Low hcg 14dp5dt? Any success stories? - Fertility Network UK

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Low hcg 14dp5dt? Any success stories?

20 Replies

Hi ladies.. after 4 days of cramping full af bleeding and 4 positive pregnancy tests..

First hcg has come back at 54 at 14dp5dt my clinic say it could go either way.. re testing on tuesday...so if gone down or doubling

Just numb at this point, on mostly bed rest as im so drained physically and emotionally...Have had headaches, backaches pains and strong cramping

Have searched google for answers and it doesnt looks promising..

Any honest thoughts from you guys much appreciated xx

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20 Replies
Ivfgotadream profile image

If I’m honest such a low hcg at this point has never ended well for me. My clinic likes to see 100+ at this point and I’ve read medical research papers before which show that 100+ has the best chance of ending in a successful pregnancy. That’s not to say there won’t be people along who did have a good result as I’ve read of plenty of people who have had a number like this or even lower and as long as it’s doubling or more in the standard 48 hours then you’ve got a good chance x

in reply to Ivfgotadream

Thankyou for your quick reply.. iv read the same as that... just grasping at straws at this point 😭

Hope you are well... did u get any reasons given or tests as to why the chemicals happened?

LCharlton profile image

Didn't end well for me either, but only at 8 weeks so it wasn't technically a chemical - HCG was going up but always lower than it should have been for that stage. In our case it was a chromosome problem with the embryo. Sending loads of hugs, such a stressful thing to be going through and I really wish you all the best, fingers crossed xx

in reply to LCharlton

Thankyou, bleeding like a normal af.. just so cruel to be bleeding since day 11 n then have positive tests on otd ... coukdnt even be hally to see the positive results 😭

in reply to LCharlton

So so sorry for ur loss... at that stage it must have been so heartbreaking. Lots of love

LCharlton profile image
LCharlton in reply to

Lots of love back. I knew from the low HCG that something wasn't quite right with the little thing, so it wasn't as much of a shock as it would have been. But it's so hard whatever stage you're at, take care of yourself xx

Cinderella5 profile image

I had a late BFP, 48 on day 14. My bloods did go up nicely although my clinic did warn me that the chances of miscarriage or a blighted ovum were greater in a late positive. I unfortunately went on to have a spontaneous loss at 6wks which was probably due to low progesterone so who knows what could have happened. When I posted up asking for help there were one or two positive outcomes so it can happen. Hugs.xx

Lisichka profile image

My heart goes out to you, I know how hard the waiting game is!

It does sound like a low number for 14dp. My very first transfer mine was 186 and the clinic was unhappy with it, said it was too low for 14dp. It did double but ended in blighted ovum unfortunately.

Sending you lots of strength and hugs xxx

Thankyou ladies... waiting for second hcg tmorrow and will know more x

Rainbowbaby92 profile image

Oh this is the worst situation to be in 😕 my HCG levels were 138 at 14dp5dt and I unfortunately lost it quite quickly... I have however heard other stories where HCG levels increased and it worked out. fingers crossed for you, thinking of you xx

in reply to Rainbowbaby92

Im sad to hear that rainbow..hope you are ok x

lianm8 profile image

With my 1st daughter about 4 years ago I’m pretty sure my first blood test so around 15dp5dt mine was pretty low too- hcg was 89 so only slightly higher than you. Levels went up slowly so was told to prepare for a chemical but she is here now and nearly 4 :-) I have everything crossed for you xx

Thats reassuring! Thankyou.. the dreaded bleeding is whats really upsetting me .. praying it stops 🙏🏼

Babyhope8 profile image

Once I had Hcg 62 and it returned out to be blighted ovum. In my second pregnancy I has 249 and no heart beat and I had to do dnc. Although in my second pregnancy I had a gut feeling it could be due to low progesterone. Till date I can’t come in terms to that, as my nurse called me to say that I’m pregnant and I should stop taking progesterone. I was such a fool to hv listened. Too early to say anything. Wait for your second beta and take meds on time

in reply to Babyhope8

Aah thats so sad... im so sorry for your losses babyhope! Its just heartbreaking when you think its all going well. Hope you are ok now x

Got everything crossed for you lovely. X

Thankyou, just so guarded as i have alot of cramping still x

IVFNewbie21 profile image

Hi Hidden .. just came across your post as im in a similar situation at the moment. I've had a positive pregnancy test but yesterday was 14dp3dt and I started bleeding and cramping. First dark brown then red. Today the bleed is a lot lighter and managed to get a blood test with showed a HCG of 48 which is still quite low. Just wondering what your outcome was?

Hi IVFNewbie21 , I’m hoping you have a positive outcome, and the the bleeding is nothing of concern. Unfortunately for me that cycle ended in a missed miscarriage. The bleeding and cramping got stronger with clotting and my HCG doubled at first but then began to drop. The clinic advised that I stop meds. It was a cruel situation to go through as my tests were strong positives on OTD . First positive tests in 11 years 💔.

IVF is just sooo hard, please hang in there, I pray you have a beautiful pregnancy and baby soon x

IVFNewbie21 profile image
IVFNewbie21 in reply to

Hi Hidden , thank you so much for taking the time to reply to me. I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. This journey is definitely a difficult one...a massive rollercoaster!

Can I ask how long your hcg continued to double and how long did you end up bleeding?

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