OHSS Recovery: Hi, first post... I’ve... - Fertility Network UK

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OHSS Recovery

Phoebe345 profile image
14 Replies

Hi, first post...

I’ve just returned from a week in hospital suffering with OHSS. We knew about a week before retrieval we’d have a freeze all cycle, and I feel ok with that. I’m now home but I feel awful. I had a check up today and physically, my bloods are moving in the right direction. Mentally however, I’ve taken a nose dive. I don’t know whether to speak to my GP about this all call the clinic.

Anyone any advice or had similar? My GP if I can get hold of him knows my MH history but the fertility nurse has been brilliant whilst in hospital, attending the ward each day to see me etc. I just don’t want her to freak out by my thoughts, although I know I could get hold of her tomorrow.


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Phoebe345 profile image
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14 Replies
monika1stTry profile image

Hi Phoebe, I'm sorry you feel like this. If you feel you build a nice relationship with a nurse I probably would contact her as you can probably have more frequent chat with her rather than gp. I hope you recover well xx

Phoebe345 profile image
Phoebe345 in reply to monika1stTry

Thank you. I just feel awful for taking up their time. I don’t have another check up until Monday and not sure if phoning before is the right thing to do. Physically, I’ve nothing to report.

fay2399 profile image

Just be strong xx

MissZJB profile image

I ended up in hospital after my last retrieval too. I actually went to the transfer and it was then I was sent to a & e and said we had to freeze our 2 embryos at day 3. I was devastated and felt awful both physically and mentally.

All I can say is.... it gets better. I’m about a month past this now. Your hormones are all over the place and it’s ok to just feel rubbish for a while and to allow yourself to feel like that. This journey is so tough, it would be odd not to struggle at times.

Focus on the fact that when you reach that FET your body will be totally ready for it. This wasn’t the right time you me or you but now we can prepare and concentrate on being in the best possible shape and health for when it is our time.

Sending hugs and recovery wishes. You will get through this xx

Phoebe345 profile image
Phoebe345 in reply to MissZJB

Sorry that you’ve experienced similar too. Have you been able to plan your FET yet?

The nurse and consultant tried to talk to me about FET dates yesterday to try and give me something to look forward to but my mind is all over the place and I’ve left feeling confused as to why I didn’t want to put a date in the diary yet.

MissZJB profile image
MissZJB in reply to Phoebe345

We only had our consultation on Friday... I was admitted on 10th October so it’s been a while for us to get our head around everything. We are planning a FET end January but will be scanned before to check things have returned to some form of normal before hand.

I am pleased we have been able to look forward again now but I can honestly say I wouldn’t have been ready for this any sooner.

Don’t be too hard on yourself. You need to recover and that takes time. I set myself very small goals and didn’t even consider a consultation until I was back at work and functioning in my more usual way. It’s a terrifying and devastating experience and it’s okay to need time to process everything. I felt so ill at one point I even considered giving up altogether, but now I know I can pick myself up and try again.

You will get there too but don’t rush it, take time and look after yourself. I promise that things do get better xx

Goldie24 profile image

Hi Phoebe,

I’m so so so sorry you’re going through this. Exactly the same happened to me in August. 10 days in hospital, fluid around my spleen and liver and then eventually my lungs. My ovaries were the biggest my consultant and my gynae nurses had ever seen. It was hands down the worst experience of my life even though the care I had in hospital was amazing. I cried every day for about the next 4 weeks and if I’m honest am still pretty traumatised by the whole thing. You’re not on your own - unfortunately there’s not a lot you can do to speed your recovery up which is the most frustrating part. Please just rest and be looked after and every day you will see a small improvement. My best advice is to access the counselling the clinic offers and acknowledge what you have been through. Sending lots of love and hugs and please feel free to PM me any time xx

Phoebe345 profile image
Phoebe345 in reply to Goldie24

Dear Goldie,

I am sorry you’ve had a similar experience. I’m definitely experiencing a time where I just cry all the time.

I’ve a complicated MH history so I don’t know if the clinic counsellors would see me. I can just about deal with the intrusive thoughts, but don’t know if I’m just attention seeking my reaching out for help. I really don’t want to be a nuisance. Just very confused/anxious about what to do. I don’t know if my MH condition has been triggered or if this is normal.


Thanks for your reply - I hope you are able to move forward for your FET soon x

Peanutchips profile image

Hi Phoebe, I’m so sorry you’re going through this you poor thing. I had a freeze all about a year ago as it looked like I was heading for OHSS. They used a different trigger shot that helped calm it so I didn’t get anywhere near as bad as you, but I remember feeling sick, exhausted and totally miserable about not having a transfer. It sounds like you’ve had it pretty bad and so it’s understandable that your mental health has taken a nosedive. Please know it does get better and you’ll be feeling back to full health ready for you FET. Keeping reaching out on here, don’t suffer alone xxx

Mara84 profile image

So sorry I’ve been there had a mild OHSS and it’s awful, wishing you speedy recovery.

When I feel bad I just got in touch in with my clinic and I went in the day after, had a kidney infection and need antibiotics as well!

Hope you are much better today xx

Teeenee profile image
Teeenee in reply to Mara84

Hi Mara, how long did you recover from mild OHSS? Is your tummy swollen and settled eventually?

Mara84 profile image
Mara84 in reply to Teeenee

Hey sorry just saw your message, I don’t remember the name of the medication but I had to take them to help me with symptoms also I had kidney injection right after that so I was uncomfortable for a while... hope you are ok x

Cassie_56 profile image

Hi, I hope you’ve called someone already but I just wanted to say please do call one or the other. I don’t think it matters who you call as either is someone to talk to and maybe sign post you to other support.

Have you considered the fertility network support line?

I started having counselling - I pay a private fertility counsellor and is the best thing I ever did - someone to talk to, no judging, can say anything and focussed on fertility. Is a brilliant way to offload my mind. It’s such a skilled role and was feeling better so much better but have continued anyway!

Really wishing you all the best xxxx

Phoebe345 profile image

I’ve spent all day trying to avoid the intrusive thoughts. I just don’t know what to do or who to speak to. I don’t want to act on them, but it’s so hard.I just want to be able to snap out of this mood...

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