Hi all,
I'm back into the usual monthly cycle of being super focused on when I might be ovulating (I've never had a positive ovulation test but my bbt does go up in the second half of the cycle) and then convincing myself I might be pregnant even though the chances are really really slim! Anyone else go through this every month?
I'm currently waiting for my review after the second round of IVF. This month by miracle and despite my husband being really stressed with family health issues, we actually had sex just before I possibly ovulated. I'm now examining every cramp and counting down the days until my period is due this Sunday (I have a short 24-26 day cycle)
Now just to manage my expectations - I only have one tube so I have to have ovulated and for it to be on the good side. Then it needs to have been fertilised, implanted and have no abnormalities. So far I had 2 embryos implanted and neither worked so the chance of this happening naturally...I think I've worked out it could be about 15%.
I've been stressed at work, had a couple of cans of cider and eaten lots of mince pies and chocolate so all in all it's not likely but still I have hope and start replaying in my head conversations with family telling them finally after years it has worked and we are having a baby.
Infertility really is rubbish and huge respect to everyone going through this each month. I know the 2ww is even more torture so just want to say hang in there to everyone going through it at the moment. Lets all resist the urge to test early and focus on whatever we can to get through.
Take care all x