I have decided I am not ready for my next shot of ivf yet but cause I have low amh it dropped quickest from when it found out and when I started my 1st treatment , so what if drops a lot more while I take time out as emotional ready ?? Am I going have less chance cause the amh may drop even more ???
?? Low amh second treatment ivf - Fertility Network UK
?? Low amh second treatment ivf

What has it dropped to? Sorry about your troubles and stress xx
I am not sure the levels but they dropped a lot just waiting to start my first treatment xxx
Ok well they should tell you the score after all the bloods tests. Mine was 3.. which is considered low, but I'm 42 with severe endom so that's probably why I had such a low count
If it really is too low for treatment they will advise and support you on this point. They obviously give you stimulation drugs anyway, but only your clinic can tell you whether it's very low, low, normal etc etc
Good luck x x
Think I was at four when received my first treatment , being try call my hospital but never answer phone so frustrating xx
Do you mind me asking how old you are?
Not at all I am 27 , my first treatment I got 11 eggs 3 nature and 2 bk in but then the one left wasn't good enuff to freeze my period due on the 9th so this is wen I should start treatment again , just trying to get hold someone at hosp his nightmare as do a risk waiting few month to be emotional ready or if a do that will my amh drop even more ???
As the other lady said you had a good result with 11 eggs, so it appears you do respond to the drugs. And yr young which is a bonus! But she's right it is a huge roller coaster of emotions. You need to be in the right head space. I had to pay from the beginning as I was 41 after 2 years of trying to resolve everything, having ops etc. And I have to say my treatment has been brilliant. Maybe because we are paying for it. I'm currently on my two week wait and trying to think of anything but that! Keep trying the clinic and leave loads messages, just because it's Nhs you still have a right to this treatment. Xx
I don't think your amh will drop much more in a few months. You could always pay a private fertility specialist for a hour consultation to get direct answers if you think it may help, but they will obviously need yr whole background. They tend to be very to the point, as you're paying! Normally about £100. A lot maybe, but you may get quicker more definite answers. X
I would ask the clinic, but if you need a break, it's better to take one! Stress is counter productive. You obviously have quite a few follicles to get 11 eggs with a low AMH. I am a non responder to drugs. 600 units of gonal f for 10 days and this last round I got only 3 eggs. This result was actually better than the last round having a long break and less stress. Previously I had only gotten 1 egg each time! And wouldn't it be the round that went the worst, is the round I got a little person. 1 egg that just looked average turned out perfect!
Do what's best for your body. You are attempting to grow a person and need to be ready physically and emotionally.
My 6th worked. But I took a break first and went in with a different mind set. I was so worried they were going to cancel on me because there was only 1 egg, but they went ahead. And it worked! Our first cycle was NHS funded and went disastrously from the word go. We didn't even make it to the transfer. And from then on it was privately funded.
Keep calling and see if there's an email address in your paperwork. Sometimes emails are faster to get replies. I know how you feel about just feeling a bit dumped, so many questions to be answered and nobody answering the phone!
melanieh please take some more time between cycles if you want to do that. Your AMH is unlikely to drop much in a month or 2 and you got a good result last time with the number of eggs. My AMH score went UP by 0.6 from 6.6 to 6.9 between June last year and June this year. I know results can vary in different labs, but the important thing is it didn't crash in a year like I thought it might. You can use the time between cycles to concentrate on eating healthily and taking supplements to help your egg quality.
We went though our cycles at the same time and I'm going to ask them if I can put off the next one til early next year. Every day still feels like a struggle at the moment and I've had a pelvic infection so I'm not ready to start again so soon either xx
Hi aww am defo not ready managed to speak to hosp today and they says will be fine and just to call back when I am ready so I am going to enjoy Christmas and start again after the new year , a thought I was okay but that last few weeks al I have done is cry can't sleep always worrying , so defo no in the frame of mind to start again xx
You are right. Just take a bit of time off. These last few weeks have been tough for me too. Trying not to cry in work is hard, but sitting at home makes it worse I think. I definitely want to wait until after xmas and I've been asked to be a bridesmaid in January too so I just don't want to be in the middle of treatment then either xx
HI I would honestly wait - get yourself in a better frame of mine, physically and mentally. It depends on what labs were used for your AMH result. Locally mine came back as <4 but then at St Marys it was 0.57 hence the refusal in treatment. I went private, got 7 eggs. 5 fertilised to blastocyst stage, and one frozen. I have had my 8 weeks scan today so even when I was written off by the NHS hospital (which by the way were like yours not answering the phone etc) I still got a positive with a result as low as 0.57.. you will be ok, you had a good response. I would take some time for yourself and face it again when you are ready... by the way by result of 0.57 was in Jan but I didn't start the treatment till aug with going private so if it did fall in that 7 months it didn't alter my positive outcome. good luck