None left to freeze: So last week... - Fertility Network UK

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None left to freeze

AJJ123 profile image
26 Replies

So last week 5 eggs fertilised, and 4 of those on day 2 were graded above average.

1 beautiful blastocyst transferred yesterday (day 5) but the rest were a pile of rubbish and have been disposed of.

Is this common? Whose fault is it his or mine or don’t we know? I feel like a failure.

I feel so deflated, if this doesn’t work despite the fact I’ve paid for another cycle I genuinely can’t put my body through this again it can’t be doing it any good. I just need some positive vibes xx

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AJJ123 profile image
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26 Replies
Llizzie profile image

I went from 14 eggs to 8 fertilised to only one blastocyst. We know my husband has sperm issues so we thought it might happen so I tried to look at the bright side of having one. When the embryologist told me we have a beautiful 4AB embryo to transfer I tried to be positive.

That one is still hanging around - I’m 11 weeks pregnant. I know it’s hard, I’ll be 39 in a few weeks so I don’t have time on my side but my mum keeps reminding me we’ve hopefully found a good one from the rest. x

AJJ123 profile image
AJJ123 in reply to Llizzie

Congratulations, hopefully this is it for me too. Mine was given 8/10 so not sure on grading - perhaps similar to yours?

I’m trying to do all the right things, less coffee, pineapple, soup, stews, salty snacks ...

Thank you, I’m glad I’m not on my own with none left to freeze, i just thought “great, that’s it then”.

I had 13 eggs to start, 5 fertilised normally, 5 fertilised abnormally and 3 did nothing.


IVFat40 profile image

Congratulations on your lovely blastocyst transfer, that's wonderful news. In my own experience and also knowledge of others it's really common, and probably the norm for the majority of us, to have a big drop off from fertilized embryos to good quality blastocysts. I've also found it seems to change a lot from cycle to cycle, I've had anything from 15 eggs creating 1 good blastocyst, to 18 eggs producing 6 good blastocysts, to 8 eggs making 4 usable blastocycsts, with my most recent cycle being 15 eggs to only 2 mediocre blastocycsts. While there were some differences between cycles that I could point to that might have partly accounted for the changes (most recently I'm older), equally there seems to be a lot of chance/luck involved. I've done quite a lot of embryo banking so yet to find out the outcome for most of them (I'm older so expecting I may need more).Your beautiful blastocycst has every chance of becoming your baby, good luck!

AJJ123 profile image
AJJ123 in reply to IVFat40

Wow, you’ve got some experience under your belt. I just assumed as I was under 35 it would be a bit easier.

I’m crossing everything as this is literally it xx

Savvy_teapot profile image
Savvy_teapot in reply to AJJ123

Hi, I can totally understand I am thinking the same thoughts . I had 11 eggs 4 matured then 2 fertilised and I had 1 egg 3 day transfer and none to fertilise. What a rollercoaster! Similarly assumed a lot. I assumed I would get something frozen never thought I would worry about not getting to transfer. Unfortunately had a negative test today. It is our 1st try and I have another NHS one. I think I have realised you can assume nothing!

IVFat40 profile image

From what I understand being under 35 gives you a really good likelihood that your embryo is chromosomally normal, which is by far the most important thing! So I'd say you have every reason to be really hopeful 😊 My sister in law did IVF at 34/35, they had one embryo, she's now a beautiful (and feisty 😂) 5 year old.

Good luck!

Alexm06 profile image

My first cycle last year I think it was 6 fertilised all made it to day 5 had the best one transferred back then got the call the next day to say none of the others made it. That blastocyst resulted in a pregnancy although I did end up in a missed miscarriage but i still got pregnant. As a lot of people say it only takes one!!

On a second note I am with you in the TWW had my 3rd transfer on Monday!

Hope all goes well for you!!

AJJ123 profile image
AJJ123 in reply to Alexm06

Oh wow, mine was Tuesday so a day apart.

That sounds exactly like mine, they all made it yesterday but only one blastocyst.

They said I should be pleased to make it to transfer and that I was lucky to have one good one. Now I realise why - the others were still cell stage apparently (day 4 when should have been blasts).

Fingers crossed for us both xx

Essence1 profile image

Hi AJJ123, Please do not be so hard on yourself, embryology is not an exact science. I had 7 mature eggs collected and 5 fertilized. When it came to transfer day I was told that my embryos were developing slowly with only one showing early stages of a blastocyst. I was given the option to transfer two embryos, which I took. The clinic told me they would call me the next day to see if my other embryos were suitable for freezing. I remember going home devasted and convinced that this cycle was a failure. Next day embryologist called me to advise that none of my embryos had survived, more tears.

Fast forward to OTD, I got a BFP. 8 week viability test confirmed I was pregnant with twins. I am now 18 week pregnant and seen my twins on the ultrasound scans a few times, they are doing well.

I sometimes wonder what would have happened to my other embryos if they were transferred on day 3 and not 5.

I wish you all the best, sending baby dust your way. Xx

AJJ123 profile image
AJJ123 in reply to Essence1

Oh my goodness, that’s amazing and congratulations on the twins.

I’ll try and be a little more positive, it definitely helps after reading your reply.


Itwillhappen profile image
Itwillhappen in reply to Essence1

This is me exact story. Currently in TWW tears all day every day convinced it will fail. Can I ask your age and if you had other issues. I’m 36 and suffer from Endometriosis.

Essence1 profile image
Essence1 in reply to Itwillhappen

Hi Itwillhappen,I am 37, had my transfer back in April.

No I did not have any issues as such. Only set back we had was I was forced to freeze my eggs because my partner struggled to produce a sample on the day.

I know it is difficult, but try to remain positive, miracles do happen.

I have heard of cases where everything looks picture perfect and does not always work out as planned. So chin up, you have done so well to have come this far. Sending loads of baby dust your way. Xxx

Itwillhappen profile image
Itwillhappen in reply to Essence1

Thank you. All the best.

AJJ123 profile image
AJJ123 in reply to Itwillhappen

Thank you, I hope it works out for us both. Planning my freedom for next year just incase. x

saraht23 profile image

My first cycle nothing fertilised. Second we had 2 make it to blast, 1 transferred and the other not good enough quality to freeze, unfortunately ended in MMC at 8 weeks. Third cycle only 1 made it to blastocyst and I’m currently 14 weeks so it can happen

Bella_Bee profile image

In a former IVF round I went from 12 eggs (8 mature) to 5 fertilising and none made it to day 5. Heartbreaking! This round has been completely different with 18 eggs leading to 7 day 5 embryos. Different protocol, different drugs, different trigger.. Different clinics and expertise. It all makes a HUGE difference. I thought ivf was ivf initially. How wrong I was. Focus on the blast you just transferred but if it doesn't work, don't lose hope so quickly. It's a game of probabilities to be honest and very few get there from just one round. Best of luck to you.

Very similar happened to us. We had 12 eggs collected, 7 fertilised and then only 3 made it to day 3 (2 of which weren’t graded very high at all and the embryologist wasn’t hopeful about them) By day 5 (transfer day) we had 1 beautiful blastocyst grade A and the other 2 we’re graded E & F. I’m currently 38 weeks pregnant with that one beautiful little blast. It’s true what they say it only takes one. But I totally get where your coming from. I remember feeling so deflated that we only really had that 1 chance and nothing left to freeze. I was devastated and looking for someone or something to blame but apparently it’s common to loose quite a few on this rollercoaster. Try to stay positive. I wish you all the best on this journey🤞🏻✨ xx

Oh ,lovely, you're not a failure. It's not in your control. Focus on being positive and fingers crossed for your 2 ww. ❤

Lioness-icsi profile image

Reading your story makes me realise too that this happens and not unique to me only.

In my first round which was icsi, fresh transfer and failed - we had 1 blastocyst 5AB and nothing to freeze out of 15 collected. When the cycle failed l could not help think about the 2 that were said to be developing on day 5 and sadly could not be frozen on day 6. I kept thinking they should have put them back all. Also l was troubled that l was never asked if l wanted them to get to day 5 - it’s like l had no choice all was done for me by them. The cost is a lot and trying to reconcile with the outcome was hard. Even asked same question to our consultant if we did something wrong. Anyway we went for second round on their advice. I also took 4 months break for my mental well-being.

Second round we have 8 blastocyst on ice from 16 collected and waiting to transfer as l have hydrosalphinx to get sorted first.

Fizz37 profile image

I've had 1 fresh transfer and 1 frozen transfer with nothing to freeze either time, out of 11 and 17 eggs respectively. I then had a cancelled cycle as I didn't respond but my 4th I over reacted and produced 25 eggs. Of those, we ended up with only 2 embryos, one is a 4bb and frozen, the other was a 4AB and I am currently 22 weeks pregnant.

After each failed cycle my Dr adjusted the medications I was on and my protocols, but also studied the embryologist report and concluded that my husband's sperm was poor quality, nothing wrong with me or my eggs. We then made some adjustments to his lifestyle, diet and medications and still nothing! We then went the sperm donor route and voila! 4th cycle was a success, one bun in the oven 🥰 it's not for everyone, but do assess all options available to you - we never thought we would go for it but here we are!

My advice is ask, ask, ask 🤞

AJJ123 profile image
AJJ123 in reply to Fizz37

Thank you and congratulations.

When they do the routine semen analysis does it pick up on the quality of the sperm?

I was told, ref embryos (and I don’t know if it’s right) that up to day 3 it’s up to the female but after that the male (sperm) takes over?


Fizz37 profile image
Fizz37 in reply to AJJ123

I think any kind of sperm analysis would pick up volume, motility etc.

And I think its broadly true that the sperm doesn't kick in for a few days, but they can analyse the embryo development and if nothing happens when it's supposed to they'd 'know' the sperm wasn't doing its job.

I'm sure if you ask, they'd be able to tell you though xx

Tacos44 profile image

Hi, I just want to tell you that this is not your fault, you are doing everything that you can control, but I’m this process so much is out of your control. I only had one egg transferred, and it worked. One is all you need so please keep the faith💕

Lowamh profile image

It is so so hard. And it’s no ones fault. Have a read of my profile, we never had any to freeze and none ever went to blast stage - we have twins from two of our poorer quality embryos, day 3 transfer on our 3rd cycle. You made it to blast stage and that’s a huge positive to take away from it. I hope this one works for you 🤞

AJJ123 profile image
AJJ123 in reply to Lowamh

Thank you so much for your reply and congratulations on your twins.

I have everything crossed xx

SurferGrrrl profile image

Sending loads of positive vibes babes!! Take each day as it comes 💕🙏 it sounds like everything’s going to plan… I’m 41, started IVF rollercoaster last month - had one follicle, one egg in the follicle, and found out this morning it has fertilised…because there is only one, if all goes well 🤞, I’m having a day 3 transfer…so not even sure if it will get to a blastocyst stage!

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