Hi everyone. I tested positive on day 30 of my lmp. I mean on April 1. Yesterday spotting started. And today I saw clots of 1 inch . There are bright red clots. Iam really worried. Can't even go to hospitals for the ultrasound or test due to lockdown. Plzz help me. Is this normal or is it chemical?
Bright red clots after bfp: Hi everyone... - Fertility Network UK
Bright red clots after bfp

Hi Noama, I experienced the same a couple months ago, and it turned out I had a chemical pregnancy, as I tested again after the bleeding and I received a BFN and HSG levels were decreasing confirmed via blood test.
Ohhhh... Feeling really depressed. It's been 5 years since my marriage. I desperately wanna have a baby. Tomorrow I will try my best to have a blood test done inshallah. Still trying to be positive. I don't have any medical store open near by to buy a test kit due to lockdown.
I'm so sorry It's not easy. Inshallah it will happen soon, don't give up hope.
It's probably best not to visit the hospitals/clinic during the current circumstances. Can you order a pregnancy test online?
Stay positive, and remember you'll be very fertile after a chemical. Lots of prayers for you.XX
Hi Noama
I had loads of bleeding and passed huge clots I thought it was over for me too , I had this up until about 10 weeks starting and stopping and now 28 wks with twins so plz dont give up hope yet until you can get a scan ❤ xx
Thanks for consolling. Getting little hope. Still passing clots but no blood flow. Don't know exactly what's happening with me. Feeling stuck in between.
Hello naoma,
It can be a problem with the progesterone. Try to drink a lot of water good luck
Hi noama,
I had bright red bleeding and clots as well about 1 week after my BFP. It was still to early to hear a heartbeat if I were to go in for an ultrasound so my dr’s office didn’t give me many choices..I cried all night long and was able to get to a lab the next day and my hcg levels were still elevated. 2 days after that they continued to rise. They said it could have been a subchorionic hematoma I believe? After that all I could do was wait until my first scheduled pre natal ultrasound 3 weeks later! On the 8th week we heard the heartbeat for the first time! I still showed a line of fluid on my ultrasound that he thought was blood and said this didn’t mean I would bleed again for sure, but the baby looked good as of now. I am currently 9 weeks.. long way to go still but I know how frightening it can be to see that bright red blood and have your heart drop. Many women have a bleeding episode in early pregnancy and can go on to achieve successful pregnancies, keep the faith. Sending prayers your way
Don't lose hope, I had a huge SCH lots of cramps and clotting which lasted 20 weeks with my first pregnancy. he's now 20months and give me a headache with his screaming. Wish you get good news that little one is safe and sounds
Hi, I am 8 weeks and I have had 2 really big bright red bleeds, they will scan you even if it’s lock down but not until you are 7 weeks. How far along are you? I had really bad cramps too..just try and rest, I know it’s an awful time. We are all here for you ❤️❤️
Hi I would take another test. Xxx
Hoping for the best for you Hun xxx
Thanks alot but iam so sorry to say I took blood work and it turned out to be negative. It was just 4th day of my missed period. I started bleeding but it looks like old blood. Iam really worried about my blood flow. It was really hard for me to accept. But it is. Ummm.... Hoping for the best this month. Trying to stay positive.
I'm so sorry Noama, sending you a massive hug. Hearing those words are so hard, I've been there. If you need to chat feel free to dm me. Take care and stay safe x
Really sorry to hear hun
I was in the same situation a couple months back and it wasn't easy, felt like a sick joke tbh esp after trying to conceive for so long. But I tried to keep positive and thought it's better it happened earlier than later, as I would be far more devastated. Chin up dear, and all the best xxx