Dr Shehata consultation for Immunolog... - Fertility Network UK

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Dr Shehata consultation for Immunology/NK cells testing tomorrow...any recommendations on questions to ask?

PaulaDag profile image
15 Replies

I have my long awaited NK cells testing tomorrow with Dr Shehata and am wondering if there are any particular questions anyone would recommend asking or advice generally? My fertility clinic again said it likely chromosomal abnormalities causing the 4 natural miscarriages and 2 IVF failures (no BFP) and thinks its a waste of time but I feel I have to do it to rule it out and then I can move forward knowing it is chromosomal abnormalities...if it indeed is.

Thanks for any advice or pointers...i know nothing about immunology really 😊 x

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PaulaDag profile image
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15 Replies
pelvicpain123 profile image

I have no idea but I wish you all the best for your appointment tomorrow ♡.

PaulaDag profile image
PaulaDag in reply to pelvicpain123

Thank you xx

Fertilityjourney profile image

Hi. I hope your appointment went well? I saw him a few wks back and had SO many tests and now awaiting results and consultation next week!I found him quite reassuring and just hoping we get some answers before we move forwards again. Xx

PaulaDag profile image
PaulaDag in reply to Fertilityjourney

Hi. It went OK I think. Lots of tests as well and more money than expected 😩. He doesn't think it is all chromosomal abnormalities for my 4x miscarriages and the 3 xIVF transfers failures, which is contrary to what every other medical profession is telling me so its really hard to know what to believe. It was all a bit rushed but was with him for 35 minutes. How long was your consultation? Is your issue also recurrent miscarriage? I know you had a few failed cycles, really sorry to read that, its so hard isn't it. We are embarking on another cycle but just egg collections, no transfers yet so should be fine. Have you had your covid vaccine yet? He said i must get mine as won't be able to prescribe so many steroids. xx

Fertilityjourney profile image
Fertilityjourney in reply to PaulaDag

Glad it went well. Yes I am ALOT poorer now eek!I had a chemical pregnancy and an early miscarriage with IVF - after unexplained infertility or sub fertility as he put it. And I just said to my husband that I can't put us through it again without diving a little deeper to see what's going on.

My IVF doc didn't see a problem with egg quality in general but recommends PGA-T our embryos to reduce chance of miscarriage and ICSI Whereas Dr Sheheta recommends embryo banking. My consultation was only about 30 mins too but he had read all my test results and history.

I had my first jab three weeks ago and booked in for 2nd early next month. Xxx

PaulaDag profile image
PaulaDag in reply to Fertilityjourney

Hi, how did your results consultation go? Anything found? I have my follow up tomorrow and was hoping to receive the results today so I can read beforehand but nothing so far. Am feeling about nervous.

I've had 4 miscarriages and 2 failed ICSI cycles (3 transfers all with BFN) so kind of hoping he does find something. My fertility clinic just say its my eggs as I'm 42 but he doesn't seem to agree.

I totally agree re diving deeper to see if anything else is going on. My clinic just say another round or move to donor. Its not very helpful and there is no evidence its abnormal chromosome in my eggs as we didn't do PGS. Yes my embryo grades were pretty good the embryologist said but did say its not indicative of what inside in terms of correct number of chromosomes.


Fertilityjourney profile image

Hi there, I had my follow up last week and I have active NK Cells and also antithyroid antibodies. So I feel relieved they found something and hopefully we can fix it... 🤞

Before my next IVF round I need to suppress my immune system and I'll be on anti Malaria pills and asprin. Also Framlin (no. blood clotting issues but he likes you to be on this.) And Intralipids.

The consultation is a bit overwhelming as it's so many test results and pieces of paper to sign and leaflets to take away - but the nurses are lovely and office manager said to take our time and read through everything carefully and go back with any questions.

He has also recommended embryo banking - no PGT-A testing and no Isci.

This time I will be on a short cycle. So hoping to get going next month and really praying this is the missing piece in the jigsaw. 🙏🙏 Xx

PaulaDag profile image
PaulaDag in reply to Fertilityjourney

Hi, I just had my follow up and also have active NK cells, he said mine was very high > 1.8 but the count was OK. Was yours high or very high? I feel relieved they found something but also a bit scared. He did say treatment wouldn't work for an abnormal chromosomes embryo and if I had one as still 42, they would still miscarry. Did he say that to you?

I also had cytotoxicity assay as high at 26% and normal is under 20%.

Did he say you needed steroids? Mine he said was Hydroxychloroquine, aspirin, Fragmin, intralipids and steroids.

Yes I felt overwhelmed as well. Ours was by zoom so he said to return the consent form.

When do you start the treatment, is it only before transfer? I am doing embryo banking as well so guess it won't be until a transfer happens. I need to read it all properly as it came through late last night.


Fertilityjourney profile image
Fertilityjourney in reply to PaulaDag

Hi there.

Don't worry - I feel abit scared too. I expected to be jumping for joy if they found anything - but I guess our minds zooms ahead to what ifs? And fear kicks in....

I think mine were high instead of very high - paperwork is not with me at the moment. I'll check! No steroids for me...

He didn't say that about abnormal chromosomes but to be honest if it is abnormal then I don't think anything would prevent it. However to give you some reassurance in Dr. Beers book, it says that none of his ladies suffered from that after they had been told their problem was abnormal chromosones...

In my previous mtg I told him my IVF clinic advised genetic screening - but he did not think I needed this. I had sent him my embryo report...

I will start the Hydro... and Aspirin pills 6 weeks before transfer although I think he said we could start sooner... And Fragmin on transfer. And Intralipids WHEN I'm pregnant. I've read the blurb but hubby hasn't so need to go back with a few questions...

The way I look at is, is we are doing everything possible to help our bodies have a healthy pregnancy. There may still be some bumps in the road ahead but hopefully not... and if.so, far fewer...


PaulaDag profile image
PaulaDag in reply to Fertilityjourney

Hi, just catching up on here as been exhausted from doing these back to back cycles :(

Yes I've decided against genetic screening as well, just going to transfer and give them the best chance, although if they don't take I'll hate not knowing why for sure.

I am considering having an ERA test before the FET start, got to get this EC and the next EC out fo the way first though! Have you had an ERA?

I bought Dr Beer's book actually but haven't gotten around to reading it yet. I will as the transfers start looming closer.

I discussed the results with my clinic and the consultant said they don't believe it lol. Said far more likely to be abnormal chromosomes at 42/43. Who knows who is correct but if its a combination of the two things then if i get a normal egg then I don't want nk cells ruining it.

Have you started your embryo banking yet? If so how's it going? xx

joey81 profile image

Hi ladies, thanks for starting this thread. I recently miscarried 3rd tome through natural conception. My ivf cycles have never worked. Im 40 with low amh 4.1. After my 3rd MC, ive now decided to also get the full immunes testing done (ala chicago tests). Are these also the same tests you did or was there something more?Im with argc and they do the immunes test at their clinic but im wondering if its better to go to Dr Shehata / Dr Gorgy, instead of just sticking with my clinic. Any advise would be much appreciated. Many thanks xx

PaulaDag profile image
PaulaDag in reply to joey81

Hi joey81,

Sorry to hear about your miscarriages. Dr Shehata doesn't do the chicago test but it is own tests basically covering the same I believe. If you look on his website it shows a lot of the immune tests he covers. I decided not to use my clinic for this as they only did NK cells by biopsy not bloods. Personally i feel the ivf clinics do ivf well and these add ons there are not their bread and butter. But some are just sent off to the same place for testing I guess. I'd have a consultation with ARGC to ask some questions if i were you - whats covered. Then look at the other two and see what feels right for you. Good luck xx

Fertilityjourney profile image
Fertilityjourney in reply to joey81

Sorry to hear about your losses and treatment. I went with Dr Sheheta after a lady on here recommended him. I felt I needed a miscarriage specialist whereas my IVF clinic are IVF specialists. He is certainly reassuring and success rate is high...

I know there are lots of different views on age etc. but I think you have to go with your gut feel and trust the specialists. 🙏 that it works for us all. Xxx

K8dferXdder profile image

hi all, just reading through your comments on Shehata as I am considering consulting with him. My clinic do not want to put me on intralipids :( I hope Shehata will give it to me following my NK blood tests done with RIC - Reproductive Immunology Centre. Have you girls had success after the treatment plan and monitoring with Shehata? Look forward to reading your comments!

PaulaDag profile image
PaulaDag in reply to K8dferXdder

Hi, my clinic are very against the intralipids as well but I have had it twice now. No success for me yet but I started transfers in May this year and have had 2 so far - one negative and one chemical. We were embryo banking for the last year even though I already had the results from Dr Shehata. So I hope it will work soon as maybe we need to just get the right embryo if the others were chromosomally incorrect then his plan won't help.

It is very expensive. £2K for the blood tests and he wants to see you after every failed attempt which is £200 each time. Plus the medications but its worth it if it works. My clinic keep saying its more likely embryo chromosome issues but you can never tell so covering all bases really.

Good luck on whatever you decide to do. Keep us updated x

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