Hey guys
I feel bad for writing this as I know a few people lately have had bad news but I’m really struggling today!
We are due for our 12 week scan tomorrow and I feel physically sick, I am a terrified that our moment of happiness is going to come crashing down around us!
I’ve seen on here a few times that people go for the scan and the baby has no heart beat!
My husband keeps telling me we have no reason to believe anything is wrong but I’ve never had any of the typical pregnancy symptoms and other than a swollen belly from the over stimulation I don’t feel any different! I’m just so scared, does anyone know if it’s common for babies to stop growing?
I’m sorry for fretting on here when I should be excited, I do know how lucky we are to have had a positive result!
Hoping you lovely ladies are all doing ok on this emotional rollercoaster of a journey x x x