Hi all, Just wondering, are clinics still doing IVF/egg freezing currently in London? The clinic I had been previously working with in Australia aren’t allowing new cycles currently unless very specific circumstances. Thanks!
IVF treatment during Coronavirus - Fertility Network UK
IVF treatment during Coronavirus

My clinic in London was carrying on if you had started progesterone but they were freezing the embryos instead of transferring fresh ones
Thanks Jenny. Do you know if they were allowing new stim cycles to start? I was just looking to egg freeze. Had been heading back to Australia to do this historically but now limited flights and would need to be in government controlled isolation for 2 weeks on arrival to Aus if I could even get a flight, then 2 weeks self isolation after crossing the border to reach my home state. And then the clinic has pretty much stopped new cycles to save PPE for the peak of the curve.
As far as I am aware all private and NHS clinics do not currently allow new cycles to start. They were only allowing to go to egg collection / egg freezing stage if you had already started stimulation treatment at the point of the announcement. I was due to start, but now all has been postponed for unknown how long
Hi FutureBaby I’m at a private clinic in Manchester. All new cycles have been cancelled. Any cycles that had already started before the announcement are being encouraged to freeze all although if you insist they are completing the cycles. I think it’s similar to Oz. I asked Saturday if they had any idea when they would be able to start again and they said no idea at all xxx
Hi, as far as I’m aware from discussions with my clinic the HFEA require all treatment to be finished by 15th April and then no further treatment should be undertaken after this date. This is just to allow clinics to finish cycles that are in progress.
Just wondering why you head back to Australia for IVF/egg freezing? As a dual citizen myself, I am wondering if it is much cheaper or if coverage is better there?
I'm at Guys and St Thomas's in London and theyve cancelled all IVF procedures..my husband said they told him on the phone it would be for 'several months' 😒
Thanks. We’re they stopping consults and blood tests etc? Do you know if they will allow an AMH blood test?
I think some are doing video/phone consults but I wouldn’t expect they would be doing any face to face for blood tests. Lots of people saying even hcg blood tests have been cancelled x
Hmm, ok. Think they are doing phone consults in Aus but still doing scans and blood tests. But the state my clinic in has a lot more control over the virus and minimal community spread vs London where there is no control over community spread. They have only 305 cases and can link back source for ~90% of them.