Clinic Definitely Putting New Clients... - Fertility Network UK

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Clinic Definitely Putting New Clients First

ttcemmie profile image
41 Replies

Can I start off by saying that I have nothing against new patients! We all need treatments, and I've been a new patients (and probably will be one again at a different clinic if needed). HOWEVER, my clinic is now being overt about the fact they are prioritising new patients, which is just riling me up, to be honest. They are using wording like "fast-tracking" new patients, and on their website have put that new patients will be starting treatment in June, prioritised current patients (ones with suspended treatment, those aged 40 and above, and low ovarian reserve) will be starting mid June to early July, and the rest of us I guess later than that? We're not mentioned. Have nothing against new patients, obviously, but surely we should all be treated fairly? Am I just being bitter and upset because I want my treatment earlier or is this reasonable? Massive apologies to those whose clinics aren't on the HFEA list yet and this is coming off as insensitive and entitled. I don't know what I should do about this? HFEA says on their website they don't really get involved in this sort of thing. Probably nothing I can do. I'm trying to put pressure on my clinic, but I have more to lose from missing out on treatment than they do! Feel like our relationship is heavily weighted in their favour....

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ttcemmie profile image
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41 Replies
KiboXX profile image

I’m so sorry to read this. You have every right to be furious! I would be livid. They should not be prioritising new patients over their existing ones, I think it’s bloody ridiculous.

Having personal experience of your clinics other site, I can’t say I’m massively surprised though. I felt like the more cycles I was with them, the less of a priority I became.

I really hope you manage to stamp your feet loudly and annoyingly enough that they give you some clear answers on when you can start treatment. I know you said you already spoken to access fertility about an extension but I would be complaining to them about your clinic prioritising new patients over your treatment when you are already locked into a plan with them. Really hope you manage to get somewhere with it because it’s completely unfair xx

ttcemmie profile image
ttcemmie in reply to KiboXX

Thanks Kibo. You did warn me! But I couldn't justify the extra expense of moving, in the end, when I was already locked in with Access Fertility with them. That's a good idea, I will complain to Access Fertility, and actually I will complain to HFEA anyway, even if they are currently saying it's not something they deal with. Thanks. I almost feel silly for being livid when we all need treatment, but it doesn't make sense to me to prioritise new patients. And prioritise them even above people who had their treatments cancelled at that!!!! x

KiboXX profile image
KiboXX in reply to ttcemmie

I completely get it. I actually recommended them to two of my friends after my first round with them! I felt awful after my second and third because it felt much more like a conveyor belt service and nothing was timed around me, just around their scheduling. My acupuncturist warned me about them and I didn’t listen because I felt I got so close with my first round 🤷🏼‍♀️😘

Yes definitely complain to HFEA as well. Honestly think it’s pretty immoral to be putting financial gain ahead of already committed patients!

Don’t feel silly, it’s really sweet you are talking about others needing treatment but you need to put yourself and what you need from them first right now xx

Ps. Both of those friends actually got successfully pregnant there so silver linings and all that! 😂

ttcemmie profile image
ttcemmie in reply to KiboXX

Yeah, the first round felt really positive and now it is conveyor belt service and everything timed around them - including the stupid everyone on the pill to line up their cycles so we can all have egg collections at the same time. UGH!!!! Happy for your friends that they got pregnant. Hopefully that's me. OR hopefully I am pregnant naturally this cycle and don't have to deal with them again. ;)

KiboXX profile image
KiboXX in reply to ttcemmie

Oh wouldn’t that be the dream! ♥️

Really hope that’s the outcome for you 🙏🏻 Seems to be plenty of lockdown miracles happening so I’ll keep everything crossed the next one is yours 😊 xxx

Lilly12255 profile image

Sorry to hear this. Looks like your clinic is focusing on their finances. Maybe a sign you need to change clinic before they hold you in limbo for months

ttcemmie profile image
ttcemmie in reply to Lilly12255

Thanks Lilly. Locked in with them with Access Fertility 🙁. Unfortunately. Ugh it's like when you're dating someone and they're all great at first, and then they turn in to a nightmare. Feel in an unhappy marriage with my clinic!

FrancyItaly profile image

Hmm I am a new patient and will go for my first appointment next week. I don’t think that’s fair at all, I always thought existent patients would be prioritised over us, which is totally understandable! How do they justify that? It looks like they are being greedy and want to bring more money into the business? Why don’t you make a formal complaint and tell them you feel deeply disappointed and you are considering moving to another clinic.

ttcemmie profile image
ttcemmie in reply to FrancyItaly

Glad you are being seen, FrancyItaly. Not trying to divert services away from new patients at all. You're important too! Just feel the fairness is not there at my clinic. I worry about making a formal complaint as surely they can just turn around refuse me services altogether? 😧

Southwestcat profile image

hi, i dont know what Access Fertility is / is this the name of the clinic ? - i would insisit speaking/emailing to the Medical Director / Manager / HFEA and demand full explanation of their planning policy currently post covid 19 shut down and a time line for your treatment , it really doesnt make sense ethically as you say , really good luck xx

ttcemmie profile image
ttcemmie in reply to Southwestcat

Thanks Southwestcat. Access Fertility is just a company that provides packages for treatment at a number of clinics (sort of like bulk buying? A financing company? I'm not sure how to describe it). I will complain higher up in Bourn Hall, good idea. Thanks. xx

Peanutchips profile image

Wow, that seems totally unfair and unjust. I’m not surprised you’re so annoyed. As you say, fine to take on new clients but they shouldn’t be prioritising this over clients who have already paid and are sat waiting. Hope you get it sorted x

ttcemmie profile image
ttcemmie in reply to Peanutchips

Thanks. I have notified to the HFEA and Access Fertility as well as emailing my clinic, so hopefully something comes of this. x

Ivf2020A profile image

This can not be right i wonder if you can complain to British fertility society?

Prioritisation and exclusions

Patient prioritisation may form part of service resumption in the event that clinic resources do not allow all patients to be treated without delay. Fertility preservation for patients facing cancer chemotherapy or other treatment that is likely to affect their fertility should continue to be a priority. In addition, it is reasonable to prioritise patients in whom delay is most likely to significantly affect the outcome of treatment. Patients at special risk include those with a low ovarian reserve, advanced age and those facing extirpative pelvic surgery (for instance due to severe endometriosis or bilateral ovarian cysts). The above list is not exhaustive, and each clinic


The Association of Reproductive and Clinical Scientists (ARCS) and British Fertility Society (BFS) U.K. best practice guidelines for reintroduction of routine fertility treatments during the COVID-19 pandemic. V1.1 amended 7.5.20

should decide on which groups, if any, to prioritise based on the profile of its patient population and how it organises its care.

Particular caution should apply to patients with underlying medical problems whose co-morbidity places them at a higher risk of complications in the event of contracting coronavirus infection. This includes patients with obesity, hypertension, diabetes and those receiving immunosuppressive medication. It may be appropriate for such patients to delay conception until epidemiological evidence shows a sustained reduction in the community spread of the infection.

Nowhere in the above statement does it say fish for new clients and prioritise new patients. This is so unfair. I wonder if you can complain through the bfs or even the clinics own councelling service xx

ttcemmie profile image
ttcemmie in reply to Ivf2020A

Thanks, good call. I have raised this with the BFS now. xxx

JoP32 profile image

That is absolutely shocking! You are completely reasonable to feel this way!! 😠 It sounds like they’re using this as a recruitment drive to get new patients through the door to line their pockets, which is abhorrent.

I agree, you should all be treated equally (after those who were mid cycle).

I’m so sorry you’re going through this. I don’t have any advice or suggestions (although maybe you could try contacting the BMC - British Medical Council, don’t know if they’ll be able to do anything might might be worth a shot just to see...) but I wanted to say that you are SO right to feel like this.


ttcemmie profile image
ttcemmie in reply to JoP32

Thanks. Thank you for affirming my feelings! One thing I find on this journey is a lot of people not going through it think I am being unreasonable and crazy. Had an argument with my sister-in-law (on the family whatsapp - yay) as she was telling me I should be patient and don't I know we're in the middle of a pandemic - I SHOULD be waiting for months for treatment and that clinics shouldn't even be open etc. GRRRRR.

JoP32 profile image
JoP32 in reply to ttcemmie

Oh how I bet you wished you could have just told her to fuck off!!!

You’re right, people not going through it have no idea! If they had half a clue what it’s like they wouldn’t say such things. Trouble is, no one gets it so when I rant to even my mum about some unkind / insensitive comment that’s made me feel like shit even she tells me to calm down and basically takes their side saying ‘they’re only trying to help! Or, ‘they just didn’t think!’ Trouble us it’s us that gets hurt over and over which only makes things worse.

I totally get it. You are COMPLETELY right for feeling the way you do. I would be livid as well.

Sending you massive hugs. You are totally justified in your feelings lovely xxxxx

treezuk profile image

I used a clinic abroad and I can honestly say this isn’t something that they would ever do to their patients and I for one would be fuming , good business sense would suggest to make sure your current cycling patients are good and okay before you would focus on the new patients obviously at the moment it’s a different situation because all clinics have lost a lot of money in the periods where they have been closed but making it blatantly obvious they’re aiming everything at new patients isn’t on.

From the aboard point of view the clinic I was with obviously have quite a lot of their patients from overseas so atm they are completely stuck because of closed boarders other than their own country’s patients (which obv is their main focus right now) but once the boarders ease they can go back to normal - I think it’s just a horrible time for all clinics now.

ttcemmie profile image
ttcemmie in reply to treezuk

Thanks. I do understand it from a money point-of-view getting new clients in - they probably come with some easy revenue like initial consultations etc. Also, I imagine people tend to stick at a clinic for a couple of cycles once they start there..... However, it just super sucks that they don't care about their existing clients. AND they surely must have enough money? Even being shut a month or two... they must make so much money generally off us all! Although, different circumstance for clinics with a high number of foreign patients. It is a horrible time all-around. Not a win for anyone. x

treezuk profile image
treezuk in reply to ttcemmie

Exactly I 100% agree with you , yes of course they will feel the pinch but i think to be a savvy business you need to look after your patients as and how they arise into the clinic so for instance sort out the ones you can in terms of cycling with them already and fit in the new patients where possible.

ttcemmie profile image
ttcemmie in reply to treezuk

Yeah, I also don't understand why they're not open yet when they were given the go-ahead almost two weeks ago now. I know this is easy to say, but I think if I was running a business I would be ready to open as soon as I was given the word "go"! I wouldn't want to miss a minute of revenue!

treezuk profile image
treezuk in reply to ttcemmie

Who knows what they’re doing it’s very odd , as someone posted below it should be done in stages of how people are cycling.

Gillis profile image

I'm so sorry for what you are going though, I can understand your frustration, it's not right what they are doing.

I want to wish you well and hope everything turns out well for you.

ttcemmie profile image
ttcemmie in reply to Gillis

Thanks. xxx

Newton2018 profile image

I think your very fair in your expectations, surely existing patients that have been with them and had their treatment put on hold should be a priority first. I hope you get somewhere with your complaint xx

ttcemmie profile image
ttcemmie in reply to Newton2018

Thank you. x

Cinderella5 profile image

You have every right to be fuming, I'd be exactly the same! I would definitely put in a complaint. Where is their loyalty to their existing patients, its not a great advert for them at all?! Hugs, this is what we dont need on top of the stress of infertility and cycling!!xx

ttcemmie profile image
ttcemmie in reply to Cinderella5

Thanks Cinders. Totally not a great advert for them. Worry that they are going to keep doing this down the line too, not just a one-off because of coronavirus. 🤨 They should be making this as least stressful as possible not more! Sigh, guess it's just a business. x

Cinderella5 profile image
Cinderella5 in reply to ttcemmie

Well its is a business I guess but for the money that you are paying you should expect professional and fair service!!! Grrrr, makes me so mad!!xx

Hope4040 profile image

That’s such bad practice! Surely they should prioritise their existing patients. You’ve got every right to kick up a fuss about this!!

ttcemmie profile image
ttcemmie in reply to Hope4040

Good! Glad I have your support. I am trying very hard to kick up a fuss! 😁

Hope4040 profile image
Hope4040 in reply to ttcemmie

Too right Emmie 💪🏼 I’ve been following your journey for a while now and know how hard this wait has been for you. It’s not fair how you’ve been treated by your clinic. It’s made really cross tbh 😡xx

LA-B-19 profile image

I totally understand you feeling like that. My clinic have been explicit in the restart order; first those who had cycles cancelled mid-treatment, then those who had it scheduled but hadn’t started, then those who had already had an initial consultation, then lastly anyone new coming along now. I fit into the 3rd box and would never expect to be prioritised over the 2 groups of people ahead of me. I found the wait during closure excruciating as I had surgery in Feb to prep my pelvis (endo problems) so felt I had a clock ticking. But I can’t imagine the trauma suffered by those who were cancelled mid-treatment, as well as those who finally had a date to cling to and had it pulled away. I hope you find a way to get through to them so that they change their process, it seems really unfair.

ttcemmie profile image
ttcemmie in reply to LA-B-19

So glad your clinic has been explicit in the restart order. Communication is very important. Sounds completely fair, as well, your clinic's order. Sorry that you're in the 3rd box, but like you I do agree on those that have had it cancelled being prioritised (that's not me either) as that would have been awful. The wait is hard. My clinic has only managed one cycle for me since last November, and I am beginning to think it's not just coronavirus that is making them stall, and they will continue to be like this. Thanks, lovely. xxxx

Southwestcat profile image
Southwestcat in reply to LA-B-19

Hi yes just to say I was told the same and asked for it in writing about the order in which things restart. I had treatment cancelled i had started (DDIVF) . It is sad to be so hypervigalent to ask for things in writing , but sadly that is the nature of the beast I think - just really stressful and traumatic, going it alone , being 43 etc...the situation with cancellations was unprecedented but I also think patients have to be really assertive and on the ball and make a noise when things are not done correctly , really difficult times , good luck x

Stevie85 profile image

I'm so sorry this is happening to you. It seems so unfair. As if it isn't already stressful enough. My only suggestion would be to contact Access Fertility or the HFEA directly. Surely if you have paid money for 2 years then they are unfairly penalizing you and you should at least have that extended. That's so frustrating!

ttcemmie profile image
ttcemmie in reply to Stevie85

Thanks Stevie! I have now contacted both of them. 😊 Access Fertility are great and have extended the time of the "2 year" programme if my clinic does not resume treatment for a couple of months, but I still feel let down by my clinic. Another a few months is horrendous mentally and my AMH has dropped from 22.7 to 11.4 in just one year, so that is also a worry. Also, just feels completely unfair that my clinic is doing this and makes me distrust them as to caring about my wellbeing. 🙁

Stevie85 profile image
Stevie85 in reply to ttcemmie

Totally understand you feeling let down by your clinic. I would too. I understand you worrying about your AMH but 11.4 is still good. Mine is 8.8 last time I was checked which was March. The clinic said I shouldn't worry about it as it's still fine. I think we are about the same age? I'm 34.

My treatment has started up again as I was mid treatment when everything stopped. I start my drugs tonight. On long protocol this time and on a higher dose of Menopur so hopefully will get a few more quality eggs. I'm quite nervous about the whole thing actually as I know long protocol can be tough.

Anyway, I'm glad they have extended the 2 years for you. That's great news. Hopefully your clinic will listen to your concerns and rethink their approach x x

ttcemmie profile image
ttcemmie in reply to Stevie85

Yup, similar age, I'm 32. Happy that your treatment has restarted. Really sorry to hear that you were mid treatment. That must have been devastating. I just have to wait to hear back from my clinic, but hopefully they stop being silly. Best wishes for this cycle! x

Stevie85 profile image
Stevie85 in reply to ttcemmie

Thanks. Hope you manage to get some answers soon xx

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