Is it always IVF?: I’m not entirely... - Fertility Network UK

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Is it always IVF?

AJJ123 profile image
27 Replies

I’m not entirely sure what I should title this question but here goes, does anyone have an experience of a private fertility clinic offering “clomid” or similar - perhaps even tube flushing (or whatever) before going down the IUI/IVF route?

I don’t mean a laparoscopy - I have had that already in 2017. I’m not avoiding IVF due to cost, I just don’t want to have something so invasive if all I need is a pill - which has never been offered to me - I’m polycystic.

I can’t get any help from the NHS, even before the pandemic they were pretty rubbish with my fertility advice. Sorry if I’m bitter - I just haven’t had a great experience with fertility healthcare from them.

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AJJ123 profile image
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27 Replies
SianieShorts profile image

I asked for a cycle of CLomid before IVF as similarly, I wanted the least invasive treatment first. My consultant said she didn’t think it would do the job for me but was willing to give it a shot. It didn’t work for us but always worth asking. This too was when I was having NHS treatment and I always wondered whether you get all the same options NHS vs Private.Hope this helps x

AJJ123 profile image
AJJ123 in reply to SianieShorts

Thanks, well I’m going to try and see how far I get. If it’ll be a lot of messing about and going for scan every 5 minutes I’ll probably give it a miss and go for IVF. I’ve no idea how any of it works?x

SianieShorts profile image
SianieShorts in reply to AJJ123

With the CLomid, they left me to scans’s to try and regulate ovulation.Just check it doesn’t put you to the back of the list with IVF if you try it.


AJJ123 profile image
AJJ123 in reply to SianieShorts

Ok I will ask that during my appointment - fingers crossed things actually work out this time x

Ivfgotadream profile image

Clomid is only really suitable for women who don’t ovulate I though?

I don’t think they’d allow you to have it if you are poly Cystic - they usually cancel cycles on clomid if you get more than 1 or 2 dominant follicles due to risk of multiples pregnancy and if you have PCOS you are likely to produce a lot more follicles so you’d be at constant risk of having it cancelled anyway?

AJJ123 profile image
AJJ123 in reply to Ivfgotadream

Thanks for your reply. I think from what I’ve read it can be used for women with unexplained infertility too. I’ll see what they say, if rather try and fail then try something else after.

pineapp1e profile image

We were expecting to be offered Clomid or IUI but the clinic went straight to IVF. I’d say definitely do your research first, it may still be the best option to go with IVF but I’ve found the process to be very much ‘own case management’ and self research, which has been highly frustrating. Ive only recently found out about a supplement called Inofolic (Myo-inositol and Folic Acid) which is used for PCOS that I’ve started taking as recommended by my consultant so it’s worth looking into that.

I also found the conception section of this website really informative, they teamed up with Professor Robert Winston to create the content.

Best of luck to you xx

AJJ123 profile image
AJJ123 in reply to pineapp1e

Thank you I’ll check it out. I feel like a lost cause to be honest and that TTC is pretty much out the window x

ToughCOOKIE78 profile image

Hey hun 👋🏻 didn’t you have IVF already? That’s considered the ‘most effective’ process for infertility, Clomid and IUI usually are tried before moving onto IVF....I don’t know how old you are but bear in mind that for egg quality even a few months can make the difference...good luck 🍀🍀🍀🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻

AJJ123 profile image
AJJ123 in reply to ToughCOOKIE78

No, I had IVM instead - probably should have gone for IVF thinking about it now but it seemed really invasive, all the injections and scans - the thought just scared me. X

Lisichka profile image

I’m also have a mild case of PCOS and the fertility clinic (we went private) made us do three cycles with Letrozole (Femara), supposed to be better than Clomid in terms of side effects. They monitored the follicles and ovulation and we did timed intercourse (how fun!). It didn’t work so we did two cycles of Letrozole with IUI, that didn’t work either. Then we moved to IVF. When we started the process I was 32, I’m 34 now and finally pregnant. Depending on your age and other health factors (i.e. does your partner have any sperm issues or is it all good), I would maybe try 3 cycles with Clomid or Letrozole and if no luck, jump into IVF.

AJJ123 profile image
AJJ123 in reply to Lisichka

Thanks, I’ll give it a shot. No he’s all clear so it’s got us scratching our heads as to what on earth us going on tbh x

JustAGirl21 profile image

Hi, I tried chlomid for 3 months before ivf, but it didn’t work for me. I guess you could give it a try and if it doesn’t work then go for ivf.

AJJ123 profile image

I’ll give it a go and if it fails jump to ivf. Does it affect your eggs? X

Millbanks profile image

My consultant at the NHS suggested we try clomid before IVF which I was a bit confused about because I knew that I was ovulating (I was using OPKs). I didn't know any better at the time so took them for 3 months. Without a doubt the worst part of this process (I've had 3 cycles, 4 transfers, both tubes clipped and a polyp removed). I felt absolutely awful emotionally - I literally just cried. Our diagnosis was "unexplained infertility" too so I think they offer it to rule out ovulation issues. But IVF was the way to go for us. It's very individual really xx

Peanutchips profile image

Hey! I did 6 rounds of clomid before IVF. Whilst it’s definitely less invasive, it’s still quite time consuming (I usually had 4 scans per month on average to determine when my follicle was big enough) and the success rates aren’t huge. If going private I wouldn’t do more than 3 cycles before going to IVF. I have PCOS too and it’s quite a common first step into treatment. Personally I found the side effects of clomid to be worse than IVF xxx

Lisichka profile image
Lisichka in reply to Peanutchips

So true re side effects! I didn’t do Clomid, just Letrozole and it made me crazy! I was crying non-stop, it was terrible. I also found IVF so much easier and less invasive.

Peanutchips profile image
Peanutchips in reply to Lisichka

Me too! I ended up seeing a counsellor during this time as I was so depressed. Thought it was the journey itself but felt so much better and more ‘normal’ during IVF! Xx

Lisichka profile image
Lisichka in reply to Peanutchips

Yes! Me too! I was so miserable, crazy mood swings. IVF is a lot easier mentally. Hope you're doing good with the pregnancy and things are progressing nicely xx

Peanutchips profile image
Peanutchips in reply to Lisichka

I’m so sorry you went through that too. I’m doing ok, quite anxious of course. Just ticking off the days until the next scan! How are you getting on? Xx

AJJ123 profile image
AJJ123 in reply to Peanutchips

Ooh I don’t know about all those scans and work etc. I’m trying to keep it quiet x

Peanutchips profile image
Peanutchips in reply to AJJ123

Yes the scans are such a pain. You have scans with IVF of course but as the success rates are much higher, it seems worth it. If you’re lucky and have embryos to freeze, frozen embryo transfers aren’t too bad time-wise xx

AJJ123 profile image
AJJ123 in reply to Peanutchips

I’m starting to wonder now if I should just do the ivf - rather than waste time on clomid or whatever else they might prescribe. Hopefully it’s a consultant I see rather than a nurse. In my last experience two years ago, I had IVM and I don’t recall ever seeing a doctor until the egg collection. They then disappeared again never to be seen ;) X

Lisichka profile image
Lisichka in reply to AJJ123

You can choose to do it unmonitored (maybe after the first one or two cycles) and not do any blood work or scans but I wouldn't recommend it because then you don't know how many follicles, whether you ovulated or not etc.

AJJ123 profile image
AJJ123 in reply to Lisichka

Knowing my luck I’ll do it and end up with quads or some thing x

AJJ123 profile image

Wow, ok thanks for that. I have my appointment in a fortnight while we get our tests up together. Hopefully it doesn’t make me too crazy or husband will argue I’m unstable. I’m not joking either xx

Wonderwoman31 profile image

I'm on Clomid now for unexplained infertility. Currently on month 4 out of 6 and then it's on to IVF. I don't have to attend scans I just have a progesterone blood test on CD21.

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