Hey guys, so I am on day 11 of stims and one of my ovaries has not responded at all. I have 7 on my right ovary, but these are slow growers so my meds have been increased and prolonged for an extra couple of days. Have above average AMH for my age (41) so was hoping for more as my egg quality will more than likely be below average. Anyone had a similar experience please and what was the outcome? I feel like I’ve lost all hope already
Non responsive ovary: Hey guys, so I am... - Fertility Network UK
Non responsive ovary

Hi, i had the same experience during my last ivf cycle. My right ovary didnt respond to drugs. I had 6 follicles and they were left behind as my other follicles were getting too big and we didnt want to loose them. Can i ask what protocol are you on and is it your first ivf cycle? my doctor was surprised as we were expecting better results for me. We only got 5 in the end that resulted in 1x day 5 blast. Im 40 with AMH of 19.5pmol. This time we are planning to increase drugs to 300 and will do priming to see if it works. My doctor said it happens sometimes but they dont know why. He said that its possible it will wake up next time but its also possible it wont. I dont know what to think.
Yes that’s what my doctor said, it just happens sometimes, maybe something to do with ovulating on different sides each month.. but if that’s the case why does it not happen to more women?I take it your blast didn’t stick? I’m really sorry.
This is my first round, long protocol, they started me on 300 meriofert then upped it to 375 when I had my first stims scan. Got another scan tomorrow, but they said 99% likely will be no change. Annoying as I was banking on high numbers as because of my age I’m expecting most to be poor quality.
What is priming? I’ve not heard of that before..
Yes, my AA blast did not stick. I have no explanation why. I had 2 back2back miscarriages from natural pregnancies in the last 11 months so I know I can get pregnant. The reason for ivf was to hooefully get more so i can test to prevent further miscarriages. I was on 225 Menopur so my new doctor says we need to do something different fo the first round and wants to increase my drugs to hopefully recruit the sleeping ovary too but he thinks i need to stay on Menopur. Priming suppose to prevent leading follicle(s) to get ahead and recruit other smaller follicles by starting at similar base. You take estrogen for about a week before your stims start. I heard of ladies having success with this approach. I want to give this a go after poor performance last time
Hi kazbzzz! I have a lazy left ovary 😂 I've done 3 egg collections so far and I always get less/no eggs from the left side. The nurses don't seem too surprised about it and I remember a post in here about the subject a while ago and lots of ladies have the same issue. I don't think it's anything to worry about. My AMH is low and when they increased my stims' dose my right ovary made up for it. Good luck with your collection!!! X