I’ve read good things and bad about omega 3fish oil capsules..Dose anyone know if it’s safe to take before and during pregnancy? I know cod liver oil is a no no because of the vitamin A in it..Anyone tried them?
Omega 3 fish oil is it safe Ivf - Fertility Network UK
Omega 3 fish oil is it safe Ivf

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I took them during the transfer and currently during my pregnancy. Had appointment today with my OB, she said there good for the baby and I should continue to take them
There are Omega3 tablets without cod liver oil and vitamin A in the market that are safe for pregnancy! Before I got pregnant I used the one with vitamin A and after my transfer ,I changed it to the one that is free from these items! They are good for the pregnancy.
Good luck hun!
Aww fab that’s good news...The one I’ve got just says it’s Omega 3 Fish oil 550mg EPA and DHA 137 mg it dosnt say if it has cod liver oil in it or vitamin a..Is it not just the one that’s says cod liver oil that has these in it ? Sorry I’m so confused with them..X
I guess so! U better ask it in the pharmacy but I think if it is not written that it contains vitA&cod liver then it doesnt have any!
I just checked mine and it has EPA 300mg,DHA200andDPA30mg!
It helps to subtilize your blood as well!
Aww god they are all different will go and ask at holand and Barrett see what they advise..strength wise..Online it says we should be taking 300 mg of combined DHA and EPA 🙈x
I used it before ivf, during iVF and even now I'm pregnant I'm still taking it. Wish ypu all the best. x
I'm using Nu U Nutrition. Its 1000mg. Its one year supply and affordable. It contains 365 capsules. I just take once a day. It has omega 3 fish oil 1000mg, EPA 180mg and DHA 120mg. I was taking this with methyl folate(Jarrow), naturelo prenatal, vitamin D3 2200iu and Ubiquinol 200mg before and during ivf. When I got a positive test I stopped Ubiquinol and continued with others till date. Hope this helps. xx
And vitamin C as well.
Thank you that’s a great help x