I have my transfer (FET) tomorrow. Any tips of what I should be doing ? ReAlly nervous
Transfer tomorrow : I have my transfer... - Fertility Network UK
Transfer tomorrow

Relaxing! Hopefully you’ve had some good updates about your beautiful embryos and have faith they’ll be all ready for your tomorrow. Be sure to follow their advice on when to drink water.
You should feel fine (it’s like an extended smear test). But it could be emotional. Perhaps make a nice plan for afterwards. A nice lunch or picnic?
Read some tips on here for the 2WW. You’ll need lots of distractions! Good luck x
Don’t worry it goes really fast then just go home rest get yourself a nice treat 💖
Yes agreed it’s just like a smear test just feels a tad uncomfortable because of the spectrum but the rest you don’t feel. I thought I would feel the tube but it’s that thin. The amazing thing was the nurse pointed out on the screen as the embryo was released which was so lovely to see. 10-15mins and you’re done. Nurse said drink plenty of water as the ovaries may feel achey but you will fine lovely xx
Have sex tonight! Exposure to semen is meant to help implantation. The only cycle I've done, we did and I did get pregnant - can't hurt!
Really? I’ve heard it might not be good for implantation.
Lol I’m following this too! I think I have heard that she’s during 2 ww can help but so much info out there hard to know but think it was around the same reasons as above exposure to the semen x
This study certainly found it helped academic.oup.com/humrep/art...
Hello lovely, early night, go with a full bladder and just relax. It’s not painful or anything. If you can take the afternoon off, treat yourself to something nice as a wee reward for everything you’ve done so far. A movie, nice meal or a picnic if the weather’s nice. Fingers crossed for you 🤞🤞🤞
Oooh exciting, just take it easy and don’t worry it’s like everyone had said above Its no more uncomfortable then a smear but you get to see your little embaby been released, Keeping everything crossed for you xx
Mine’s Wednesday. I think all we can do is try to stay relaxed and calm. We’ve done everything we can now. I am planning a relaxed day at home with a nice walk after the procedure. I think you are supposed to carry on as normal, pretty much ie don’t take to your bed- keep the blood flowing. But no heavy lifting or rigorous exercise. I hope it all goes well 🤞🏻
Good luck for today 🤗 such an exciting day! Xx
Good luck! Make sure to have a comfortably full bladder. Do something nice afterwards. I had a chilled afternoon and then watched comedy films which really relaxed me 💕 xxx
Just wanted to say hope all went well with your transfer and that you’re doing well xx