Worried sick today. I’ve had cramp since transfer and usually do with the medication. Had the smallest amount of dried blood after pessaries the next time I go to the toilet. This afternoon when I wipe it is like dark blood. I know this can be a good sign but worried sick it is my period. I’ve never had my period until after I have usually tested and finished the medication. I’ve had 2 embryos transferred this time and not sure if that is making a difference x
7dp5dt: Worried sick today. I’ve had... - Fertility Network UK

I would call your clinic. They may tell you to up your doses. Also, you can get irritation bleeding, implantation bleeding, cysts etc. There are so many more options rather than failure. If it helps if you are taking medication then you aren't very likely to get a period bleed.
I hope this all helps.
Usually they will say don't panic until you have enough to fill a pad in an hour.
Good luck xxx

Yeah I’m taking progynova and cyclogest. I didn’t want to call and bother them. There’s not loads just light amount x
Hopefully it is implantation. So try to look at it as a good sign. However I wouldn't worry about annoying the clinic - they are there for you and are used to people phoning and asking questions. Better you call now than wait until they are shut and wish you had.
Your clinic know your history inside and out so they will be best to advise.
Definitely let your clinic know. If it’s a tiny amount of dark blood it’s ok but if it turns bright red and increases you may need to increase your Cyclogest as I did and rest! Same thing happened to me, dark spotting for a few days then bright red and more following a short walk. I was put on bedrest and Cyclogest dose doubled and it stopped the same day. It’s definitely not your period...too early and Cyclogest prevent period bleeding. Good luck xxx

It’s gone again!!! Honestly I’m a nervous wreck. I do feel crampy but that’s normal when I’m on the medication. Seems to be a wee bit every day but doesn’t come to anything x
Cramping is normal following transfer and in v early pregnancy. I would just let them know just so they are aware and can advise x
Try and stay positive, I know it's hard. We all know bleeding can have a variety of causes and if you are worried ring the clinic. Do not Google your symptoms!!! If it helps I had no cramping or bleeding at all during my last transfer and it was still a BFN so you never can tell until test day. I have my fingers crossed for you as there is still every chance xx
Hi I have had the exact same thing happen today im 8dp5dt , I have read a lot of people saying this could be implantation but im losing hope when is your test day? I stupidly done a test and came up positive before the bleed
i hope it is just implantation bleeding for you too x
Fingers crossed for us both. I am Tuesday x
i am monday, its the worst feeling ever , i just phoned my clinic who werent very helpful they told me bleeding isnt good but need to ride it out then when i said i had taken a test early and it was positive he said ohh thats a good sign felt like i was just rushed off the phone x