Chasing123 in reply to ChloeDE

Love the success stories! Thank you!

I am so sorry to hear this, sounds like she was maybe over stimulated and the clinic focused on quantity not quality? I agree with the others I think you need a follow up appointment with your consultant. They should be able to tell you where things dropped off and give you advice about the possible reasons and what can be changed. I would also ask if this donor has donated before or if she is new as it would be interesting to see her history if she HAS donated before as that would then perhaps suggest a sperm/egg incompatibility issue maybe? Good luck - you will get there x

Chasing123 profile image
Chasing123 in reply to

She was new so I think that is another lesson I’ve learned for the future! Thanks for your comments :)

Mazzath1 profile image

Wow. That's a lot, I wonder if she was over stimulated. Has the clinic give you any reason why you didn't get any. We got 15. 8 fertilised. Only 3 were blastcysts. Now I do have twins boy and girl. I would be asking y? Was it a fresh cycle? Xxx

Beatrix_K profile image

So sorry to read this. I can’t imagine how frustrating and upsetting this is for you. I don’t have any insight or advice other than what some of the others have suggested already. I know you’ve already given a lot to this process but I hope you get some answers from the clinic and another opportunity to try again. X

fay2399 profile image

Hi Lovely,I can feel how you feel... Unfortunately noone can help us...I also thought that donor egg would be solution..There are many failed stories as well...but those dont share their broken hearts...

Buying eggs is big gamble some win and some lose...

Hope you find a way as I am too lost what to do...Everyone else telling me to give up..but is too hard :(


Chasing123 profile image
Chasing123 in reply to fay2399

Sending all my thoughts to you!

Anjalichaudhary profile image

Hi, don't be sad, i knoq its a tough time for you, but everything will be fine oneday.wish you all the best

Chasing123 profile image

Thank you everyone for your kind messages. I met with the clinic and as the 27 eggs had all been frozen they think the issue related to the eggs not unfreezing well (only 8 unthawed and 2 fertilised with one still developing on day 3) which they said happens in about 5% of cases. The craziest thing happened though and after the clinic advised me that the one embryo had stopped developing and to stop medication for the transfer they phoned me back a day later to advise it has turned into a 5AA! Im still in shock! They froze the embryo and we had it transferred today. It did decide to get stuck in the catheter and cause me more stress so maybe this little miracle is meant to be and just likes making the journey even more of a rollercoaster! Thanks everyone for all your support!

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