Hi all, I am quite new to all this, after being unable to conceive for a number of years, I was diagnosed with bilateral hydrosalpinx in February. I was scheduled for surgery early April in a view to start IVF, however everything has been delayed due to covid19. My operation is on hold until further notice, with no end in sight and I cannot be referred to the IVF clinic without the surgery, i feel so helpless at the moment. With everything starting to calm down and IVF clinics reopening i am still stuck in limbo as surgeries are still not going ahead in Wales due to the covid19. I am panicking that time is just going to past me by before i even get started. Is anyone else in the same boat?
Still waiting for surgery because of ... - Fertility Network UK
Still waiting for surgery because of Covid19

Not in the same boat right now but I know the feeling from many years of waiting to get anywhere!
The constant waiting is so difficult and stressful, but once you do get an appt date hopefully it’ll make you feel a bit better as you have a date to work towards. I always found having a date to count down to was good mentally, although the countdown was usually in the months
You’ll get there! X

Hi Ariel_the_mermaid. So sorry to hear this, as it is such a nightmare. Fortunately clinics and gynae appointments are recommencing, but albeit very slowly. Do tell them that you are happy to accept a cancellation. Thinking of you, and I'm sure once you get your operation over with, then IVF won't be far behind. Diane
Hi there my lovely.... I understand your frustration and as a lady who had hydrosalpinx myself I understand your wanting to get your surgery over and done with so that you can move on. I know the waiting is very frustrating but try to use this time to enjoy yourself.... be healthy... work out... meditate or try to do the things you enjoy in the mean time. Because once you do have the surgery your one step closer to having your baby.... be kind to yourself and try not to be upset... it will all happen albeit slowly than what you’d like. Lots of Love.... a fellow hydro warrior with now a 1 year old 😘😘😘
Thank you for your comments and understanding 😘 I keep ringing them every week like a crazy woman, but am sure they are used to it... do you mind me asking how long you needed to recover before starting ivf? And how was the recovery? Xx
I started mine around 6-8 weeks after surgery. I had some embies frozen but don’t think this was anything to do with it. It was quite quick after surgery that I was treated though. 😘
I had my surgery in February and I’m waiting on the ivf for exactly the same thing, I’ve not really heard anything as I only just got my funding before all this started. Waiting is a nightmare!
I really hope you hear something soon, Its so difficult not knowing how things are going to go. Sometimes i just feel like everyone else is getting back to normal and am still in limbo. I know i should be thankful for my health etc and there are plenty of people who are worse off but its still so hard.
Hello there, I'm not in the same boat but I'm waiting for my NHS hospital to open in London so I can begin my second round of IVF which will take place at a clinic in London that's already open. But I have to wait for my fertility doctor first.
But I think of it like this which might sound strong, but it's what gets me through. If by me waiting I'm saving the life of someone, I'm quite happy to wait. As upsetting and frustrating it can be and let's face it, with all our conditions I think we wait long enough, but we have to have the strength by looking at the bigger picture.
It's probably easy for me to say as I've had my surgery but just remember it is happening, it will happen, but just not now and I suppose I'm comforted by knowing how lucky I am to live in a country where this is available and my surgery was NGS funded.
I hope I haven't upset you but have given you some strength to work through. Sending lots if love your way!