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MMC after heartbeat

strawberriesandcream profile image

Hi all, I found out last week my baby stopped growing at 9 weeks 1 day. Up until this point it was spot on for growth, and heart was beating perfectly. I had bleeding in the pregnancy but that was fine and due to it being an FET and not connected to the pregnancy.

My question is, when a pregnancy is clearly viable, has reached 9 weeks and is doing well, what are the reasons it then stops?

Can it still be chromosomal abnormality at that point or do I need to look for other answers? I know it’s around 2% chance of miscarriage at the point I had one so I am wondering if anyone knows why this might be?

The uncertainty of why it happened is driving me nuts and scaring me that I’ll never have a successful pregnancy. This is my second miscarriage, my first was a pregnancy of unknown location (not officially diagnosed as ectopic but I am certain it was).

Thanks xxxx

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strawberriesandcream profile image
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37 Replies
muststayhopeful profile image

Oh I am so so sorry! I had a MMC at 8 weeks in jan. It was my 5th transfer having had a previous ectopic for which I had my right tube removed. I know exactly how you are feeling. The commonest cause is chromosomal abnormalities. It’s so devastating especially after having heard a heard beat. I’d had about 3 scans.

Please don’t blame yourself. Stay positive xxxx

strawberriesandcream profile image
strawberriesandcream in reply to muststayhopeful

Yes I had had 3 perfect scans too. So chromosomal abnormalities can still cause a miscarriage at that point then? That makes me feel a bit better if so. Sorry to hear of your loss as well 💔

muststayhopeful profile image
muststayhopeful in reply to strawberriesandcream

Yes they can unfortunately, it’s utterly heartbreaking. I didn’t have the tissue chromosomally tested as they won’t on the NHS after one loss. But I may tell a porky if it happens again to get it sent. Not very nice but desperate times requires desperate measures and I feel no one else can or is fighting for this as much as me and my husband. Xxx

Nuszkahope profile image

Hi strawberries,I am so sorry you are going through pregnancy loss :(

Did you speak to any specialist about it? What did your doctor say?

strawberriesandcream profile image
strawberriesandcream in reply to Nuszkahope

I am meeting my consultant next week so will ask him then. Thanks for your wishes ❤️

XOXO13 profile image

I’m so sorry for your loss 💔

Sadly the most common cause is chromosomal abnormalities. Have you spoken to your doctor?

I’ve had two (my second was a CP) and a new clinic suggested a more in-depth thrombophelia panel (apparently what I had before wasn’t as detailed, unbeknownst to me) before my next transfer, as well as PGS testing (given my miscarriage + two unsuccessful transfers). I’m not sure how I feel about PGS but always worth a discussion when you’re ready.

For now, take all the time you need to heal. Rest up and lots of TLC. Big hugs xx

strawberriesandcream profile image
strawberriesandcream in reply to XOXO13

Ok that’s something to think about for the next time. I will discuss PGS testing as perhaps that’s what we need for a better chance of successful pregnancy xx

XOXO13 profile image
XOXO13 in reply to strawberriesandcream

There’s lots of mixed reviews about PGS, I’m still on the fence but have to trust what the consultant said for our personal case and I never see the harm in asking questions and having a discussion.

Really wishing you well, and just so sorry you’ve had to go through the loss of your baby xx

Tulips1978 profile image

I am so sorry to hear what you are going through. Try and Stay strong and stay positive. I had two MMC last year at 42 years old. Both fresh transfers. Then had a natural FET and I am now 16 weeks pregnant with twin girls. Hope this restores your faith and positivity. If you have any questions pls ask away. Happy to help xx

strawberriesandcream profile image
strawberriesandcream in reply to Tulips1978

Thanks for the message. Yes that does give me hope that you can be so unlucky and things still work out ok. All the best for the rest of your pregnancy ❤️

Zebedee1971 profile image

The most common reason would be chromosomal. Only three of the chromosomal abnormalities survive past 12 weeks- downs, and two others... So it could be chromosomal... Or it could be something else entirely.

For me, I always miscarried before 7 weeks and we found out it was because of high/aggressive nk cells, which meant my body attacked the embryo at implantation stage, so we never got as far as 9 weeks...

The truth is you'll probably never know what caused it. The only way to know is to have the tissue analysed but I think 9 weeks is too early to get this done?? Though I can't be 100% sure on that. Has the miscarriage happened (physically) yet? Or are you still waiting? If the latter, ask you doctor if you can get the tissue sent for analysis. This should either confirm it is chromosomal or indicate a different issue altogether, in which case further tests can be done.

This isn't going to help much now but there is one thing that should hopefully give you some sort of hope and that is that you CAN get pregnant. I know losing the baby is horrendous (I've been thee myself), but the fact you got that far is a good sign. I didn't think so when I lost my first two, then had chemical after chemical, but the losses helped me find an answer as to why it kept happening, and we're now - finally- a couple of months away from being parents.

Hopefully you can get the tissue analysed so you can get on the right path to some answers. Good luck xx

strawberriesandcream profile image
strawberriesandcream in reply to Zebedee1971

Yes they have agreed to analyse the tissue for us, I miscarried at home after medical management and then had to take it to them which was truly heartbreaking. Yes I guess dependent on that I will know whether to look further. Good luck for the rest of your pregnancy ❤️

Zebedee1971 profile image
Zebedee1971 in reply to strawberriesandcream

I'm so sorry you had to go through that, but glad you at least have the option to look into the cause- it's frustrating not knowing why it happened. I always assumed it was my 'bad' eggs because of my age but it can be so many other things. Just remember, even if your result comes back chromosomal it doesn't mean the next one will be the same. All embryos are different. X

Masief profile image

Hey there, I am so sorry for this awful news. I had an MMC in February too and had to have a D&C. As part of that I asked to get my tissue tested as second MC and my age being 41. The results came back as normal for this. I also had implantation failure tests, they all came back normal. The one thing I discovered luckily was thyroid issues, as soon as I got a positive test I asked my GP to test my thyroid. The results was almost triple what they are normally. I started taking thyroid meds but it's hard to control retrospectively. So after all those tests that's the one thing that I know could significantly contribute to a miscarriage. I am now on thyroid meds until my next transfer and as soon as I fall pregnant I will up my thyroid dosage and get tests again. Basically, it's not always easy to pinpoint but my thyroid would have been missed if I hadn't insisted on GP tests (I previously have attributed thyroid fluctuation to implantation failure and another MC but didn't have my numbers go high enough to prove it). Worth getting it looked at as soon as possible xxx

Marisa32 profile image
Marisa32 in reply to Masief

Gosh....clinics being totally ignorant regarding Thyroid drives me nuts. Sorry you had to go through this. I feel like they should lose their licenses for providing substandard care. They put women through so much and can't look at a simple blood test first? I have Hashimoto's, so I take it personally Luckily I found out about it the moment I walked into my first IVF clinic. But I'm finding out on this forum that many don't know until it's too late!

Masief profile image
Masief in reply to Marisa32

Sorry I should clarify, they only tested my thyroid after a failed third transfer after my first MC. That is poor. It was after this transfer I was asked to get it checked. Came back over 2.5! Neither clinic nor Dr followed up. I was told it's normal. Then after my fourth failed transfer I took a break did lots od reserach and found out being above 2.5 is not good. Got it checked in Nov and was 1.6 so clinic didn't require me to take action. Sadly after being pregnant it went super high. It should be mandatory to have tsh checked every time! Lukily on the meds now and my gp is very aware xxx

Marisa32 profile image
Marisa32 in reply to Masief

That's crazy but I'm glad you figured it out on your own. Yeah pregnancy and 1st trimester will cause your TSH to skyrocket that's why endocrinologists like it to be closer to 1 at the onset and then monitor every 4 weeks. This way it shouldn't cross the 2.5 threshold. Hopefully someone in our situation will read this post and find it helpful. That's all we can hope for.

Masief profile image
Masief in reply to Marisa32

Absolutely, the UK is so behind on thyroid issues! You have to advocate for yourself esp in relation to pregnancy!

strawberriesandcream profile image
strawberriesandcream in reply to Masief

I hadn’t even thought about thyroid issues, did you have an inckling something was wrong? Like any symptoms for something being wrong with it?

Masief profile image
Masief in reply to strawberriesandcream

Well I wanted it monitored due to it fluctuating in the past. I did feel tired, more constipated than usual and generally lacking my usual energy. I just put it down to early pregnancy, but it was my thyroid struggling and the baby depends on it in the first 12 weeks. It clearly didn't get enough. I would test your thyroid asap. My gp also tested me for hashimoto , when your immune system attacks your thyroid. That was negative. Really important tests to have done! Hope you're ok xxx

strawberriesandcream profile image
strawberriesandcream in reply to Masief

So what tests can I ask for? Thyroid and hashimoto? Is that what I request from GP? Thanks for the advice x

Masief profile image
Masief in reply to strawberriesandcream

Yes those two, I would talk to your gp about what's happened and ttc etc. Then insist on the tests to ensure next time things go smoothly. Also you need it to be ideally below 2 to ttc. So these tests will inform your next try but you also need monitoring. Good luck x

PurplePiggie profile image

Thinking of you, so sorry you're going through this xx

strawberriesandcream profile image
strawberriesandcream in reply to PurplePiggie

Thanks for your wishes ❤️

BBHH1 profile image

Sorry to hear. I had exactly the same a few months ago. I know it hurts.

It’s more like 10% than 2% though. It can still be chromosomal abnormalities. We did the genetics of the fetus and it was abnormal. I recommend that you do it. If it was normal then you need to investigate deeper why that happened. Be well

strawberriesandcream profile image
strawberriesandcream in reply to BBHH1

Yes they have agreed to do that which hopefully will give me some answers. I was thinking it would be unlikely to be reason as I was further along but I will feel better if it comes back as abnormal as it will give me an answer that is justified.

Marisa32 profile image

So sorry about your loss. Hopefully you'll get some answers soon. The feeling of not knowing why something went wrong is the worst. Hang in there.

strawberriesandcream profile image
strawberriesandcream in reply to Marisa32

Thank you ❤️

Itileguy profile image
Itileguy in reply to strawberriesandcream

I’m so sorry for your lossI had 3 miscarriages before a doctor had suggested progesterone shots

He explained that at the 3 month mark the embryo needs to attach to the uterus where you need lots of progesterone to make that transition happen . I went on to have 2 beautiful daughters with the help of those shots every week for 3 months

Maybe ask your doc

Lots of hugs and prayers for you and your family 💕

Itileguy profile image
Itileguy in reply to Itileguy

Progesterone is a hormone produced by the ovaries that is responsible for preparing the uterus for pregnancy and maintaining the pregnancy once it has occurred. Women who have low progesterone levels may have a more difficult time conceiving; they may also be at increased risk for miscarriage in early pregnancy once they do conceive. Understanding the causes of low progesterone levels and possible preventative measures that can be taken to increase progesterone can greatly increase the chances of a successful pregnancy.

Itileguy profile image
Itileguy in reply to strawberriesandcream

Nala_01 profile image

I’m so sorry for your loss. I’ve had 2 missed miscarriages at 9weeks after seeing a heartbeat and several scans where everything was fine. With the second we did testing and found there was a chromosomal abnormality. I think at that stage chromosomal abnormalities are the most common cause. Hang in there ❤️ xx

strawberriesandcream profile image
strawberriesandcream in reply to Nala_01

Thanks for the reply. They have agreed to do the testing so I am hoping that gives me the answers I am looking for. Not sure where you are at with your journey now but did you then test future embryos or anything? Or are chromosomal abnormalities rare enough to chance it moving forward? Xx

Nala_01 profile image
Nala_01 in reply to strawberriesandcream

Hopefully you can get some answers. I think if neither you or your partner have a chromosomal abnormality, hopefully it shouldn’t happen again.

We found that one of us had a chromosomal issue and were advised to Pgd test embryos for that particular issue rather than pgs as we were only getting 1 embryo/cycle.

Libsie3103 profile image

I’m so sorry to hear this it’s so tough. I had a MMC with twins after seeing their heartbeats at 7.5 weeks, at our next scan we were told they had both died. I also remember reading statistics of the odds being very low. It was my first pregnancy but I managed to convince them to test the babies and the bigger one had Trisomy 9 so would never have got to term. I’m now almost 36 weeks pregnant and all is fine as far as we’re aware (we opted not to do the screening) so it is possible. Give yourself the time and space you need to grieve, it gets easier in time as you know but you’ll never forget them xxx

LuxFleur profile image

Hello hun, I know I am late in replying to this, but I just wanted to say that almost this exact thing happened to me this spring too. We had genetic tests done and found out that she did indeed have a chromosome abnormality that is always fatal. This is almost certainly what happened with yours too. I know they say that, but of course I was blaming myself. Then we decided to pay for the tests and it was confirmed, a complete trisomy that always causes miscarriage or early stillbirth. There isn't anything you could have done differently, just bad luck. xoxoxo

Just thought I would put a reply on here as I have had my results back which confirmed there were no genetic abnormalities with the baby. My consultant had predicted that would be the case as the loss was later on. The most likely cause was the placenta taking over. I wanted to post the results in case this helps anyone in the future xxx

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