Hi all, unfortunately we got a firm negative yesterday on OTD (13dp3dt) so round 1 was not successful for us. I’m wondering how long it takes for a bleed to come and how quickly people tend/advise to start their next round? Also has anyone had any experience of having natural conceptions following a failed round? This might just be more of my wishful thinking but I’m wondering if there’s any positive stories of the drugs kick-starting the system or anything like that? Thanks all, this forum has been invaluable during the last 7 weeks
BPN IVF Round 1 - how soon does a ble... - Fertility Network UK
BPN IVF Round 1 - how soon does a bleed come and how soon can/should you go again?

Hey, I’m so sorry to hear your round didn’t work. My 3rd transfer failed this week so I can totally understand the disappointment. Be kind to yourself and give yourself the time you need.
I’ve been told you should bleed within a week, my clinic want to see me for a scan if I don’t. In terms of going again I’d speak to your Consultant. I can have a FET after my next bleed (after this one) but if you’re doing an egg collection I’m not sure. I’d love to know positive stories of natural conception as well!! Wishing you lots of luck xx
Thanks for your reply, and sorry to hear about your result, it really is the worst isn’t it... sounds like you should be able to get going soon enough again though, so that’s positive - best of luck for it!! Thanks for the info re the bleed, my clinic said it can take a week or 2, and to get onto them if weeks go by and it doesn’t happen 😳 slightly too vague of an answer for my liking, so thank you for the help!
I’m so sorry to hear this. BFNs are really tough after IVF. When my round failed I came off the drugs on the Mon or Tue and got my period on the Fri. I have PCOS and go months without ovulating. I didn’t get pregnant but I definitely ovulated the following month so I felt as though it did kick my system into gear. I’ve heard of ladies getting pregnant in the month/s after so always worth a try! Sorry again about the BFN. Look after yourself xxx 😘
Also testing negative this morning for my 3rd round. Going give myself a long break before starting again. Emotionally and physically exhausted.
Sumadi I’m so sorry to hear that!! I really hoped you’d have better news today. A break sounds like it’s needed; I feel like that after 1 cycle, I can only imagine how you feel after 3. I hope you have the space and time today to feel however you feel and please look after yourself and treat yourself, sending you love and support!! Xx
Sorry your round didn’t work
If you are on progesterone then when you stop you should bleed within a couple of days
I did get a BFP the cycle after my failed first IVF cycle but unfortunately ended in miscarriage or could have been an ectopic as then did a FET The next cycle and had a ruptured ectopic
Hi Lewis,
I’m so sorry to read you. It is painful.. I wish you strenght to move on to the next try.
I’m on my 3rd transfer. My first was a clear negative and I got a chemical pregnancy on the second. Since the first transfer I never interrupted a cycle, I did them all on the next cycle and the last two without trigger shot.
I’m not sure if this is helpful as I was never positive...
Wishing you all the best, stay strong.
Thank you so much! I don’t think moving straight on will be possible for us, as our clinic always seems to take a bit of time between appointments etc., plus we have money for round 2 but not for a third round so want to try and take all of that into account as well. We also really want to see if there’s any learnings from R1 or if there’s anything we can do differently before starting again. I have low AMH and was on max dose. I know there might not necessarily be any other protocol options for me (I.e. long protocol on max dosage might just be my best shot), but I guess we want to explore that a bit before just repeating the same thing again.
Thanks again for your reply and best of luck to you x
So sorry to your failed transfer 😔 I bled before my test day last time so I’m afraid I can’t give you any answers but just wanted to say so sorry to hear re your result and wishing you much luck for next time x