Hi all,
I’m feeling pretty terrible today and was hoping for a listening ear/some advice. By my own calculations (based on my period), I should be 9 weeks pregnant now.
I had some pelvic pain in one side a couple of weeks ago so went to the EPU. They’ve found a gestational sack and a fetal pole (3mm) measuring around 5 weeks (no heartbeat) at the time and asked me to come back in a week. Last week the embryo had grown to about 5mm and looked like 6 weeks, still no heartbeat. I’ve been asked to come back tomorrow for a third scan. I’ve had no severe cramping or bleeding, and I’m really completely petrified that I will loose this pregnancy. I’ve had a miscarriage at 8 weeks several years ago, which was really traumatic and I don’t know if I can cope with more loss. I’m feeling physically sick and haven’t slept for weeks because I'm so worried. Do you have any advice/suggestions/words of wisdom? I don’t know what to do.
Thanks so much!