Hi, believe I’ve got my period 10 day... - Fertility Network UK

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Hi, believe I’ve got my period 10 days after FET, clinic app on Monday

IvorDee profile image
27 Replies

First round, solo female, feeling pretty devastated as only went for it because I turned 40 in January. I’ve felt very stressed going it alone, maybe more than I realised. I had a double FET on the 15th of July, no more left from 8 eggs collected on the 30th of March. Both embryos were B and thawed well. Clinic appointment is on Monday. I did a pregnancy test today and it looks negative really except there is a very very faint second line. Could that just be a result from the injection they give you at transfer? I’ve had pregnancy symptoms like, peeing more, metallic taste, light spotting, emotional but also feel like that could be pms. My heads all over the place, maybe my eggs are too old and that’s why I’m bleeding.

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IvorDee profile image
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27 Replies
kathgibson22 profile image

Hang in there lovely! I think a faint line could be a positive sign esp with the symptoms . My fresh transfer just failed and I had zero symptoms and tested at day 8 and day 14 both were completely white zero sign of any second line. Spotting can also be a good sign I've heard.

Wishing you all the luck xxxx

kathgibson22 profile image

And I think you're amazing for doing it alone! Xxx

IvorDee profile image
IvorDee in reply to kathgibson22

Thank you so much for your reply!! It means a lot right now. I can’t face friends, only a few know I was doing it. I’m so sorry to hear about your transfer. How are you getting on? Have you tried before? I’m not holding out much hope I think it’s definitely my period. Ive been crying on & off all day. It’s been such a long wait to get to this point with CoV and I’ve only just discovered this sight!! I found the week after egg collection so hard. I’ve been looking for people to reach out to and I’ve been really wanting to connect with other solo IVF females too. Xx

Mara84 profile image

I really hope the faint line is good news, it’s very hard going through IVF journey, I know it sounds ungrateful but honestly it’s so much that we have to bare with alone, even when are doing it with a partner.

Good luck and let us know how you are doing in a couple of days xx

IvorDee profile image
IvorDee in reply to Mara84

Thank you for your message. It doesn’t sound ungrateful. I’ve definitely had times where I’ve thought this is easier on my own. Not feeling the weight of a partners expectation too. It’s more my head fast forwarding to the thought of being a single Mum, I’m furloughed still so my job uncertainty along with this has really stressed me out.

Don’t get me wrong I really want this. I’ve felt with all of my being I’d be a Mum, that I’d meet someone and it would happen. I didn’t think it would be along these lines. I’ve just had some unfortunate exes which have led to some really bad lows. It’s only when I turned 40 I felt the extreme push to go it alone & feel in a place mentally that I could handle it. And then COVID struck fs!! If matters weren’t stressful enough. Im exhausted which adds to my low, another sleepless night and still bleeding. I’ll post an update after news from my appointment tomorrow. It’s nice to hear from you xx

Mara84 profile image
Mara84 in reply to IvorDee

Sorry hun, Coronavirus has changed our life so much but I keep telling myself and other love ones, let’s take it day by day... I know the struggle and stress of life can make everything worst.

I’m sorry you were unlucky with guys. But I’m so happy you tried to have a baby, many don’t even dare to try but you did.

Look after yourself ❤️

IvorDee profile image
IvorDee in reply to Mara84


Peanutchips profile image

Hey lovely, if your transfer was a FET there wouldn’t be residue hcg from a trigger shot or anything so any second line would be a pregnancy line 😊 Fingers crossed it keeps getting darker xxx 🤞🏻💕

IvorDee profile image
IvorDee in reply to Peanutchips

Thank you Peanutchips! That’s good to know it can’t be residue hcg but I’m still bleeding so convinced it’s my period. It’s too heavy to be anything else. The line hasn’t got any darker either. A long wait from egg collection for this. Im exhausted from lack of sleep too which isn’t helping. Hopefully I sleep better tonight and get some positive news for what to do next. I fear I’ve left things too late. Xx

Peanutchips profile image
Peanutchips in reply to IvorDee

Oh lovely, I really hope it's positive news for you. Fingers crossed xxx

Stato profile image

I’m the same age as you. Hoping for 5 day transfer tomorrow with my partner.

But I had my eggs collected four years ago when I was single and also felt very alone. Especially sitting in the waiting room. But you’ve made the right decision to do it! I have a friend who might do the same. If you write a post on here asking for solo ladies, I expect you would find lots of fellow heroines.

Don’t lose hope yet for this round. Keeping everything crossed for you x

IvorDee profile image
IvorDee in reply to Stato

Thank you! I wish I had done that now but at the time I still thought I might meet someone and things would happen naturally. I will write on here and see if there are other Solo’s. It’s been great just getting the messages I’ve had since I discovered the app yesterday. It’s been such a comfort.

Good luck with the procedure tomorrow. Its much better odds with younger eggs. Wishing you happy results! 💜

Stato profile image
Stato in reply to IvorDee

Ha, that’s what we thought. So actually we tried to use my younger eggs in December but it failed. This is a fresh transfer.

Embryologist said they don’t have enough data from cases like mine to explain why it didn’t work. Most doner eggs are from ladies in their early 20s (lot late 30s).

I would still recommend it to people though. Took the pressure off while dating.

Thank you 🤗

IvorDee profile image
IvorDee in reply to Stato

I bet it took the pressure off. I couldn’t see straight when I was searching for a guy. That’s all gone to the side for now. I’m waiting for someone who shows himself to me. Going alone has been empowering and taken the pressure off I just wish I had the strength to do it sooner.

I really hope this is successful for you! Sending lots of positive thoughts your way 💛🤗💛

London_Lady1 profile image

test again tomorrow with first urine. Any line however faint normally means you're pregnant! When is your official test date? Feeling like your period is coming could mean that it is or it could mean you're pregnant. I'm 5 weeks pregnant after an IVF cycle and for the 1st week I had 'period' cramps, and I'm still getting them on and off now. My friend did exactly what you're doing a few years ago when she hit 40. She has beautiful twins now. Wishing you all the luck. You're not alone we are all here for you. Xx

IvorDee profile image
IvorDee in reply to London_Lady1

Hi London Lady, thank you your words are just what I need to hear. Congrats on your positive, sending you lots of well wishes!

I’m afraid it is my period, my bleed is too heavy for it to be classed as spotting. I spotted for a week before it. I think it could be a chemical pregnancy. From what I’ve read. My test date is tomorrow. It was suppose to be yesterday but the clinic wasn’t open.

It’s encouraging to hear about your friend, did she conceive first round? I’ve been in a pit of despair thinking I’ve left things too late! Xx

London_Lady1 profile image
London_Lady1 in reply to IvorDee

I've heard some women do have heaving bleeding and things are ok, but see what your clinic says tomorrow. If it's crappy news then don't give up!

I'm not sure how many cycles she had, but she was about 42 when she had then so was probably a few attempts.

Just try and stay positive, keep active, eat healthy all the boring stuff we should be doing as 'responsible' boring adults. Obviously age can be cruel, but I see people much older and there are in much better health than me. Surely that has to count for so much?

Thinking of you tomorrow.


Flo81 profile image

Don’t give up, even if this time hasn’t been the one. I was in a similar position to you when I started IVF. A string of unsuitable exes but the urge to be a momma was massively outdoing the urge to be a bride so I concentrated on that. I’m currently on my third TWW with DS and although I do now have a partner (he is older with two children already) I was very upfront and honest about what I was doing. It’s absolute your right to throw all you can at getting what you want. First time is always a bit of a learning curve but it allows the drs to see how you responded and change things up for a second try. Keep going x

Hi..I can totally relate to your story. I’m also solo using a sperm donor. I started my fresh transfer in January which was BFN. I had my FET with my one remaining embryo which was another BFN two weeks ago. I decided to go alone as I’ve been in a crap relationship. I’m also 40 at the beginning of August so I know time is running out. I’ve got my follow up next week so hopefully I’ll be able to start again soon. Good luck for OTD..I’m here to chat if you want to xx

Flo81 profile image
Flo81 in reply to

Sorry to hear that Natty80, good for you for going it alone. Here to chat whenever you need to. Fingers crossed you can start again soon xx

in reply to Flo81

Thankyou xx

London_Lady1 profile image
London_Lady1 in reply to

Crappy news, but hope you have a useful follow up appointment this week and can make a new plan forwards. xx

IvorDee profile image
IvorDee in reply to

Hi Natty, I just got my blood results today, it’s a negative. Feeling pretty broken. Made a follow up appointment. I will message you again when I get myself together. Thanks for you message xx

in reply to IvorDee

Really sorry to hear it didn’t work..I felt like you did two weeks ago. It will get easier for you then you can move on to the next step. Sending you a hug. No problem...msg me when your ready😊xx

IvorDee profile image

I’m not sure if my reply on the this goes to you all. I hope it does as I’m feeling pretty despondent. I got my bloods today and the result was negative. I started thinking it might have worked, I’ve been having other symptoms. Feeling woozy, metallic taste, peeing all the time & my bleed went back to spotting but you can’t argue with the bloods. Maybe it’s all in my head. Feeling pretty desperate. It’s such a horrible time. Thanks for all your messages, they mean a lot. Going to take some time out again. Xx

Infertilemyrtle profile image

I'm so sorry. You have every right to take some time out and grieve please do take care of yourself, BFNs can hit really hard. Xx

Meghan_b profile image

I am sorry. Praying for it to work next time for you xx

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