Hello lovely ladies, I have had my egg collected and got 6 embryos frozen. In next few days there will be FET. Can you please advise me any tips to keep calm before embryo transfer. In general I have been quite uncomfortable for scans but somehow I managed those. As bladder will be full during embryo transfer, is the transfer process is bearable? In the past I had smear test also under sedation so no experience of that too.
Embryo transfer anxiety: Hello lovely... - Fertility Network UK
Embryo transfer anxiety
Hi Blue4summer. I am sure you will be fine. Very similar to having a smear test done. You could take two paracetamol an hour before you are due to have the transfer, just in case, but most ladies are fine. Just really wanted to wish you all the best, and of course for success. Diane
Hi lovely, from my experience it’s definitely bareable! Like Diane said it’s very much like a smear so at some points there maybe some slight discomfort but again definitely not painful from putting the speculum in but honestly when they are transferring I didn’t notice and was too busy watching the screen waiting to see if I could spot it haha. I know it’s hard but try to relax as it will make it easier. Good luck and you will honestly be fine. Keep thinking of your beautiful embryo xxx
I didn’t take any pain killers and I didn’t feel a thing. I did drink too much water though so they let me empty my bladder a bit and then I found it comfortable. Good luck! ❤️
Omg Britt86 me too. My bladder was so full I was in agony in the waiting room (they were running very late!) so I had to go let a bit out. Stopping mid-flow is no fun, and not easy!! 🤣
I remember being scared I’d need the loo too much so I drank less water than I would normally from the moment I got up - like minimal water and then 10:15 had my last wee and drank I think a pint but slowly and my transfer was 12:15. They said the amount I had in me was perfect and it wasn’t uncomfortable at all and when they said after you can run to the toilet (presuming that’s what most people do), I didn’t need to, just went as I was walking out of the hospital. So that’s my plan next time as well