How low is my amh?: Hi all. I'm new... - Fertility Network UK

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How low is my amh?

Babybana profile image
34 Replies

Hi all. I'm new here and I'm about to start ivf to have my second child. I've recently had some tests done. My afc was showing 9 follicles which was lower than average for my age and my amh came up as 5.7pmol which again was told is below average for my age. I'm 36 and doing a multicycle. Has anybody had any success stories with an amh of 5.7 i'm not sure how low this is as everywhere I look the stats are in ng and I dont know how to convert the pmol into ng. Feeling a bit stressed and worried as I didnt expect to be below average.

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Babybana profile image
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34 Replies
Jess1981 profile image

Hi I have low AMH levels mine was 4 and that was when I was only 32 (I'm now 39 bod knows how low now) ! After my third surgery for ehdo I finally had my first daughter Francesca whos is now 21 month old. I decided to try for a sibling and sadly lost my second daughter Amelia at 20 weeks pregnant last November ( no cause was established) I had a chemical pregnancy after birthing her and I'm now 5 weeks and 5 days pregnant due ok November which has to be a good sign! My low AMH has never prevented me from conceiving ( my ehdo was the culprit) You may get fewer eggs but I'd say it's quality over quantity and it only takes one egg 😍 Congratulations on your first baby but I understand the need to complete your family unit 😘 wishing you every success Xx

sunset212 profile image
sunset212 in reply to Jess1981

Congratulations on your recent pregnancy and 21 month old daughter. I have been testing positive on the clear blue digital how many weeks since 6dp5dt 🙏🏻 I have also endo but like your self have an 18 month old from my first FET. I would be 4 weeks 2 days just waiting for that elusive 2-3 weeks indicator now! Did you have many symptoms in your 4th week I feel almost normal breasts a little swollen and a little tired but that’s it! Best wishes to you x

Jess1981 profile image
Jess1981 in reply to sunset212

Honestly hardly any symptoms - just tender breasts and tiredness! Congratulations on your 18 month old and this pregnancy. Try not to stress too much on ckearlblue they aren't 💯 accurate for weeks. I gave it 5 days after I first tested and got 2-3 weeks - I was 17 DPO. Not all women have symptoms-'my mother in law had no symptoms during all 3 pregnancies but had 3 healthy sons. My nerves are also bad having lost our second daughter. Just trying to get through one day at a time and get past each hurdle. First one was make beyond a chemical pregnancy ✅ ( we've had 2 chemicals ) All the best to you on your pregnancy just remember every pregnancy has to start from somewhere Xx

sunset212 profile image
sunset212 in reply to Jess1981

Thank you for your kind comment Jess1981. And yes I am so sorry about your second daughter. Though never a replacement may God bless you with a healthy pregnancy and sibling for your first daughter. xxx

Babybana profile image
Babybana in reply to Jess1981

Thank you for your reply. Congratulations on your baby and latest pregnancy and sorry for your losses. I have been reading loads on how to improve my egg quality and I'm starting acupuncture next week. I dont think ill start my cycles now until early June just to give myself a good chance at getting some good eggs. Stories like yours give a lot of hope. One question how did you realise you had endo? I dont think I have it and it wasn't picked up at my afc scan but not sure if theres specific symptoms or scans that show it or if low amh is a sign?

Jess1981 profile image
Jess1981 in reply to Babybana

Thank you. This probably might be concerning- but I didn't get my endo diagnosis until I'd been TTC 5 years 10 months. I have all the symptoms of endo but our first fertility doctor and 3 other gynaecologists failed to make the link of my symptoms to endo 😬 After my first surgery I had a chemical pregnancy. Our 21 month old daughter came following my third and last surgery for endo. Sadly endo is able to be diagnosed without a surgical procedure called a laparoscopy. My endo nurse said they are working hard to get a blood test developed to diagnose endo.

I took pre antenatal vitamins, an all in one bee propolis, bee pollen and royal jelly supplement throughout my cycle. I also took evening primrose oil till and serrapetase ( for the scar tissue of my endo surgeries) till ovulation . I then ate pineapple from ovulation till 9 DPO as it is thought to help implantation, and took aspirin till BFP ( to suppress endo inflammation and I take it in pregnancy anyway) I ate so many vegetables high in folic acid. I also drank plenty of water to increase blood flow. And I continued my running until I tested positive- now I just brisk walk.

I'm sure there lots of other supplements others have taken to boost egg quality ( obviously consult your doctor) I felt I had to give my eggs the best chance at my old age! 🤣

Good luck with it all Xx

joey81 profile image
joey81 in reply to Jess1981

Wow that great... well done. I havent heard of taking bee propolis or seraptase before - are these both of scar tissue? How long did you take it for?

Jess1981 profile image
Jess1981 in reply to joey81

The bee propolis is more to do with my endo- a study proved women with endo had 40% more chance of conceiving than those not taking propolis . Also royal jelly is full of vitamins really good for you. You can get them separately. The serrapetase was taken before ovulation as I have scar tissue from 4 surgeries ( 3 laps and a D &C from losing Amelia- I had left over membranes) I've been taking the serrapetase after my third lap - stopped with my pregnancies obviously. Over all it has really helped ease the symptoms I have with endo. I'm sure combination of the endo surgeon that did my last lap 2 years 8 months ago and the serrapetase has helped my endo symptoms ( it really impacted on my quality of life) and helped my fertility. Like I said you wouldn't know for sure if you have endo unless you have a lap and not all endo affects fertility mine did because of the inconsiderate location it chose to grow 🙄Xx

Nic_o_la_la profile image

Hiya. I don’t really have a success story because I’m starting my first round next week but wanted to say I’m also 36, AFC of 9 and AMH at 3 (not sure what measure that is tbh) I was really shocked and upset when I heard that news and it wiped me out for a while because I’d been quite confident I was OK because I have such regular cycles and annoyed at how naive I’d been. But as Jess has said, people say you only need that one egg to achieve your baby so it’s about quality over quantity. That’s what I’m going into my cycle keeping in mind and feeling so much more positive now. I know my egg collection numbers will be low because of my results but that doesn’t mean it can’t still be a success. Wishing you lots of luck for your cycles 🤞🏼💜 xx

Babybana profile image
Babybana in reply to Nic_o_la_la

Ah I feel exactly the same! I have very regular cycles and ovulate like clockwork so I thought all my levels would be fine. I conceived my daughter through ivf 6 years ago I was 30 then and everything was above average for my age. Shocking how much things can change as soon as you hit the other side of 30. I have my first consultation with Care fertility next week and I'm going for their multi cycle programme where I get two fresh and unlimited frozen. I was hoping when I decided I would make a good few frozen. Dont know if I will get those numbers now so im putting everything into quality. Did you take any additional supplements?

Nic_o_la_la profile image
Nic_o_la_la in reply to Babybana

It just made me wish that we’d started trying sooner and I hadn’t waited til this point in my life to try and might have known sooner. Yes I’m taking the usual pregnacare pre-natal for the folic acid, ubiquinol (the coq10), vit D and B12. I was considering adding in omega 3 but my consultant didn’t actually recommend anything and just said a healthy diet and lifestyle would be enough and I thought I could start rattling soon with the tablets I already take so have stuck with just those. I try to not have red meat more than once a week, have a good amount of protein, and some fish once/twice a week. I’ve read that seeds/nuts/berries are good so usually have porridge or a nut granola for brekkie with chia seeds/flax seeds and blueberries/raspberries/strawberries (whatever I’ve got in the fridge that day) etc. I’m trying not to go over the top with the food/supplements too much because I think I could be the person that gets a bit obsessive about it and blames myself for doing even one little thing wrong if it doesn’t work. So have really reduced my caffeine but still enjoy the occasional cup of real tea! And I’ve reduced my alcohol consumption but still have a couple of glasses 🍷 at the weekend / occasional blow out on a zoom with friends because I think it would be just as harmful to me with stress and worry to take everything away than enjoy in moderation if you know what I mean?! Sorry that was a longer message than I intended and probably more than you wanted to know! 😂🤦🏻‍♀️ cx

Victoria1800 profile image

Hi. I have very low amh. Thought that would mean I had no chance. I didn't really understand it all at firsr. After a fair bit of research I don't think it's a reflection on quality. IVF clinic told me on my first ever appointment I'd be better off using donor eggs. A lot to take in your first appointment when you had no idea there was anything wrong. I conceived naturally during the covid lockdown that sadly ended in a MMC at 10 weeks but that told me that I can get pregnant, that body could do it. I'm in my 2ww now after my first IVF cycle. I only got 3 eggs due to my AMH but all fertilised, 2 made it to 5day blastocyst. One considered highest grade and the other not far off. I've one in me and one in the freezer. So many women with higher AMH don't get this far so I'm aware of how fortunate I am. Whatever the outcome of my 2ww, I think that just because you have less it doesn't mean that they are bad.

Babybana profile image
Babybana in reply to Victoria1800

Ah good luck hun! I hope you get your bfp! Did you take any additional supplements or do anything extra to get your eggs to a good quality?

Victoria1800 profile image
Victoria1800 in reply to Babybana

I did actually but I didn't go overboard. I started taking vitimin C, those pre conception tablets (pregnacare) and omega 3 daily. Switched to organic diary. Some people say to quit dairy but I've been tested for sensitivities and I'm fine with dairy. Stopped getting fat-free stuff. I also take magnesium at night. Quit all caffeine. I'm not super healthy but I think my diet is OK. I mean I still eat the odd Chinese and fish and chips and too many Cadbury Creme eggs. I do use this stuff called Linwoods milled flaxseed, almonds, brazil nuts, CoQ 10 everyday on my cereal/Yoghurt. It's like ground up powder so you can't really taste it. It's got all the stuff in it to improve egg quality and sell it at Holland and Barrett and big Sainsburys. Probably being doing this about a year now but I got pregnant naturally in the first 3 months I made these changes. The caffeine thing I had to do anyway as it interferes with my thyroid medication so I think just to cutting down helps. I don't know for sure this is what made a difference but it's made me feel like im doing something to help. Like, no harm in just trying to be a bit healthier anyway.

joey81 profile image
joey81 in reply to Victoria1800

This post was so useful... can i ask what is the benefit if magnesium at night?

Victoria1800 profile image
Victoria1800 in reply to joey81

It "can" aid sleep and getting good sleep is very important. It's also important in regulating your hormones, particularly progesterone and estrogen. My cycle was only about 26 days and I've managed to get it back to 27/28 days. Can't say it was just the magnesium but there is some good scientific literature on magnesiums role in hormonal balance and regulation.

Victoria1800 profile image
Victoria1800 in reply to Victoria1800

I'm not an expert though, not a health professional. Just my thoughts on what I did that I believe helped me. Each to your own. Always check what is right for you.

joey81 profile image
joey81 in reply to Victoria1800

Hi, this is actually really helpful. My cycle is also short at 26 days and i keep thinking its hormonal too. Ill look into it. What dose did you take each night?

Victoria1800 profile image
Victoria1800 in reply to joey81

I take 250mg magnesium from Holland and Barrett between about 8:30 and 9:30pm when I have my last hot drink. I know its just by one day but I was so pleased when I went from 26 days back to 27 with the odd 28 day cycle. I'm nearly 41 so wanted to extend what I could were I could. Magnesium is needed for calcium and potassium absorbtion too. I think it's an underrated all rounder.

joey81 profile image
joey81 in reply to Victoria1800

Thanks Victiria. Im also 40 so really want to try give it my best shot and taking an extra supp is no where near as hard as what we are all enduring. I will add that to my shopping list. Thank you. Just hope we all get there in the end. Xx

Victoria1800 profile image
Victoria1800 in reply to joey81

All the best to you too x

joey81 profile image
joey81 in reply to Victoria1800

And you Victoria xx

Victoria1800 profile image
Victoria1800 in reply to joey81

Just letting you know that I got a BFP. All looks good. Low AMH doesn't mean its impossible 👍🏻

joey81 profile image
joey81 in reply to Victoria1800

Oh many congrats Victoria, thats so amazing... well done to you. Thanks for the positive msg, yes i just thinks odds are all against me, poor responder to drugs, 40 years age and low amh!

Victoria1800 profile image
Victoria1800 in reply to joey81

That's what I'm like too. I only had 3 follicles at egg collection but it's not impossible. X

Babybana profile image
Babybana in reply to Victoria1800

Ah I'm so pleased for you. Praying you have a healthy pregnancy. Thank you for all the advice and suggestions on how to improve diet and also all the positivity!

Wishingforabump profile image

Hello ,My RE always told me amh doesn’t reflect quality rather than quantity , you will not produce a lot of eggs but the few you got might be top quality . I have severe endo with very low amh , done 2 cycles sadly did not get pregnant but everytime i would get around 7 or 8 eggs .. around 3 fertilize and both i had 2 good quality embryos and maybe was other factors that made my 2 attempts unsuccessful , to add to this , in my 3rd cycle and tbh i am so desperate and tired i suggested to my RE to go straight to donor eggs since i had my doubts about how good my embryos really were but he refused and said u are producing eggs everytime we have to give you another chance using ur own eggs and now i have 2 embies in the freezer that i am hoping day by night to survive until transfer . Best of luck to you

Babybana profile image
Babybana in reply to Wishingforabump

Ah fingers crossed! My daughter was a fet after my fresh cycle failed. I'm really trying everything to ensure I can give my eggs a fighting chance

Hi my amh was 3.4pmol at 39 I had 2 kids in my 20’s then between 37-39 we had 3 mc I was told for ivf it would be donor but wasnt offered treatment. I had 2 more chemical pregnancies and turned 40, 6 mths later pregnant again and all is going good I’m 28w and 41, I have to say I was devastated knowing my amh level was low and no treatment was offered I presumed my eggs were just too weak now and we were pretty much at the end of the road. But by some miracle it’s happened for us.

Babybana profile image
Babybana in reply to

I love hearing stories like this. They make me feel optimistic that my body might possibly be able to do it itself one day. Did you do anything differently to boost your chances?

in reply to Babybana

Hi I did even less I stopped everything stopped opk bbt no supplements/folic acid I gave up! we were in lockdown so nothing to do I decorated tried to keep up my weight loss & exercise I did get a good tan last year maybe it was extra vit D also kids went back to school in the sept when I conceived lol I have conceived in sept before aswel. My partner was on holiday from work so he was extra chilled maybe that helped too. I don’t have any answers, it must just have been a good strong egg.

BBHH1 profile image

With those numbers and your age you should respond well to stimulation and have a very reasonable number of eggs. Also you are young enough that even few embryos give you a good chance.

Só a good RE should be able to get you good results. If you are not having good results get a second opinion. Good luck!🍀

Babybana profile image
Babybana in reply to BBHH1

Thank you! Comments like this make me feel optimistic. When I saw my amh results they were like its just below average for someone your age but because it was in pmol and good old Google gives you everything in ng it was so hard to see if it is low ovarian reserve or borderline or totally normal etc. I've started taking coq10 and I'm also ready rebecca fetts book it starts with an egg

Jols profile image

Hi Babybana, you can check some posts by Zita West on her IG or FB. Basically, thanks to your age (you are young) you have very good chances of good quality eggs regardless of the numbers retrieved.Low AFC/AMH are trickier for older women as they need more eggs to find a good quality one. Good luck xx

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