Background for those who don't know me!
- i was TTC for 7 years it took nearly 6 years to diagnose my endometriosis. We had a chemical pregnancy after my first lap and conceived our daughter Francesca after my 3rd lap with an endo specialist that was our turning point.
Last July we conceived our second daughter Amelia sadly she had no heartbeat at our 20 weeks scan we had her in November the most heartbreaking and unexpected loss as she looked so viable. No obvious cause of death from post mortem but nothing indicated it could happen again so best news really in a dreadful situation.
We tried to conceive again after my period and we got a positive test I am due 3rd October. I am feeling hopeful. with an open mind as it is early days. I feel very blessed to be given another chance.
These stories of late loss are fortunately very rare I don't want to scare anyone we were just very unlucky.
I want to give hope to those still fighting that awful battle I never thought I would have a baby with my hubby. It's a tough journey but one that is worth fighting for ❤️