Did a test today, second transfer and it’s negative . Again. Was feeling more hopeful this time as the transfer went so smooth, we had a good embryo and good lining. Just don’t know what we can do for it to work
7dp5dt - Negative: Did a test today... - Fertility Network UK
7dp5dt - Negative

Firstly, you are not out yet. I will still be hoping for you. Secondly, ivf is largely a game of roulette. We can change things, have tests etc but mostly, it wasn’t the right moment, which is the most painful part of all this. The lack on control is agonising. Anyway, you still have a chance. Xxxx

Hi Lw. I would have thought a few more days to wait until official test date?? Keep up with your meds and I shall be thinking of you. Diane
It's too early , I hope you here good news soon 🤍..
Seems a bit too early to test to me lovely. I would wait until 10 days past transfer at least. You’re not out yet! Xxx
Aww lovely I'm so sorry but as other posters have said you're definitely not out yet! Still early. Thinking of you and hoping to see your bfp xxx
Hi Lw1311,
I did a pregnancy test on day 6 and it was negative.
I did a pregnancy test day 8 it was positive.
I truly believe you need to wait a few more days ❤️ wait till day 10 .
Good luck x
Thank you got all of your support! Not feeling hopeful but will wait and see xx