Help please. I’m desperate - Fertility Network UK

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Help please. I’m desperate

Leonie123x profile image
49 Replies

Hello, My first time ever posting on here. Also first time icsi. Please help. I started bleeding on the weekend. It’s been like a period. I’m due to test tomorrow 2ww up then. I tested two days ago negative.. is there still any hope please

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Leonie123x profile image
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49 Replies
IVFat40 profile image

I'm so sorry to hear things are so hard, this whole process can be so incredibly tough. The only advise I can think of is to test with First Response, they seem to be the most sensitive early response tests, so if there is HCG in your blood I think they've the best chance of picking it up. Wishing you the very best of luck whatever happens, whether your time is now or perhaps a future transfer.

Leonie123x profile image
Leonie123x in reply to IVFat40

Thank you so much ❤️, I’ll try one of them tomorrow. Tomorrow is test day. I feel so alone, it’s driving me insane. One of my best friends have just had a newborn baby & my other has just found out the sex of hers. I’m going out of my head. I feel so alone 😢

IVFat40 profile image
IVFat40 in reply to Leonie123x

It's devastating isn't it hun, so wanting our babies and having such a tough journey to get there

Leonie123x profile image
Leonie123x in reply to IVFat40

It’s heartbreaking 😢❤️❤️

Greenwhitecar profile image
Greenwhitecar in reply to Leonie123x

Aww Leonie123x, you're not alone on here. There are so many of us in similar situations and we all know how hard it is. I'm due to test on Sunday and am dreading getting the BFN - yesterday I got sent a message from a colleague announcing her pregnancy with a picture of her ultrasound. I cried so much for my own situation.

Wishing you all the very best xxx

Leonie123x profile image
Leonie123x in reply to Greenwhitecar

I’m so sorry that’s happened to you as well ❤️. I’m thinking of you and I have everything crossed for you xxx

CarolineDx profile image
CarolineDx in reply to Greenwhitecar

Sending you such a big hug, hearing the one thing you definitely don't want to hear, let alone in the TWW. Hopefully you'll be telling people news of your own soon and enjoy every second of it!! 💕

leo1980 profile image
leo1980 in reply to Leonie123x

I am sending you the biggest tightest cuddle love. Whatever the result today, chin up and soldier on. We are here to support you.

Leonie123x profile image
Leonie123x in reply to leo1980

Thank you all so much ❤️, I feel a bit silly and over the top now last was the worse. Today I feel a lot more clearer xx

leo1980 profile image
leo1980 in reply to Leonie123x

It’s ok! In our tribe - we are allowed😉 Do like the ladies on here suggested and ask for your progesterone levels to be upped. I am quite low on progesterone so I use prontogest (painful but effective) and I supplement with the pessaries 400 two times a day. If it doesn’t work out this cycle- on your next one - if frozen ask them to test your levels beforehand so you have the right dosage.

Leonie123x profile image
Leonie123x in reply to leo1980

Haha I love that love ❤️. Ouch that does sound painful 😣. It will be worth it 🤞🏼. Yeh I’m going to mention that when she rings later. Thank you all ❤️. I appreciate it ❤️Xxx

Cally_uk profile image

I’m sorryIt may be worth mentioning upping your progesterone if you try again to avoid bleeds before 2ww at least that’s our plan

Take care of yourself

Leonie123x profile image
Leonie123x in reply to Cally_uk

I’m on 200mg, does it go stronger? I’m so new to all of this. It’s my partners sperm that’s Inmobile & the Icsi using his sperm, they suggested. I was giving the progesterone which is the 200mg pesserys. Which ones would you recommend? Thank you ❤️, same to you xx

IVFat40 profile image
IVFat40 in reply to Leonie123x

If you do need a future transfer your clinic might suggest progesterone injections, perhaps Lubion.

Leonie123x profile image
Leonie123x in reply to IVFat40

I’m going to query about them, when I did phone the nurse up she did say about injections. I’m hoping this will work. I’m going out of my head. And this is only the first one, is this normal 😢🤦‍♀️X

Cally_uk profile image
Cally_uk in reply to Leonie123x

You can get 400mg we had with medicated frozen, when had fresh transfer we used cronine. Just worth mentioning if you bleed before. Sorry I had bleed week before it’s so hard.

Leonie123x profile image
Leonie123x in reply to Cally_uk

Thank you, I’ll bring it up tomorrow. Fingers crossed & iam so sorry about your bleed xxx

sunset212 profile image
sunset212 in reply to Leonie123x

I am on cyclogest 400mg twice a day morning and evening spaced 12 hours apart. I would advise asking your Dr to up the dose . Sorry you are going through this torment. Wait til tomorrow with First response. Fingers crossed x x

Leonie123x profile image
Leonie123x in reply to sunset212

I’m going to definitely ask him to up the dosage, Their even confused how I’ve bleed so early. Their going to look into and I’ll test tomorrow as well, thank you ❤️ & good luck xxx

Lovemylion profile image

Aw sweetie. Sorry to hear you are bleeding and had negative tests. It's not unheard of to bleed during early pregnancy. Like the other poster said I would test with a first response. They can pick up a positive as early as 5dpt (I don't recommend testing that early though). The first cycle is the worst as you just don't know what to expect. I got my BFN on my first and it completely flawed me. However I did get a BFP on my second and had a little boy. It's crunching numbers with IVF. The first round is quite often the taster to see how you react to drugs etc.....they can tweak things for the next one. Xxx

Leonie123x profile image

Thank you so much ❤️, fingers crossed 🤞🏼. Also congratulations I’m glad urs worked xxx

Lovemylion profile image
Lovemylion in reply to Leonie123x

You will get there! Xxx

Leonie123x profile image
Leonie123x in reply to Lovemylion

Thank you ❤️ xx

Babywsoon profile image

Please hang in there as you’re not alone. Everyone goes through their own shares of struggle through this journey. I’ve had 5 IVF transfers and 8 surgeries in between but still haven’t given up. Praying for you to have strength and to trust that your time will come 🙏🏼❤️

Leonie123x profile image
Leonie123x in reply to Babywsoon

Thank you so much 💕. Same goes to you ❤️ xx

lifeishope profile image

Sorry I should have said all 4 tests were negative

Pineapple14 profile image

Such a horrible frustrating time. Just had my first failed Icsi this month and it does feel like everyone else is just getting pregnant so easily but we will get there ❤️❤️❤️. This forum really helps as you do hear so many stories and realise you’re not alone. Hope you get more answers today x

Leonie123x profile image

It’s negative :(, I just done a clear blue.. do I even bother doing another one? First response? Or just accept its failed 😣 , I’m so sorry as well ❤️. Thinking of you, last night this helped me loads. I felt so dramatic posting calmed me loads down xx

sj482 profile image
sj482 in reply to Leonie123x

Hey Leonie123, so sorry to hear this - I also had a negative result this morning from FET, I used the test the clinic gave me but no line even if you tried to squint - I have to keep going for another week. No bleed yet for me though!

Angels2us profile image
Angels2us in reply to sj482

So sorry too 😘😘

Leonie123x profile image
Leonie123x in reply to sj482

Iam so sorry 😢! Thinking of you ❤️ xxx

Angels2us profile image
Angels2us in reply to Leonie123x

So sorry it’s hard this process I had my negative on Monday too , sending you hugs xxxx

sj482 profile image
sj482 in reply to Angels2us

Hugs back to you

Leonie123x profile image
Leonie123x in reply to Angels2us

Thank you so much. Hugs to you ❤️ xx

CarolineDx profile image
CarolineDx in reply to Leonie123x

Please never feel dramatic, you have to be open and honest with your feelings, don't supress how you're feeling or think you're every annoying anyone. We're all here for each other because we know what a horrible rollercoaster this can be. I'm so sorry it was negative for you, we looked at our first round as being the tester and trial. Wishing you all the best!! 💕

Leonie123x profile image
Leonie123x in reply to CarolineDx

Thank you so much ❤️. I absolutely appreciate this, here for you as well I’m wishing you the all the luck ❤️ xx

CarolineDx profile image
CarolineDx in reply to Leonie123x

Thank you 💞

Ahhh Leonie, I had failed icsi in January tested earlier getting negative results, it's difficult journey, but deffo test on your test day for confirmation, I hope you stay strong and prepare for more cycles were awaiting a review appointment to to make sense of it. I found my first cycle the most overwhelming I felt more understanding of this process I wish you all the best 💗💗

Leonie123x profile image
Leonie123x in reply to

I’m so sorry to hear. It’s heartbreaking, I think now I know what to expect I know what I’m getting myself into, always have that glim of hope it’s going to have the first cycle don’t you 😣. Also Good luck ❤️ xxx

in reply to Leonie123x

Yes definitely it's only natural to feel this, it does happen though, but keep going 💗x

Leonie123x profile image
Leonie123x in reply to

Thank you ❤️. I absolutely appreciate it xx

Bettyjoy profile image

Leonie123x I am so sorry for what you are going through- but you are definitely not alone, many of us here have had very similar experiences. IVF is such a cruel process. I know it is hard, but take one day at a time, one step at a time. Do your pregnancy test tomorrow and talk to your clinic, sometimes they call you in for a blood test to confirm the pregnancy test result. I wish you all the luck in the world xxx

Leonie123x profile image

Thank you so much. ❤️. This group has helped loads already. I wish you all the luck as well ❤️. Thank you for you kind words xxxx

Marley15 profile image

Hi I had my first round of IVF, I started period like bleeding on the Monday my test day was Thursday, my clinic told me to carry on with the medication, which I new was pointless but I did then of course on the Thursday my test was negative. Keeping my fingers crossed for you xx

Leonie123x profile image
Leonie123x in reply to Marley15

That’s exactly what’s happened to me this week 😣😣. I have my fingers crossed for you as well xx

Sexy376 profile image

Hun your not alone there is so so many of us who have been through this myself I have had 7 tries all negative never had a baby of my own stay strong hun xx

Leonie123x profile image
Leonie123x in reply to Sexy376

Thank you ❤️. I’m thinking of you I’m so sorry xx

Corchi profile image

Sending a hug and hope xxxx

Leonie123x profile image


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